shadowsocks / ChinaDNS

Protect yourself against DNS poisoning in China.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ChinaDNS worked with DNSCrypt? #122

Closed zw963 closed 8 years ago

zw963 commented 8 years ago

Hi, Thanks a lot this project.

Current, I install ss-redir with chinadns in my ASUS RT-AC66U.

I don't set anythings, Just chinadns listening on port 5356, ss-redir listening on port 1081, And, iptables redirect foreign ip into 1081 port, then set chinadns as dnsmasq upsteram.

It seem like all things work well for me, not found any dns problem for use two days.

Following is version and arguments

ss-redir 2.4.5 -c /opt/etc/shadowsocks.json -l 1081 chinadns 1.3.2 -l /opt/etc/chinadns_iplist.txt -c /opt/etc/chinadns_chnroute.txt -p 5356 dnsmasq 2.7.6

I am not start ss-redir with -u enabled, and not start ss-tunnel too. What i wonder for is, dnscrypt is still need for this case?



s7lx commented 8 years ago

@zw963 you need to set upstream server for chinadns as dnscrypt.

chinadns need more than one dns server as upstream server.

so you can run chinadns like this:

chinands -l chinadns_iplist.txt -c chnroute.txt -s,<dnscrypt server ip> -p 5356

then dnscrypt will be upstream server for chinadns

zw963 commented 8 years ago

@s7lx , Thanks.

I understood how to do now, but, I don't know why to do this.

current, for chinadns, I am not specify any -s argument, so chinadns just use default value. in this case, it value is,,

I could access twitter, youtube, facebook now, so I think DNS udp query is worked with crypt enabled. ( aes-256-cfb?? redir use this protocal)

In this case, why I still need use dnscrypt?


zw963 commented 8 years ago

previous, without chinadns, I could not access facebook, twitter etc .. But can access google with ss-redir.

current with chinadns, my route worked well for a transparency proxy.

The problem is: why i need dnscrypt? Is there exist some case I must use it?

tony1016 commented 8 years ago

U don't need to unless u can't get real ip from chinadns

zw963 commented 8 years ago


u can't get real ip from chinadns

This caused by ISP ? or VPS ? or others things.


tony1016 commented 8 years ago

eg.sometimes I can't connect to temporarily。so it returns a pulluted ip from 114

s7lx commented 8 years ago

@zw963 look at this article

zw963 commented 8 years ago

@tony1016 , @s7lx , thanks a lot.

I read though that article, basically understood the key idea with it.

Though, I still exist some doubt about it.

eg.sometimes I can't connect to temporarily。so it returns a pulluted ip from 114

My problem is : if meet this case, with dnscrypt, could any help ?

Another problem is curreent working process, where DNS udp package to though? It keep secret to G----F----W ? why not use chinaDNS, I could not access facebook?

ss-redir -c /opt/etc/shadowsocks.json -l 1081 + iptables REDIRECT chinadns -l /opt/etc/chinadns_iplist.txt -c /opt/etc/chinadns_chnroute.txt -p 5356 dnsmasq with config: server=/#/

ss-redir with aes-256-cfb crypted.

zw963 commented 8 years ago

Hi, I found i change chinadns to following arguments, it not worked.

-l /opt/etc/chinadns_iplist.txt -c /opt/etc/chinadns_chnroute.txt -p 5356 -s,

In fact, -s, not work well for me too.

But default value,, is worked as expect.

I think maybe I need start up a dnscrypt server in my VPS, to remove the use of (seem it this is opendns ip address)

zw963 commented 8 years ago

Could anyone explain about What the is? thanks.

Is this is a public dnscrypt dns server? I don't install dnscrypt package in my route ...

zw963 commented 8 years ago

@zw963 you need to set upstream server for chinadns as dnscrypt.

chinadns need more than one dns server as upstream server.

so you can run chinadns like this:

chinands -l chinadns_iplist.txt -c chnroute.txt -s, -p 5356

then dnscrypt will be upstream server for chinadns

Thanks, As @s7lx 's reply, I settings dnscrypt as chinadns upstream, it worked well for me.

Though, It not significantly performance improved compare with OpenDNS ... Even more badly ... I don't know why ...

Anyway, Thanks all.