shadowmage45 / AncientWarfare

Updated Ancient Warfare mod for Minecraft 1.5.2+
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Death message broadcast to other players is incorrect in SMP when killed by NPC #27

Closed TechStack closed 10 years ago

TechStack commented 10 years ago

Shadowmage, I do not have the exact message handy but when a player dies from an NPC on a server the message broadcast to other players is incorrect.

Example : Desired sate it should read : TechStack was shot by an Expert archer

current state it reads: Enitty.Ancientwarfare.NPC was killed by an arrow.

( sorry i do not have the exact message at this time next time someone dies on my server i'll try to grab a screenshot )

its a little confusing for everyone because the person that died is never mentioned instead it looks like the NPC died.

keenerb commented 10 years ago

This is a very common error across MANY smp mods.

I've been told it has to do with the server-side not performing language lookups/translations properly.

The MoCreatures dev worked around it with some sort of client-side hack.

shadowmage45 commented 10 years ago

@keenerb yes, and yes. It is caused by incorrect localization lookups. I had thought I had it solved a few releases ago, but might have fixed it on the wrong side (client/server), or it just wasn't the proper fix :)

I'll take a look at this shortly, should be fairly easy to fix.