Closed qzect32 closed 5 years ago
Thank you for the Report. We will fix this.
ZZMULTITOOL ;PWP/Description ;Jul 11, 2019@9:33:19 [correct] ZZMULTITOOL ;PWP/Description ; JUL 11, 2019@9:33:19 [wrong]
change the month's for this type to.
MONTH="Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec" there is a trailing space following the coma almost there...
Fixed in 15.2 branch.
When using ..E to edit routines the date and time that is saved to the 1st line of the routine in the 3rd piece from the ";" is saved as a MM/DD/YY HR:MMam/pm and should be saved as a MMM DD, YYYY@HR:MMam/pm find the code that saves the date and time the routine was saved and stick this in that spot $$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT)
SAC# 2.2.1. The first line of a routine must be in the following format: routine name; site/programmer-brief description [optional space];date of last edit [update is optional].Date and Time format shall be MMM DD, YYYY@H[H]:MM and may be obtained using existing Kernel date utilities. S Y=$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT) The local variable Y will be returned with the formatted date. ZZAA12 ;DALOI/XXX – Example Routine; MAY 01, 2017@13:36
these 3 date types are the most common to see being used on the first line of a routine 7/9/19 10:52am Jul 9, 2019@10:52am 07/09/2019@10:52am