shabados / presenter

Desktop app for presenting the Shabad OS Database on projectors, TVs, and live streams
MIT License
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Add tabs #155

Open bhajneet opened 5 years ago

bhajneet commented 5 years ago

Related to #129

There should be tabs for different navigators. In our current set up each presenter has it's own controller embedded inside it. So each tab should be changing the controller and therefore the presenter as well.



These tabs should hide away like the titlebar does. If there is no mouse activity, just hide. This way the projector will continue to look as clean as possible most of the time, but allows users to quickly change between shabads.

Related to #154 by allowing right click on search/bookmark/history items to open in a new tab. Can also have a setting that allows all activated searches to open as a new tab (Effectively becoming a tab row of history). This means one could be presenting asa di var, they search a shabad, new tab opens up, once done they can either ctrl+w to close tab or ctrl+tab to resume asa di var.

Harjot1Singh commented 5 years ago

Is the controller separate for each tab? How does this play out with the mobile controller?

bhajneet commented 5 years ago

Yes, separate controller. I don't know how else it would work.

Mobile would have a collapsed tab button which shows multiple tabs as list items inside it.

Need to have some special/dynamic function tabs as well like "Active Line" which has it's display/controller change based on what is activated

Harjot1Singh commented 5 years ago

Yep, I think we should flesh some of these out and links as related issues.

bhajneet commented 5 years ago

Can revisit after both alphas are complete

bhajneet commented 4 years ago

On hold until mobile tabs are implemented and tested