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Update USI-LS patch #848

Open nan0bug00 opened 1 year ago

nan0bug00 commented 1 year ago

Here's a quick and dirty update to the currently included USI-LS patches. This updates all relevant parts to add USI_SwapController, USI_SwappableBay, and USI_Converter modules, and changes the old Life Support and Habitat modules to the new USILS_LifeSupportRecyclerSwapOption and USILS_HabitationSwapOption so they work on newer versions of USI-LS.

Where necessary to add life support or habitat values, I used values from other similar parts that I could find configs for (3 person crew module recycler percentage the same as 3 person crew pod from Near Future Spacecraft, for instance). These values may not be balanced but I won't know until I really dig in and give them a test, which I intend to do over the next week or two. For the SSTU Hab parts, all I really did was a quick find/replace job to make them all work, I didn't change any of the already existing values.

I can't speak to the balance of this patch since I tried to keep it as close to original as I could. I'll have to explore that further in my own testing, but I do welcome feedback and will make adjustments if anything is wildly out of balance. In any case, I figure having a patch that works, even if it's a little unbalanced, is better than having a patch that's outdated and doesn't do anything.