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Properly handle the mismatching "mutating" signature for implementing interfaces #4467

Open jkwak-work opened 4 days ago

jkwak-work commented 4 days ago

Problem description When the interface declares a function with [mutating], the implementation also has to have [mutating]. If the implementation didn't have the keyword, Slang crashes with an internal error.

Goal We should print a proper error for the mistake. Or it should work even when the implementation didn't have the matching [mutating] keyword.

Repro steps The following code can reproduce the issue.

interface IHitInfo

interface IClosestHitQuery
    [mutating] void traceRay(out IHitInfo hit);

struct GeneratePathClosestHitQuery : IClosestHitQuery
#if defined(WITH_MUTATING)
    void traceRay(out IHitInfo hit)
        hit = {};

Note that the modifier out is required to reproduce the issue.

tomas-davidovic commented 4 days ago

Also, note that this only crashes when the out parameter is itself an interface. Normal types (pods and structs) work.