shabados / database

A digital representation of Sikh Bani and other Panthic texts with a public logbook of sangat-sourced corrections.
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corrects punjabi translation in 001 of Bhai Gurdas Kabit #1818

Closed jujhars13 closed 3 years ago

jujhars13 commented 3 years ago

Summary of PR

First commit to the project by Guru's grace - yay! Am using Bhai Gurdas Kabit Svaiye json in a scratch-an-itch project

Time spent on PR

2 mins

jujhars13 commented 3 years ago

@Harjot1Singh my first commit!

Harjot1Singh commented 3 years ago

Lovely to see you pop by @jujhars13!

bhajneet commented 3 years ago

Congratulations on your first PR @jujhars13 !

If you happen to have the Sant Sampuran Singh steek or the source material for the english translation, please share the pictures here to confirm the PR.

You may also be interested in reading our Proofreading article to learn more about our process for making changes to the DB. (Currently these docs are being re-written, so the link may break in the near future, sorry if that happens).

Again, thank you very much for volunteering in this project and putting in the effort to try and make it more accurate. Looking forward to your response and working together!

jujhars13 commented 3 years ago

These minor corrections are pretty obvious, I'm hoping to make more over time but thought I'd start with this small PR to get used to your ways of working.

I don't have Sant Sampuran Singh's but do have a few others, let me send you some shots to back up this PR.

bhajneet commented 3 years ago

It would be great to have more corrections done. If you're planning on making more corrections, it will be good to authenticate sources early to save some time.

Also if you don't want to share the images each time, if you have a link to the source material online, we can use that to confirm the changes instead. That might be easier.

bhajneet commented 3 years ago

@jujhars13 I know life gets busy and most volunteers are free to work on weekends, so this is a friendly reminder to help finish authenticating the PR. Let's see if we can get your first commit merged this weekend!

jujhars13 commented 3 years ago

None of the Kabit Svaye sources I have to hand use those translations for the word dohra for that line, or any other line for that matter.

Mahan Kosh PDF P. 2139 translates the word dohra as a poetic meter similar to what we would call rhyming couplets in western poetry.

bhajneet commented 3 years ago

Right, I think there is some confusion on the matter.

I also know what dohra and chhand mean. I would also translate them differently than what we have in the database, as you've suggested.

However, the Shabad OS database is meant to be a digital copy of existing, reputable sources. So it's not about getting multiple sources to corroborate what the one final translation should be. It's also not about choosing what we think the translations should be. These sources have already been published (for better or worse) and we're just trying to capture that.

If we think that the translations we currently have are subpar / inferior to the other options you've provided, we can instead transition to using one of those for all the translations. If you believe more than one source should be included as there are multiple, good translations available, we can include multiple sources as individual digital formats. A final option is to create a community translation which pulls from various sources (you could even pseudo-"publish" your own translations, and if they're done well we can include them like that).

@Sarabveer perhaps you can help out in this ?

bhajneet commented 3 years ago

I also want to point out, @Sarabveer wanted to switch these translations out at some point, so this might be a good time to discuss it properly what we want to include in the database

sarabveer commented 3 years ago

I think I can see where @jujhars13 is coming from. He is correct in critiquing the steek.

However, one of the goals for the Shabad OS DB is to maintain 1:1 parity with published sources. Whatever is printed gets replicated into the Database.

This then puts the burden of corrections on the publisher or the author.

Regarding the steek for Kabit Savaiye, the source that was imported claimed the steek is from Sant Sampuran Singh. I do not have copy of this steek, so I have been unable to do any proofreading.

My plan was to replace the whole steek with the one by Bhai Seva Singh since I have both a hard and soft copy.

If you would like, would you like to take on the seva of replacing the steek with the ones you have linked? @jujhars13

jujhars13 commented 3 years ago


Thank you both for your patience. I think I finally understand the mission now.

I'm also a big proponent of multiple translations for a bani source. Sabd (Shabad) is infinite and has infinite contexts therefore the mindset of the "correct" translation is a non sequitur and we should be open to all aspects of Sabd and have multiple translations (in multiple languages).

@Sarabveer If you don't mind a slow burn over lots of small iterations then I would love to add another translation to the Kabit.

I think we should close this particular PR. If I do find a copy of the Sant Sampooran Steek then I might re-submit any typos (but not my critique on it.)

Harjot1Singh commented 3 years ago

Glad that this has been talked out! We're definitely looking forward to iterations of any size :)

bhajneet commented 3 years ago

If you're interested, please DM @Sarabveer on

I'm quite certain he would have some source we can use to improve the default English translation for developers/end-users

Closing this PR for now but very much hoping to work together. I'm also available to do the seva of helping add / proofread corrections or building an OCR model for importing a new source. So keep me in mind when starting a new PR if you want to collaborate