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Automatically send to wallabag if a given tag is set #2093

Open dylanbob opened 2 months ago

dylanbob commented 2 months ago

Hi, and thank you for your work on Shaarli, I use it frequently and I love it :-)

This is kind of a feature request, or simply to ask for some leads.

I am self-hosting my (updated) Shaarli instance, as well as a wallabag instance. I am using the wallabag plug-in to add articles from Shaarli to Wallabag. When I come across an interesting article, I often want to save it to both shaarli and wallabag. I do it by sending it to shaarli with some tags (using the android shaarlier app, or the firefox shaarlier extension, more rarely by browsing my shaarli), then browsing shaarli and click on the wallabag icon to add to wallabag as well, and copying the tags. Later, I will sync the article on my (freed) kindle reader to read it comfortably.

Ideally, I would like to be able to send it to both Shaarli and Wallabag in a single action. For example, if I add a given tag to my bookmark (e.g. 'wallabag' or 'article'), I would like to be added to wallabag automatically, replicating all the bookmark's tags (with or without the 'wallabag' tag, as a plug-in option).

What do you think about such a feature? Is that only possible? If so, could that be added as an option to the existing wallabag plug-in, or would that need to be developed separately?

Cheers, Dylan

nodiscc commented 1 month ago

Hi @dylanbob sorry for the late reply

could that be added as an option to the existing wallabag plug-in, or would that need to be developed separately?

I seem to remeber that the wallabag plugin is a very simple "send to wallabag" plugin with very few logic, so extending it would be similar to writing a new plugin from scratch

The simplest way to achieve what you want, is having Wallabag parse Shaarli RSS feeds automatically, but it seems it won't be implemented: There is a rss2wallabag script mentioned in the issue comments; maybe you'd like to give this a try and tell us if it works for you?

dylanbob commented 1 month ago

Hi @nodiscc. Thank you for your answer.

A python script could indeed do the trick. However, it would complexify things a bit. I wish I could achieve that using a shaarli plugin, do you think that would be feasible? Or are shaarli plugins too limited?

nodiscc commented 1 month ago

I think this can be done with a plugin. Shaarli provides a save_link hook which allows executing plugin code when a link is saved.

You could have a look at the shaarli2maston plugin which I think does something similar.