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[bug]: Select component when used in form does not populate in first time. #4021

Open Sandeep13-web opened 5 months ago

Sandeep13-web commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug

                render={({ field }) => (
                    <FormLabel className="font-normal">Role</FormLabel>
                    <div className="flex flex-col p-6 space-y-2 rounded-lg border shadow-sm">
                        Select Role
                        <span className="text-destructive">*</span>
                          onValueChange={(value) => field.onChange(value)}
                            !router.asPath.includes("edit") && id ? true : false
                          <SelectTrigger className="max-w-80">
                            <SelectValue placeholder="Select Role" />
                            {rolesList?.data?.results?.map((role) => (
                      <FormMessage />

this is the code form select that i've been using. When i go into edit page, the i have populated the fields but the select does not populate.

const { data: adminDetail, isLoading: adminDetailLoading } = useQuery<IProps>(
      queryKey: ["adminDetail", router.query?.id],
      queryFn: () => getAdminDetail(router.query?.id as string),
      onSuccess: (data) => {
          firstName: data?.data?.firstName,
          lastName: data?.data?.lastName,
          email: data?.data?.email,
          contact: data?.data?.contact,
          status: data?.data?.status === "active" ? true : false,
          roleId: data?.data?.role?.id?.toString(),

i have used react query and the role id is not being set the first time. If i refresh the page then only the select is being populated. What seems to be the issue?

Affected component/components


How to reproduce


Codesandbox/StackBlitz link

No response


No response

System Info


Before submitting

alamenai commented 5 months ago

Could you check the results are not empty?

Sandeep13-web commented 5 months ago

I checked in api and the role ID is there but again i logged form to check the values and values were not setting in that specific key. Does it relate to the api result being number and i am changing it to string? But strange thing is when i refresh it's being populated.

In the form there are several inputs and all of them are being populated besides the select which someone populates and sometimes does not.

dwalker93 commented 5 months ago

try this way, value={field.value ? field.value.toString() : ""}

Sandeep13-web commented 5 months ago

okay will try

WangLarry commented 5 months ago

same problem. spent my two days for this!

my current solution:

onValueChange={v => v != "" && field.onChange(v)} 
thanhnha121 commented 5 months ago

Same problem.

This workaround fixed, but it wasn't what we expected:

onValueChange={v => v != "" && field.onChange(v)}
ayushchauhan840 commented 2 months ago

using key={field.value} worked for me. image