shadcn-ui / ui

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[feat]: swap fixed height for a p-[10px] tag in Input component #3568

Open vr1eva opened 3 weeks ago

vr1eva commented 3 weeks ago

Feature description

My suggestion is to use a fixed padding over fixed height for an input component because a fixed padding allows the input component to adapt better to different screen sizes and device orientations. In contrast, fixed height can lead to inconsistency in appearance, especially on devices with varying screen dimensions and padding creates breathing space around the input field, enhancing the overall visual appeal and readability. It prevents the input field from appearing cramped, which can happen when using fixed height, especially if the content length varies. In summary, opting for fixed padding (such as a p-[10px]) in an input component contribute to a more user-friendly and visually pleasing interface overall.

Affected component/components


Additional Context

I spent several minutes debugging my style tree before thinking of checking the auto generated source, my bad.

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