shadow-robot / sr_interface

Shadow Robot Interface packages
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Error Interfacing Shadow hand with UR10 arm #347

Open Alibinwahid opened 5 years ago

Alibinwahid commented 5 years ago

I am trying to interface real UR10 arm with Shadow hand. Both of the devices worked well if run separately (for UR10 arm I am using ur_modern_driver is used instead of ur_driver). Simulation also works fine. The problem arises when running the launch file, I have also set the ip address of robot in config file: roslaunch sr_robot_launch sr_right_ur10arm_hand.launch sim:=false hand_serial:=2058 eth_port:=enp0s31f6

It gives the following error: `[ INFO] [1540203895.976080255]: Joint state interface for arm joint ra_wrist_3_joint [ INFO] [1540203895.991751326]: UrArmController starts communication with robot [FATAL] [1540203895.994697715]: ASSERTION FAILED file = /home/handuser/workspace/shadow_robot-kinetic/base/src/sr_ur_arm/sr_ur_robot_hw/src/sr_ur_robot_state_client.cpp line = 169 cond = 0 == status

[INFO] [1540203896.138573]: waiting for robot_description_semantic [INFO] [1540203896.180985]: waiting for robot_description_semantic [ INFO] [1540203896.271852228]: There are no previously stored robot states`

Has anyone experienced the same problem?

Alibinwahid commented 5 years ago

Below is the detailed log output on terminal: handuser@shadow:~$ roslaunch sr_robot_launch sr_right_ur10arm_hand.launch sim:=false hand_serial:=2058 eth_port:=enp0s31f6 ... logging to /home/handuser/.ros/log/b4db68bc-d5e4-11e8-ac78-54ee75e3f322/roslaunch-shadow-10082.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

xacro: Traditional processing is deprecated. Switch to --inorder processing! To check for compatibility of your document, use option --check-order. For more infos, see inconsistent namespace redefinitions for xmlns:xacro: old: new: (/home/handuser/workspace/shadow_robot-kinetic/base/src/sr_common/sr_description/hand/xacro/full_hand.urdf.xacro) redefining global property: pi when processing file: /home/handuser/workspace/shadow_robot-kinetic/base/src/sr_interface/sr_multi_description/urdf/right_srhand_ur10.urdf.xacro is deprecated; please use xacro instead started roslaunch server http://shadow:38455/



NODES /robot_description_kinematics/ load_kinematics (sr_multi_moveit_config/ /robot_description_planning/ load_joint_limits (sr_multi_moveit_config/ / arm_checker (sr_robot_launch/check_arms_ready) arm_trajectory_controller_spawner (controller_manager/spawner) calibrate_sr_edc (sr_utilities/ diagnostic_aggregator (diagnostic_aggregator/aggregator_node) generate_robot_srdf (sr_multi_moveit_config/ joint_0_pub (sr_utilities/ joint_state_controller_spawner (controller_manager/spawner) mongo_wrapper_ros_shadow_10082_8617752890257620341 (warehouse_ros_mongo/ moveit_warehouse_services (moveit_ros_warehouse/moveit_warehouse_services) rh_trajectory_controller (sr_utilities/ robot_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/state_publisher) sr_hand_robot (ros_control_robot/ros_control_robot) sr_rh_tactile_sensor_controller_spawner (controller_manager/spawner) teach_mode_node (sr_robot_launch/teach_mode_node) timed_roslaunch (sr_utilities_common/ timed_roslaunch_rviz (sr_utilities_common/

auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [10109] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311

