shadowmage45 / SSTULabs

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Parachute staging not working #820

Open shadowmage45 opened 4 years ago

shadowmage45 commented 4 years ago

At some point did the "enable parachute staging" for re-entry capsules stop functioning? I can't seem to get it to work.

Loaded up a clean 1.8.1. Here are some files. I have in-game debugging set to show warnings and exceptions, but nothing gets triggered when trying to stage the parachutes. I also tried staging the docking port with no success.

Logs -

Craft -

shadowmage45 commented 4 years ago

Unable to confirm. Parachute staging works fine when it is enabled and the part has not previously been staged (you can only stage a part ONCE).

The important point to note is that parachute-activation-by-staging is not enabled by default; you must right-click on the part and enable it through the PAW.

Same with docking port staging. By default it is disabled, and must be explicitly enabled on the part.

Note: Tests were done on the SC-C-CM. There may be problems with other specific parts, but I will need to know which part(s) to investigate.

leatherneck6017 commented 4 years ago

Here's a video of me trying to stage both the parachute and docking port:

What am I doing wrong?

shadowmage45 commented 4 years ago

Your video does not show any actual attempts at staging, only clicking the buttons a bunch.

No, changing the button/staging enabled state will not add more stage icons to the staging list. Each part can only be in the list once, and the pod is already present in the list. This is a limitation of KSP -- a part can only be in the staging list a single time, and can only be staged once.

Pick if you want staging to activate the decoupler OR activate the parachutes OR decouple the docking port. Assign that single event to the staging action. Use manual button-presses or action groups for the other actions. (Unless you want them all to stage at the same time, in that case, go ahead and enable staging for all of them).

The following sequence is known to work.

I have a feeling that this is a matter of expectations rather than the functions not working.