shadcn-ui / ui

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[bug]: When using tailwind class prefix, importing a component, which has multiple whitespaces between classes, adds a prefix to a whitespace #3576

Open LukasKez opened 3 weeks ago

LukasKez commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug

I noticed that when using tailwind class prefix and installing a UI component, it adds a prefix to a whitespace, if the class definition had multiple whitespaces between classes, essentially adding a class of a tailwind prefix.

Affected component/components

AlertDialog, Carousel, Dialog, Sheet

How to reproduce

  1. Setup tailwind prefix (using tw- for this example)
  2. Do a fresh installation of a sheet component
  3. SheetOverlay component and right sheet variant will have tw- classes.

Codesandbox/StackBlitz link


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Before submitting

LukasKez commented 3 weeks ago

The prefixes work great. What I mean is, that if the component had multiple whitespaces in the class definition (like sheet component does), when installing the component, the prefix is added to a whitespace and gives this as a result:


tw- is a prefix, and should not be added as a separate class, which is happening right now.

Here's a link to source code, there are two whitespaces between background color and open state animation classes:

servesh-chaturvedi commented 3 weeks ago

Great catch! I didn't actually understand the question at first. Thanks for putting the ss to clarify.