shadowofleaf96 / GreenVille

GreenVille - Bio Organic Ecommerce Website
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Registration Page #82

Closed shadowofleaf96 closed 2 weeks ago

shadowofleaf96 commented 9 months ago

The Registration Page is a fundamental part of the store-front website, allowing new users to create accounts and gain access to various features and personalized experiences.

Registration Form: Create a user-friendly registration form that includes fields for essential user information, such as name, email, password, and any additional required information (e.g., date of birth, gender). Password Strength Indicator: Implement a password strength indicator to help users create secure passwords. Email Verification: Require users to verify their email addresses by sending a verification link or code to their provided email address. Terms and Conditions: Include an option for users to review and accept the website's terms and conditions and privacy policy. Error Handling: Display clear error messages for incomplete or incorrect registration attempts. Security Measures: Implement security measures to protect user data, including password hashing and data encryption. Responsive Design: Ensure that the Registration Page is responsive and functions well on various devices, from desktops to mobile devices. Accessibility: Ensure that the Registration Page is accessible, following accessibility guidelines.

Verify that the registration form is well-designed, with clear labels and input validation. Test the password strength indicator to provide accurate feedback to users. Confirm that the email verification process works correctly. Validate the functionality of the terms and conditions acceptance option. Check that clear error messages are displayed for incomplete or incorrect registration attempts. Ensure that security measures are in place to protect user data. Ensure that the Registration Page is accessible and follows accessibility guidelines.