shadeed / rtl-styling

An extensive guide on how to style for RTL in CSS
MIT License
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Information/links/recommendations about (CSS) frameworks? #34

Open rugk opened 1 week ago

rugk commented 1 week ago


Maybe this warrants a bit more extended text / a misc section or generally a new page, but would not also provide helpful guides/guidelines or at least links for frameworks?


Nowadays, many (CSS) frameworks may be used. Thus, directing users (=devs) to the guides of their framework may (also) be helpful in addition to teaching them the basics/underlaying foundations/CSS groundwork…


IMHO linking to the official guidelines would be a good idea. Let's not duplicate information/content, but… …you also could:

Generally everything to build a good site with RTL support.


For Bootstrap(5) e.g. (oh they seem to backlink to you, actually) Also Bootstrap itself seems to use

shadeed commented 1 week ago

@rugk I like this a lot! I'll research and add the frameworks. For now, I have Bootstrap and Tailwind in mind. Do you suggest something else?

rugk commented 10 hours ago

Angular Material may be one popular thing too:

Generally, there are a looooot though… hmm… :thinking: