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Add Unit Tests to improve stability and avoid code regressions #71

Closed virtualtam closed 8 years ago

virtualtam commented 9 years ago

The core of Shaarli is a big chunk of PHP: index.php. It contains all the methods, which doesn't make editing and debugging convenient (lack of modularity). A good way to avoid bugs and regressions would be to implement unit testing, starting with sensitive features:

This could be done with a unit test framework like PHPUnit; see the awesome Kanboard project for an example implementation.

Some readings about the pros of unit testing everything:

nodiscc commented 9 years ago

Unit tests would be great to have.

The core of Shaarli is a big chunk of PHP: index.php.

We could start by moving classes to a shaarli.class.php and include() it.

virtualtam commented 9 years ago

By experience, it's safer to first cover features with unit tests, then you can see what is broken / hidden when refactoring (in other words, "blind" refactoring, along with being a tedious task, is definitely not recommended...).

I think there is an historical & practical reason for Shaarli to be made of a single file, but, as it is now comprised of several resource (style, images, templates) subdirs, it would greatly benefit of having a more modular shape (a better readability makes spotting bugs and maintaining code way easier).

e2jk commented 9 years ago

I really like the idea of creating unit tests.

The original goal of @sebsauvage was indeed to have everything contained in one single php file. That stopped being the case 3 years ago with:

As far as I'm concerned, we're past the "fits in a single file" stage, and this isn't mentioned anymore either on Github or Seb's wiki page.

I agree with creating the unit tests first, and then refactoring into multiple files (those new PHP files should be put in a separate folder)

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nodiscc commented 9 years ago


A patch for a simple, initial test would be accepted.

nodiscc commented 9 years ago

Here's an efficient workflow, to bring tests to a software:

identify core / sensitive features, cover them with tests, as relevant as possible: nominal usage: what is a method supposed to do?, nominal error handling: what is likely to break often?, borderline cases: erroneous values, invalid arguments, etc. this will likely highlight issues & flaws in the original code, fix'em all!

Having a good coverage before doing any refactoring makes the process way easier: any new issue or behavior alteration will be instantly spotted!

Then, refactoring may happen as follows:

  • think of a cool, elegant new design,
  • update test code to fit the expected design
    • all tests will break!
  • update / refactor the code until all tests are passing
    • again, issues may be spotted, covered and fixed.

Tests specify what the software is expected to perform, and how it is used, thus their importance ;-) [...] What unit and functional tests have brought:

  • instant spotting of any regression,
  • hyper-stable codebase,
  • bugs we're facing are mostly minor, and can be fixed very quickly,
  • easy refactoring,
  • developer serenity ;-)

[...] Oh, and the nice things about testing:

  • writing them is not that hard, just time-consuming at first,
  • it makes contributing simpler:
    • for the contributor: test tell you if your contribution is good/stable enough for submission,
    • for reviewers: you can see what has been brought by the PR, how it works,
  • it won't prevent people from contributing; quite the opposite, actually: it shows you care about stability.
nodiscc commented 9 years ago

A few things to check for:

virtualtam commented 9 years ago

Some test-able points:

And the way more advanced stuff (for the sole sake of awareness):

As a starter, I suggest writing tests for the linkdb class, which will provide hints on how to:

if it's OK, I'll start working on a PR to experiment unit test features; as usual, any feedback will be much appreciated :)

nodiscc commented 9 years ago

Yep, please proceed! A well commented test script would help. It's still a bit unclear to me how/what to test.

virtualtam commented 9 years ago


I've started a dev-branch, so you'll be able to get a glimpse of the test-writing process :)

Some insights so far:

About the tests:

To run them:

# install test dependencies
$ composer update

# working tests will succeed, and dummy tests will fail
$ make test

Additional remarks (in random order):

mro commented 9 years ago

I did a demo on integration tests (running against a webserver) over there:

Maybe that's interesting to add (testing not multiple source distributions, but the current github code only).

What do you guys think?

P.S.: a driver to run the tests may be mink - see

virtualtam commented 9 years ago

@mro thanks for taking the first step towards functional testing ;-)

After a quick glance to phptestdemo, it seems to fairly increase the complexity of the Travis configuration, and will require a bit of tuning to get a minimal setup suitable to testing Shaarli.

Some comments & ideas:

I have to admit I'm quite enthusiastic with experimenting functional testing, which could be introduced starting #333 - Refactor HTTP / Url functions (HTTP requests and response headers involved)

mro commented 9 years ago

@virtualtam things may not be so easy (when testing multiple shaarli versions as I want to do). See

The issues there - even with a extremely simple test - are:

Both restrictions may be acceptable for this community shaarli. See .travis.ymland scripts/ for details.

virtualtam commented 9 years ago

Regarding the port limitation, I wonder if authbind could be used within a Travis docker appliance to allow serving on :80.

Example (provided chmod/chown are available):

touch /etc/authbind/byport/80
chmod 500 /etc/authbind/byport/80
chown <MY_PROCESS_USER> /etc/authbind/byport/80
mro commented 9 years ago

ok, pushed the integration tests a bit further, see

mro commented 9 years ago

added an important test (for API #16, #113, #342, #130 when adding a link and currently sadly failing) in PR #354

virtualtam commented 8 years ago

Closing this generic thread as we're improving test coverage along code refactoring.