shadowhand / git-encrypt

Transparent Git Encryption
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git-encrypt on Windows #6

Open alucard2511 opened 12 years ago

alucard2511 commented 12 years ago

Is it important or not if I don't use the function encrypt diff in the script gitcrypt. I know it will generate the ugly difference bettween 2 version of the same file. But apart of this issue, does it influence anything else about the version history of the repository? Because for me, "encrypt diff" seem do not work on windows. when I run "git diff filename" with encrypt I have this error cat: $@: No such file or directory cat: $@: No such file or directory Thanks in advance for your answer.

shadowhand commented 12 years ago

Its very possible that git-encrypt does not work on Windows. The cat error probably comes from not having the openssl command available on the command line.

alucard2511 commented 12 years ago

Actually, I use msysgit on windows. And I work very well with the gitcrypt smudge and gitcript clean. It do perfectly the encryption. Just when I use git diff, this error appears. I think it may come from the variable $1 that you insert for the gitcrypt diff. In the 2 other parameter, there is not this variable.

shadowhand commented 12 years ago

You wouldn't see any errors at all unless the openssl call fails. Does running the following command cause an error?

openssl enc -d -base64 -aes-256-ecb -k "blahblahblah" -in "foo.txt"
alucard2511 commented 12 years ago

No, it doesn't cause any error. But when I run git diff , it does.