shaddatic / sa2b-render-fix

A C mod for Sonic Adventure 2 PC focused on repairing, restoring, recreating, and enhancing the graphics and rendering of the vanilla game
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Some Light Modifier Objects Don't Reload After Stage Exit #79

Closed san7326 closed 4 months ago

san7326 commented 4 months ago

When exiting (and restaring but it happens rarely) Metal Harbor and Crazy Gadget, there's a problem with the shadows and the lightning.

Shadows (Metal Harbor) Screenshot_27 Screenshot_30

Lightning (Crazy Gadget) Screenshot_31 Screenshot_32

shaddatic commented 4 months ago

After trying for a few minutes, I couldn't reproduce this result. Could you list the exact steps you take? And could you attempt to reproduce the result with only Render Fix enabeld?

san7326 commented 4 months ago

I booted the game, then I went to the level select and went to Metal Harbor and when I got to the middle point of the level (exactly where I took the screenshot) I exited the level. Same thing with Crazy Gadget.

san7326 commented 4 months ago

Screenshot_33 Screenshot_34 Screenshot_35 Screenshot_36 Here's with Render Fix

shaddatic commented 4 months ago

I managed to recreate it. No idea what's causing this, and I also haven't yet tested on Dreamcast and GameCube

shaddatic commented 4 months ago

Found the issue; the global light manager never destroys itself correctly, meaning it can only be loaded once and then never works again. Nice find! This was likely an issue on GameCube too