shadbakht / immerse-writings

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Other Book crashes #4

Closed shadbakht closed 8 years ago

shadbakht commented 8 years ago

These causes app crash: Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbas UHJ > Letter to the World Religious... ITC > Bahá'í Scholarship Compilations > Japan will turn ablaze!

shadbakht commented 8 years ago

Oops. Accident ly submitted the ticket without finishing. Other > Christ and Bahaullah Other > Bahá'í Proofs Other > Brilliant Proof Sutta Pitaka > Long Discourses > 21 Torah > D'varim Ancient > Homer's Iliad Ancient > Homer's Odyssey Sikh > Section 13 Sikh > Section 37

There are two kinds of apostrophes. One that looks perfectly vertical and the other at about 45°. Only the vertical apostrophe causes crash.

shadbakht commented 8 years ago

Also this book: 'Abdu'l-Bahá > Bahá'í World Faith