shadowofleaf96 / GreenVille

GreenVille - Bio Organic Ecommerce Website
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Cart Page #86

Closed shadowofleaf96 closed 2 weeks ago

shadowofleaf96 commented 9 months ago

The Cart Page is a crucial part of the shopping experience, allowing users to review and manage the items they have added to their shopping cart before proceeding to checkout.

Cart Contents: Display a list of items in the shopping cart, including product images, names, quantities, prices, and subtotal for each item. Item Quantity Control: Provide options to adjust the quantity of each item in the cart (increase, decrease, or remove). Cart Total: Calculate and display the total price of all items in the cart, including any applicable taxes or shipping costs. Continue Shopping: Include a "Continue Shopping" button or link that takes users back to the store to add more items. Checkout Button: Include a prominent "Checkout" button that allows users to proceed to the checkout process. Empty Cart Handling: If the cart is empty, display a message indicating that the cart is empty and provide a link to continue shopping. Responsive Design: Ensure that the Cart Page is responsive and functions well on various devices, from desktops to mobile devices. Accessibility: Ensure that the Cart Page is accessible, following accessibility guidelines.

Verify that the cart contents accurately reflect the items added by the user. Test the item quantity control to ensure it works as expected. Confirm that the cart total is calculated correctly, considering any taxes or shipping costs. Validate the functionality of the "Continue Shopping" and "Checkout" buttons. Ensure that the appropriate message is displayed when the cart is empty. Verify that the Cart Page is responsive and functions well on various devices. Ensure that the Cart Page is accessible and follows accessibility guidelines.