shadowmage45 / SSTULabs

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New Parts - LV landing legs #652

Closed shadowmage45 closed 6 years ago

shadowmage45 commented 6 years ago

Single and quad leg sets for MFT-LV fuel tanks (and potentially general use for some variants).

taterkerman commented 6 years ago

bxl0x1o diagram_main_by_william_black-daiix0t mkjuigw-2 tlspkqo 163697main_lander_hi

taterkerman commented 6 years ago

4 moon bonestell_von_braun_colliers_1950s_moonlander_by_paul_lloyd-d7p60y9

Jimbodiah commented 6 years ago


Jimbodiah commented 6 years ago

More for stand-alone legs for main cores:


taterkerman commented 6 years ago

20141119_mars-lander_f840-e1416665797428 ^^this guy is an inflatable on top of the tank and service components.


taterkerman commented 6 years ago

lunac The above is an interesting idea for a quad leg variant for MFT-A tanks. It could be a cylinder with the cutout as shown. as well as containers for propellants. Perhaps the landing gear tank version has a recess for engine mounting...


taterkerman commented 6 years ago

taterkerman commented 6 years ago


taterkerman commented 6 years ago

Look at the Mars lander concept that looks a lot like Altair. The bottom "LC tank" is in fact a service bay with the science gear, folder rover, etc.

That Mars lander is using the RCS engines for landing, hence the double bells facing downwards...

taterkerman commented 6 years ago

I'm liking these, partially because of the retro look, partially because the other bits already exist... space_tug_at_the_moon



taterkerman commented 6 years ago

The Space Tug (which I have always loved, lol) propulsion unit is a pretty cool part idea for landing legs on a booster form factor (MFT-A). I'm having difficulty figuring out how it folds, however. The middle, landed picture has part with a cover that folds like landing gear against the side, and the rest looks like it hangs below inside the engine shroud.

Still, it's pretty cool. The other methods look like SpaceX, or maybe BO (the latter is already sort of in the KF mod).

taterkerman commented 6 years ago


The wide stance is particularly nice for some applications.

taterkerman commented 6 years ago

lem-gemini-direct Intriguing slot interface for a flush leg. Note that this is a Gemini concept lander.

taterkerman commented 6 years ago


Makes me wonder about a LC tank mount that is the model you already have for the tank, minus the tanks, with reset nodes for engines, or gear. In the case of engines, the node could in fact be normal, and the engine layout designed to fit (so a cluster of 4 small engines (as above) might put 2 next to each other in 2 opposite quadrants, and adjust via the spacing control).

taterkerman commented 6 years ago

I Might have to make the nuclear ferry that goes with the space tug in sstu tonight, just because space tug is so frikin awesome, but I can easily make the ferry with stuff we have :)

In my ksp world, nukes will probably get garish paint to warn astronauts to avoid the “hot” bits.

Jimbodiah commented 6 years ago

Garish paint: "We can do that!"

Recoloring is the best thing in KSP since KSP.

taterkerman commented 6 years ago

The hardest part is attaching the cargo, tug, etc as shown in images.

Pappystein commented 6 years ago

A simple thought on Landing legs. What they are for determines geometry more than anything else. Planets with higher gravity will need a leg that is taller than it is wide. Planets with a low gravity will need a lighter structure that is WIDER than it is tall (both as measured from the Center-line of the craft in question.

Currently in Game we have Mun level lander legs..... But no Eve level lander legs (not that you would want to spend a bunch of time on Eve but still.... For comparison look at the complex and tall landing legs on the Lunar landing Trainer vs the actual wide simple and short legs on the Lunar lander...