shadcn / radix-bootswatch

Bootswatch for Radix
6 stars 5 forks source link

update the 3.0.3? #1

Open niccolox opened 10 years ago

niccolox commented 10 years ago

Bootswatch is now Tuned for 3.0.3

also has two new nearly flat themes, Flatly and Yeti included

any ideas on updates ?

shadcn commented 10 years ago

Yep. Working on that.

As soon as Radix 3.x is stable (maybe by next week), we'll start porting Bootswatch as well.

Help us test Radix 3.x here:

niccolox commented 10 years ago

cool. have a quick look am but will come back after Christmas


niccolox commented 10 years ago

did another quick round with flatly

didnt work with crude copy and paste, no time to do a merge

➜ flatly compass clean && compass watch remove .sass-cache/ remove assets/stylesheets/ie8.css remove assets/stylesheets/print.css remove assets/stylesheets/screen.css remove assets/stylesheets/ie7.css

Change detected at 16:02:52 to: ie8.scss create assets/stylesheets/ie8.css create assets/stylesheets/print.css WARNING: 'glyphicons-halflings.png' was not found (or cannot be read) in /home/drupalpro/websites/ WARNING: 'glyphicons-halflings-white.png' was not found (or cannot be read) in /home/drupalpro/websites/ create assets/stylesheets/screen.css create assets/stylesheets/ie7.css Compass is polling for changes. Press Ctrl-C to Stop.

niccolox commented 10 years ago

looks promising, going offline till after holidays, cheers

niccolox commented 10 years ago

effing awesome, will test !