shabbyrobe / grpc-stubs

gRPC typing stubs for Python
MIT License
36 stars 21 forks source link

Fix and refactor imports #32

Closed mirkolenz closed 1 year ago

mirkolenz commented 1 year ago

Description of change

When installing this package in my library, I noticed that the server of the reflection stubs has an Unknown type. This was caused by a wrongly assigned import. During this fix, I noticed that the current version of this package uses no Literal and this was the only reason the typing-extension package was listed as a dependency. I removed those from the package. Should the need for Literal types arise later on, they can easily be added back. In the meantime, we get a "slimmer" package. In the same stub, I could also remove the sys import since it was not used.

Minimum Reproducible Example

An example is not necessary here as there was no "issue" here. I am not adding/altering any stubs, but only corrected some imports. So no change of functionality here.


mirkolenz commented 1 year ago

Thank you for publishing a release immediately!

shabbyrobe commented 1 year ago

No worries! I had a few headaches after merging related to some other unrelated changes. Please let me know if it breaks anything for you.

mirkolenz commented 1 year ago

I just tested out the new version and so far did not experience any problems.