shaarli / Shaarli

The personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service - community repo
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General discussion #308

Open nodiscc opened 9 years ago

nodiscc commented 9 years ago

Followup to

nicolasdanelon commented 9 years ago

Alright then I got two ideas for shaarli.

ArthurHoaro commented 9 years ago

Add a view private links button (if you click on this link will show only private links)



Add a database integrity testing (check old links for URL parameters. Title & description for replace HTML entities

I'm not sure to understand. You want a system which apply new devs (such as title format) on previous entries?

nicolasdanelon commented 9 years ago

Private links: that button is visible? Database integrity: just a information check for users who update shaarli from sebsauvage version.

nodiscc commented 9 years ago

Private links: that button is visible?

Yes it should appear when you're logged in. If it doesn't, check that your ad blocker doesn't filter it.

mro commented 9 years ago

Hi all, a few days ago, I published on the Apple App Store.

Here are a few codes to get free copies from Apple, please write a comment which one you used and how you like it.


They do expire in 4 weeks.

See also at

ArthurHoaro commented 9 years ago

I don't own any Apple device but the screenshots look nice. Good luck with your app! :)

virtualtam commented 9 years ago

Private links: that button is visible?

@nicolasdanelon it is, though it'd be worth having a more explicit button to improve accessibility

ShaarliOS on the Apple App Store

@mro nice ;-)

fbartels commented 9 years ago

@mro thanks for the promo codes. Just used L349HLFNJT6H.

I will take a deeper look into the app later.

ParoTheParrot commented 9 years ago

ShaarliOS on the Apple App Store: ERXFTYWT93FK - Thanks! :+1:

Eragos commented 9 years ago

@mro instead of taking one of your promocode, I bought your App :) Thanks for your work!

mro commented 8 years ago

@nodiscc when working on posting new links from an App, I found that it's nowadays hard to detect a successful add. Prior to 35c2c4db5b51 the final redirect to the added hash link was a very good indication that the link was really added.

While I understand the wish for a redirect to the link-list after adding (#115), I wonder why it wasn't done via setting the returnurl from the bookmarklet/add link.

@nodiscc what was the reason?

nodiscc commented 8 years ago

@mro the previous behavior was what is described in, so that was not ideal either (returning to ?do=addlink). Redirecting to the added link (with an anchor) would also be OK, I guess.

mro commented 8 years ago

Redirecting to the added link (with an anchor) would also be OK, I guess.

that'll be awesome - IMO both in terms of user experience and success verification.

Update: strange - doesn't index.php#1359 look like as if this should be the case already? But when testing, it failed. Also fails on

@nodiscc Any clues?

nodiscc commented 8 years ago


I have been working on this home server deployment/maintenance tool: for my own needs. It is still work in progress, but feel free to give it a try. It allows unattended deployment of various services and web applications on a Debian machine (including Shaarli).

It uses ansible and was inspired by sovereign, but focuses on a simplified and more modular setup (deploys only the services you need, leaves out the most complex parts such as the mail server). The full process to install shaarli, after installing a minimal Debian system is:

aptitude install ansible git sudo pwgen python-mysqldb
git clone
cd srv01
nano config.yml #change required configuration values
./srv01 setup #setup the base system
./srv01 install apache
./srv01 install shaarli

As always feedback is welcome.

mro commented 8 years ago

@nodiscc I shall see this talk soon:

Anybody interested, should I report?

nodiscc commented 8 years ago

Nice! Yes please, a short report of what you've learned there would be great! Wish I could attend the CCC, if you can send the link to the video of the talk I'd watch it.

For the record I found ansible remarkably easy to use/learn, and powerful enough that it had a built-in solution to every problem I encountered. There are still a number of features (srv01 maintenance...) that I'm considering moving into a shell script (the ansible task is rather convoluted). I prefer ansible/config management over Docker-style maintenance since it uses the system's provided tools/capabilities, I find Docker is a somewhat overengineered implementation of LXC, which is still in it's early ages. In the future I will certainly use plain LXCs to compartmentalize applications services (a good read at

mro commented 8 years ago

here's the slides of above talk, I think I will give it a try in the next weeks:

ArthurHoaro commented 8 years ago

I've create a Plugin list page in the wiki, listing 'official' and known 3rd party plugin. Feel free to add your own.

