shadcn-ui / ui

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Content not switching when using components within TabsContent #148

Open brentrobbins opened 1 year ago

brentrobbins commented 1 year ago

For some reason the tabs are not switching content when you use a component within TabsContent. For example if you have something like the following you will see the same

component content when you select either tab. It only shows the first tab content's header even when you click the second tab, but the content within the p tag will switch.

<Tabs defaultValue="register">
          <TabsTrigger value="register">Register</TabsTrigger>
          <TabsTrigger value="games">Past Games</TabsTrigger>
        <TabsContent value="register">
              title='Register for the next upcoming game'
              text='Dolor elit voluptate proident incididunt labore sint cillum.'
            <p>Tab One</p>
        <TabsContent value="games">
              title='View Previous Games'
              text='Dolor elit voluptate proident incididunt labore sint cillum.'
            <p>Tab Two</p>
Danazumi commented 1 year ago

This works perfectly fine on chrome, i think it is a browser issue

paullotz commented 11 months ago

Same for me, works on the Documentation page of shadcn-ui, but locally the tab switch is not working

Sambalicious commented 10 months ago

@brentrobbins. I am experiencing the same issue. were you able to resolve it?

brentrobbins commented 9 months ago

@brentrobbins. I am experiencing the same issue. were you able to resolve it?

Not yet.

grctest commented 9 months ago

I was experiencing this today due to hydration issues - had to enable "client:load" in astro for it to work, keep up the good work :)

Zonalds commented 5 months ago

Same issue, using Nextjs.

I noticed the tab doesn't handle active automatically and isn't aware of which tab is active. You will have to handle these your self.

on react, it would be:

import { useState } from "react";

export function Tab(){
const [openTab, setOpenTab] = useState("reply")

 className="w-full p-2">
    <TabsList className="grid w-2/6 grid-cols-2 rounded-lg">
        <TabsTrigger className={openTab === "reply" && "bg-white text-gray-900"} value="reply">Reply</TabsTrigger>
         <TabsTrigger className={openTab === "note" && "bg-white text-gray-900"} value="note">Note</TabsTrigger>
     <TabsContent value="reply">

   <TabsContent value="note">
