shadeed / rtl-styling

An extensive guide on how to style for RTL in CSS
MIT License
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text-decoration-skip-ink #4

Closed notabene closed 4 years ago

notabene commented 4 years ago

Hi Shadeed,

Impressive genuine documentation here!

For underline text decoration I was wondering if you had tested text-decoration-skip-ink?

It works well for Latin languages, so I was thinking maybe it's a good thing to add to your document. It's not supported everywhere yet but it's promising, but I don't know how well it behaves for Arabic below-word signs such as curves and dots.

shadeed commented 4 years ago

Hello, Thanks a lot for reading!

I will study it and test that asap, will ping you there once I push something. Thanks for the heads up.

shadeed commented 4 years ago

Hello @notabene , I just pushed an update for text-decoration. Your point was valid and it helped me to enhance the section. Thanks a lot 🙏Let me know please if all is good, so I can close this issue.

notabene commented 4 years ago

I considered it more as one solution among others than the only one but you're the boss! 😉

Glad I could help!