BTW if your plugin is generic enough and if you want to, you can submit a pull request to add it in Shaarli's repo.

nodiscc commented 8 years ago

Should we mirror the git repository somewhere else? There are a few non-profits that offer Git hosting and project management interfaces (GitLab). I was thinking about and

mro commented 8 years ago

@nodiscc for what purpose?

alexisju commented 8 years ago

@mro for that :

mro commented 8 years ago

ic, as far as I understand (I don't read french) it's considered dangerous to depend on a non-free-software platform.

P.S.: I have a mirror of my fork: for quite some time.

alexisju commented 8 years ago

Yes, sorry for this french article. Indeed this article talking about that, about centralisation, standardization and non-free plateform who is Github Inc. The author of the article, there is a risk for FLOSS projects to become to much dependent on this platform...

mro commented 8 years ago

as a minimal means, I personally use mirrors as mentioned above plus URLs under my control as official, "permanent" or "canonical" project URLs, like e.g.

But that's not so easy for a de-central, fundless community project. At least the domain needs funding and also implies a bit of control over the project. E.g. I myself am such a domain owner/sponsor for which had to leave google code when they shut down.

nodiscc commented 8 years ago

The main reasons for me are:

ArthurHoaro commented 8 years ago

Yes, that wouldn't hurt anyway. Also Shaarli's opensource and Git is decentralized. You can mirror this repo with 3 lines of bash without anyone permission.

virtualtam commented 8 years ago

+1 for the overall concept of "self-hosting everything"

But keep in mind that hosting, managing and maintaining a software development environment (SCM, issue tracker, continuous build/integration/delivery) and keeping it stable & available for developers & users is quite a time-consuming task.

GitHub, Travis, ReadTheDocs & co. should be seen as convenient hosting / webhooking solutions and services; if case they came to fall in disgrace (Sourceforge, Google Code), it'd be extremely easy to switch to other platforms and provide the same level of usability / accessibility.

Here are some FLOSS candidates to replace services used for Shaarli development:

I'm a bit mitigated when it comes to self-hosted, volunteer-managed infrastructures, as they're usually quite slow (limited bandwidth & computing resources), and may be down for a couple days if there's no one available to handle crashes.

ArthurHoaro commented 8 years ago

Gitlab handle those features pretty well (Git, issues, wiki and CI). But of course a self hosted infrastructure means work and isn't really an option here.

mro commented 8 years ago

I agree with and – reliable operation also is a value per se. So I would care to avoid lock in (mirror the repo, evtl. issues) and be done.

mro commented 8 years ago

Hi all, there's an update to on the Apple App Store.

Here are a few codes to get free copies from Apple, please write a comment which one you used and rate the App how you like it.


They do expire in 4 weeks.

See also at

ArthurHoaro commented 8 years ago

I've initiated some work on template rewrite in webdesign branch, for v0.8. Anyone is welcome to work on it, even something small, there is a lot of work to do.

A few things:

EDIT: Any change must only be done in tpl/default. If something else needs to be done, please submit a PR for the master branch.

mro commented 8 years ago any idea is welcome …


kalvn commented 8 years ago

Just a word concerning previous comments about what platform is used to host Shaarli's source code. A viable alternative could be the Gitlab instance of Framasoft. Framasoft is well known by french openness lovers for their philosophy of avoiding as much as possible centralized services and to promote open-source work. Even though they highly encourage hosting yourself anything you need, they provide solutions hosted on their own servers as an alternative to tools of Google-like companies.

So it would still be hosted on a centralized server but at least it would be managed by people we can trust, more than Github.

But the more viable solution in my mind would be to stick on Github and create and automatic replication of the whole repository on this Gitlab so at least the day Github disappear, we have another place to go which will be already known by the community. And such replicated repositories can even be done elsewhere.

Now coming to the new design thing, I would be glad to help (not right now but in the coming days). Do you already have an idea of the design you want to head for? Like graphical mockups or wireframes? Or at least a flat image describing the style to adopt for generic components (buttons, lists, icons, menus, form fields, etc.)? I ask this because even though I'm quite good at integration, I have very little skills in design so I want to ensure we all go in the same direction.

ArthurHoaro commented 8 years ago

Do you already have an idea of the design you want to head for? Like graphical mockups or wireframes?

Unfortunately, not really. I'm heading to something like that right now, in green (with john doe being the title and this beautiful pie being a logo), but it's not much:

2016-02-17 12_58_32-online mockup wireframe ui prototyping tool moqups

With a fixed menu bar, I think. I usually have to see the render to get new ideas or define what could be better... And that's also why I need other people opinion. :)

Or at least a flat image describing the style to adopt for generic components (buttons, lists, icons, menus, form fields, etc.)?

We already have Pure CSS base, and we should use their components, and personalize them the way we want.

even though I'm quite good at integration, I have very little skills in design

More or less same here. That's why this whole thing is a bit foggy yet.

yumecosmos commented 8 years ago

Hi all! I'm a lurker looking for ways to contribute. Would love to get involved with the new design stuff if there's still work to be done. Is there any kind of standard workflow for this project or is it pretty much just pull the branch and hack away?

ArthurHoaro commented 8 years ago

Hi! There are tons of work remaining in the design branch. I've only initiated something. We can be picky in the master branch because its affects hundreds of users, and our goal is to clean up the existing code. However in a dev branch, feel free to submit your code as is. Just keep in mind that webdesign branch should only affects templates ; if a change is needed in PHP, it should be submitted in master.

yumecosmos commented 8 years ago

Ok, sounds great! Is it ok to change CSS class names? Any other coding standards a newbie should be aware of? Just trying to get a feel for what things are the way they are For A Reason and what's just an artifact or someone's personal preference.

mro commented 8 years ago

from my side everything is ok what keeps green.

(i.e.: change classes as you please)

@dimtion what do you say?

ArthurHoaro commented 8 years ago

Right, that's something to keep in mind. If you're using XQueries, a few adjustments might be required though.

Otherwise, we don't have a lot of standards regarding templates. From what I can think of :

If you feel like something could be improved, no problem. That's the point of rewriting.

nodiscc commented 8 years ago

I've found that the TagSieve Firefox addon works pretty well with bookmarks imported from Shaarli (as integration of the tagging system in Firefox is well... sub-par). It provides a tag cloud and tag-based bookmarks browsing/sorting/editing.

ArthurHoaro commented 8 years ago

We were starting to stack too many issues in 0.8.0, I've move a few issue to 0.8.1. I've also pushed thumbnail related issues to 0.10.0 as suggested in #353.

ArthurHoaro commented 8 years ago

FYI, I've rebased and force pushed the webdesign branch. If you had downloaded it locally, make sure to delete it, and re-checkout before using it.

ArthurHoaro commented 7 years ago

I'm going to release v0.8.10 and push the API a bit later if that's OK with everyone.

virtualtam commented 7 years ago

@ArthurHoaro let's start with v0.8.0 first :)

ArthurHoaro commented 7 years ago

Yep, that's what I meant :)

ArthurHoaro commented 7 years ago

I've moved issues more or less related to templates from v0.8.1 to v0.9.0.

virtualtam commented 7 years ago

Hi all,

I've edited #667 to track important security announcements, disclosures and fixes for software related to the server/service/library stack used by Shaarli.

In case you missed them, the last 2 major annoucements concern cURL (and dependent libs, e.g. php-curl) and nginx (Debian/Ubuntu and derivatives).

Fresh Docker images are currently being built, see

xrat commented 7 years ago

Thanks everyone for the great work!

I am looking for a way to edit the date+time of a bookmark entry. I have looked through the wiki but it seems it's not possible and there are no plugins or similar. Should I add an issue?

I think it would be helpful for people who use Shaarli for (micro-)blogging. Personally, I store some links and notes as private entries. When I later decide to make them public they do not show up in RSS and on the daily page. I always need to manually re-add the same entry to have it on top of the list.

ArthurHoaro commented 7 years ago

You can take a look at but manipulating the datastore isn't trivial. You can also add an issue about a date picker as a plugin in the edit page, but tbh it would be low priority.

EDIT: my bad, the wiki page I linked explains exactly how to change the date-time of an entry. :smile_cat:

xrat commented 7 years ago

@ArthurHoaro Exactly, thanks a lot for the pointer.

I am still hesitating to add an issue if this hasn't been requested by others so far. For the time being I removed type="hidden", added a button with JavaScript that resets linkdate to the current time, and applied some CSS. Works fine, no problems so far. When I edit a link and change linkdate the old entry is kept and a new entry is created. That's OK, the old entry is like a backup and quickly deleted if I don't need it. Let me know if you think I should write down the specific code somewhere.