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Wallet lock, unlock and unlock (staking only) tooltips and icons misleading #45

Open LiteBit opened 7 years ago

LiteBit commented 7 years ago

There are 3 states of the wallet. Locked, unlocked and unlocked for staking. Both locked and unlocked are showing and saying mixed signals with their tooltips and icons. Unlocked for staking is OK.

First is Locked wallet. Tooltip and icon in top right show/say locked but lock icon in collapsing menu on left shows an unlock icon. capture

Second is unlocked for staking. In both spots (upper right and menu icon) show yellow locked lock with correct tool tip. capture2

Third is unlocked (PoS only unchecked). Tooltip and icon in upper right show black lock locked but say unlocked. Icon in collapsing menu on left shows a locked icon. capture3

rynomster commented 7 years ago

that's something we need crz to decide on, it also confuses me 👍 I'll ask him for input and to make the design decision on this.

kewde commented 7 years ago

Same here, it confused me too!

dasource commented 7 years ago

@crz- ^