shader-slang / slang

Making it easier to work with shaders
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Crash when raytracing used on cuda/ptx #3593

Open jeroen-van-schijndel-otoy opened 4 months ago

jeroen-van-schijndel-otoy commented 4 months ago

building one of the following raytracing examples :

segfault when trying to do so with the following commandline ./slangc.exe -target cuda shaders.slang no other useful output is given

this happens on latest master but also in this release

Building for target spirv glsl or hlsl works fine.

csyonghe commented 4 months ago

We don't support compiling vertex and fragment shaders to CUDA, which is present in the file.

jeroen-van-schijndel-otoy commented 4 months ago

A error informing the user of that would be appreciated

natduca commented 4 months ago

Hey, @csyonghe why not convert this bug to being a non-crash so that this doesn't trip people up, instead of closing it?

csyonghe commented 4 months ago

Yes, we should fix any crashes, sorry for closing this prematurely.