setting /run_id to b4db68bc-d5e4-11e8-ac78-54ee75e3f322 process[rosout-1]: started with pid [10129] started core service [/rosout] process[joint_0_pub-2]: started with pid [10146] process[sr_hand_robot-3]: started with pid [10147] process[calibrate_sr_edc-4]: started with pid [10150] process[diagnostic_aggregator-5]: started with pid [10151] process[joint_state_controller_spawner-6]: started with pid [10157] process[robot_state_publisher-7]: started with pid [10163] process[sr_rh_tactile_sensor_controller_spawner-8]: started with pid [10168] process[teach_mode_node-9]: started with pid [10180] process[arm_checker-10]: started with pid [10189] process[arm_trajectory_controller_spawner-11]: started with pid [10197] process[generate_robot_srdf-12]: started with pid [10206] process[robot_description_planning/load_joint_limits-13]: started with pid [10207] process[robot_description_kinematics/load_kinematics-14]: started with pid [10221] process[timed_roslaunch-15]: started with pid [10224] process[timed_roslaunch_rviz-16]: started with pid [10226] process[mongo_wrapper_ros_shadow_10082_8617752890257620341-17]: started with pid [10228] process[moveit_warehouse_services-18]: started with pid [10229] process[rh_trajectory_controller-19]: started with pid [10233] [ INFO] [1540203894.838704474]: Robot State Name: unique_robot_hw [ WARN] [1540203895.124601037]: Using device ' SRBridge - Bridge EtherCAT between palm (sensors data) EtherCAT and Motor Control EtherCAT ' with product code 0 [ INFO] [1540203895.131711270]: Shadow Bridge configure - 0 @ 0 [ WARN] [1540203895.132208098]: Using device ' SR06 etherCAT driver ' with product code 6 [ INFO] [1540203895.133985590]: Trying to read mapping for: /hand/mapping/2058 [ INFO] [1540203895.149951269]: Using namespace in sr_edc [ INFO] [1540203895.192479622]: Trying to read joint_prefix for: /hand/joint_prefix/2058 [ INFO] [1540203895.201114577]: First FMMU (command) : start_address : 0x00010000 ; size : 70 bytes ; phy addr : 0x00001000 [ INFO] [1540203895.201275286]: Second FMMU (status) : start_address : 0x00010046 ; size : 232 bytes ; phy addr : 0x00001046 [ INFO] [1540203895.201426745]: statussize : 232 ; commandsize : 70 [ INFO] [1540203895.201514968]: Finished constructing the SR06 driver [ INFO] [1540203895.269855070]: Connecting to warehouse on localhost:33829 2018-10-22T18:24:55.270+0800 warning: Failed to connect to, reason: errno:111 Connection refused [INFO] [1540203895.278291]: waiting for the controller manager [ INFO] [1540203895.315437215]: bridge port type: EBUS [WARN] [1540203895.361754]: DEPRECATION warning: --shutdown-timeout has no effect. [INFO] [1540203895.362128]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/load_controller [WARN] [1540203895.451490]: DEPRECATION warning: --shutdown-timeout has no effect. [INFO] [1540203895.451867]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/load_controller [WARN] [1540203895.500575]: DEPRECATION warning: --shutdown-timeout has no effect. [INFO] [1540203895.501030]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/load_controller Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Unknown tag: secondJoint Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Unknown tag: secondJoint Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Unknown tag: secondJoint Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Unknown tag: secondJoint Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Unknown tag: sensor the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update' [ INFO] [1540203895.840661049]: Using PWM control. [ INFO] [1540203895.950608180]: ETHERCAT_STATUS_DATA_SIZE = 220 bytes [ INFO] [1540203895.950643881]: ETHERCAT_COMMAND_DATA_SIZE = 58 bytes [ INFO] [1540203895.950660922]: ETHERCAT_CAN_BRIDGE_DATA_SIZE = 12 bytes [ INFO] [1540203895.961514575]: Added Ethernet port enp0s31f6 [ INFO] [1540203895.961622365]: IMU State Interface for IMU rh_imu [ INFO] [1540203895.961791124]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_THJ4 [ INFO] [1540203895.961993601]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_THJ2 [ INFO] [1540203895.962057182]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_THJ1 [ INFO] [1540203895.962090646]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_RFJ4 [ INFO] [1540203895.962127013]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_WRJ2 [ INFO] [1540203895.962166461]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_MFJ4 [ INFO] [1540203895.962195785]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_THJ3 [ INFO] [1540203895.962230391]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_MFJ2 [ INFO] [1540203895.962259656]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_MFJ1 [ INFO] [1540203895.962286813]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_MFJ3 [ INFO] [1540203895.962314558]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_WRJ1 [ INFO] [1540203895.962341687]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_LFJ5 [ INFO] [1540203895.962395378]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_LFJ4 [ INFO] [1540203895.962438426]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_LFJ3 [ INFO] [1540203895.962466986]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_LFJ2 [ INFO] [1540203895.962494887]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_RFJ2 [ INFO] [1540203895.962520394]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_LFJ1 [ INFO] [1540203895.962548723]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_RFJ1 [ INFO] [1540203895.962576214]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_FFJ4 [ INFO] [1540203895.962603123]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_THJ5 [ INFO] [1540203895.962632198]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_RFJ3 [ INFO] [1540203895.962660143]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_FFJ1 [ INFO] [1540203895.962685929]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_FFJ2 [ INFO] [1540203895.962713923]: Joint state interface for hand joint rh_FFJ3 [ INFO] [1540203895.975805403]: Joint state interface for arm joint ra_shoulder_pan_joint [ INFO] [1540203895.975920511]: Joint state interface for arm joint ra_shoulder_lift_joint [ INFO] [1540203895.975965223]: Joint state interface for arm joint ra_elbow_joint [ INFO] [1540203895.976001763]: Joint state interface for arm joint ra_wrist_1_joint [ INFO] [1540203895.976040611]: Joint state interface for arm joint ra_wrist_2_joint [ INFO] [1540203895.976080255]: Joint state interface for arm joint ra_wrist_3_joint [ INFO] [1540203895.991751326]: UrArmController starts communication with robot [FATAL] [1540203895.994697715]: ASSERTION FAILED file = /home/handuser/workspace/shadow_robot-kinetic/base/src/sr_ur_arm/sr_ur_robot_hw/src/sr_ur_robot_state_client.cpp line = 169 cond = 0 == status

