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Typo ModItems and .json for Armor #1

Closed Mrkuff closed 7 years ago

Mrkuff commented 7 years ago

copeprArmorMaterial typo. ex.:

copperHelmet = register(new ItemArmor(TutorialMod.copeprArmorMaterial copperChestplate = register(new ItemArmor(TutorialMod.copeprArmorMaterial

And armor models .json miss a "," ex.: copperHelmet.json { "parent": "item/generated" < ------ miss a , here "textures": { "layer0": "tutorial:items/copperHelmet" } }

shadowfacts commented 7 years ago

Thanks for pointing those out! They've been fixed and should be live soon.

Mrkuff commented 7 years ago

No, Thanks to YOU! I really like the way you code and i wanted to help you out. ( Well, help us all! ) looking foward for your implementation of a machine ( like a furnace with 2 input ) with recipe ( like Iron + Coal Coke for steel :D ) ... and your power implementation of course. I may be your typo QA bit*h! eheh