shadowmage45 / SSTULabs

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Textureless Fairing Fix #825

Closed Repseki closed 4 years ago

Repseki commented 4 years ago

Small change to the two main fairing parts, SC-GEN-FR-N.cfg and SC-GEN-FR-W.cfg, which currently appear invisible without a texture on the panels when you try to build the fairing.

Changed "TextureURL = SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-Fairing-DIFF" in both to "TextureURL = SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-FR-DIFF"

Used a ModuleManager patch to test the change first, but the change should be the same.

shadowmage45 commented 4 years ago

I believe that fix is incorrect; those textures are for different parts...

Also, I do not assign textures/etc in the part configs. They are assigned through external patches: And any solution should be applied to those patches.

(the texture reference in the part configs is some legacy code that shouldn't really do much/will be removed in the future)

What I believe needs to happen is that the materials need a blank normal map assigned; haven't had time to confirm

Repseki commented 4 years ago

You would know more than me, I'm just shooting in the dark and still very new to it all.

The reason I was looking here is it seemed odd that the regular fairings weren't showing up while the inter-stage ones seemed to work fine. Then noticed the TextureURL pointing to something that wasn't actually there, while there was something named very similar. Then the MM Patch I threw together ended up at least seeming to work (not that I have tested anything besides my personal install).

Glad I to know a little more either way.

shadowmage45 commented 4 years ago

Yeah, I just need to get a few days of free time that I can go through the issues list and track down the annoying little bits like this. Should be relatively easy to solve (this one at least), just need the time to work on it.