While attempting to convert a hologram-based build into a mesh, I discovered a strange issue with the Blast Door prop:
For some reason, the prop splits itself in half and contains a wide gap in the middle after the meshing process. What it's supposed to look like is shown above the broken one.
While attempting to convert a hologram-based build into a mesh, I discovered a strange issue with the Blast Door prop: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1647719819407341322/0058EE6E9BBA962312DBE2DEB28CF6C2CB2E68EE/ For some reason, the prop splits itself in half and contains a wide gap in the middle after the meshing process. What it's supposed to look like is shown above the broken one. Model: models/props_lab/blastdoor001c.mdl