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Bug: window keeps scrolling up in the addlink / editlink viewswith a long description #971

Closed Lucas-C closed 6 years ago

Lucas-C commented 7 years ago


When editing large descriptions of links (filling the screen vertically), the browser window keeps scrolling up each time I press a keystroke.

To reproduce this, copy/paste a long text in the description window. I faced this bug with this Shaarli link I just created:

virtualtam commented 7 years ago

Confirmed using Firefox on Linux.

Does it happen on other browser/platform combinations?

Lucas-C commented 7 years ago

I'm using Chrome under Windows - yeah, shame on me ;)

ArthurHoaro commented 6 years ago

This function automatically resizes the textarea. It shouldn't scroll the page, but I suppose it does for some reason.

Lucas-C commented 6 years ago

Thank you !