[INFO] [1540203896.138573]: waiting for robot_description_semantic [INFO] [1540203896.180985]: waiting for robot_description_semantic [ INFO] [1540203896.271852228]: There are no previously stored robot states [sr_hand_robot-3] process has died [pid 10147, exit code -5, cmd ethercat_grant /home/handuser/workspace/shadow_robot-kinetic/base/devel/lib/ros_control_robot/ros_control_robot name:=sr_hand_robot log:=/home/handuser/.ros/log/b4db68bc-d5e4-11e8-ac78-54ee75e3f322/sr_hand_robot-3.log]. log file: /home/handuser/.ros/log/b4db68bc-d5e4-11e8-ac78-54ee75e3f322/sr_hand_robot-3.log [INFO] [1540203896.640726]: waiting for robot_description_semantic [INFO] [1540203896.683667]: waiting for robot_description_semantic [INFO] [1540203897.142621]: waiting for robot_description_semantic [INFO] [1540203897.185247]: waiting for robot_description_semantic [INFO] [1540203897.644673]: waiting for robot_description_semantic [INFO] [1540203897.687228]: waiting for robot_description_semantic [INFO] [1540203898.146712]: waiting for robot_description_semantic [INFO] [1540203898.189049]: waiting for robot_descriptionsemantic Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Unknown tag: secondJoint Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Unknown tag: secondJoint Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Unknown tag: secondJoint Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Unknown tag: secondJoint Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Unknown tag: sensor [INFO] [1540203898.281571]: Found prefix:rh [INFO] [1540203898.337158]: File loaded /home/handuser/workspace/shadow_robot-kinetic/base/src/sr_interface/sr_moveit_hand_config/config/shadowhands_prefix.srdf.xacro [INFO] [1540203898.648740]: waiting for robot_description_semantic [INFO] [1540203898.691122]: waiting for robot_description_semantic [INFO] [1540203899.150814]: waiting for robot_description_semantic [INFO] [1540203899.193062]: waiting for robot_description_semantic [INFO] [1540203899.653030]: waiting for robot_description_semantic [INFO] [1540203899.695070]: waiting for robot_description_semantic Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Unknown tag: secondJoint Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Unknown tag: secondJoint Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Unknown tag: secondJoint Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Unknown tag: secondJoint Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Unknown tag: sensor [INFO] [1540203899.744942]: Loading SRDF on parameter server [INFO] [1540203899.770323]: generated_robot.srdf has been generated and saved. [generate_robot_srdf-12] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/handuser/.ros/log/b4db68bc-d5e4-11e8-ac78-54ee75e3f322/generate_robot_srdf-12.log [INFO] [1540203900.155711]: waiting for robot_description_semantic [INFO] [1540203900.197082]: waiting for robot_description_semantic Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Unknown tag: secondJoint Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Unknown tag: secondJoint Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Unknown tag: secondJoint Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Unknown tag: secondJoint Scalar element defined multiple times: collision Unknown tag: sensor [INFO] [1540203900.485464]: Successfully loaded kinematics params [INFO] [1540203900.580826]: Successfully loaded joint_limits params [robot_description_kinematics/load_kinematics-14] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/handuser/.ros/log/b4db68bc-d5e4-11e8-ac78-54ee75e3f322/robot_description_kinematics-load_kinematics-14.log [robot_description_planning/load_joint_limits-13] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/handuser/.ros/log/b4db68bc-d5e4-11e8-ac78-54ee75e3f322/robot_description_planning-load_joint_limits-13.log ... logging to /home/handuser/.ros/log/b4db68bc-d5e4-11e8-ac78-54ee75e3f322/roslaunch-shadow-11161.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt

biofotis commented 3 years ago

Have you tried defining the robot_type:=ur10? The default is ur10e so make sure you update the right config file as well