shadowsocks / libQtShadowsocks

A lightweight and ultra-fast shadowsocks library written in C++14 with Qt framework
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
1.5k stars 645 forks source link

msys2 编绎botan 出错. 请教下具体步骤, wiki里写得太不详细了. #196

Closed wimotek closed 6 years ago

wimotek commented 6 years ago


然后按wiki里 ./ --prefix=/mingw64 --disable-modules=tls --os=mingw --without-stack-protector


INFO: ./ invoked with options "--prefix=/mingw64 --disable-modules=tls --os=mingw --without-stack-protector" INFO: Autodetected platform information: OS="MSYS_NT-10.0" machine="x86_64" proc="" INFO: Guessing to use compiler gcc (use --cc or CXX to set) INFO: Guessing target processor is a x86_64 (use --cpu to set) INFO: Shared libs not supported on mingw, disabling shared lib support WARNING: Could not execute ['g++', '-E', './src/build-data/detect_version.cpp']: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'g++': 'g++' WARNING: Tried to get gcc version, but output '0.0' does not match expected version format WARNING: Could not execute ['g++', '-E', '-m64', '-pthread', './src/build-data/detect_arch.cpp']: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'g++': 'g++' WARNING: Unable to detect target architecture via compiler macro checks INFO: Target is gcc:0.0-mingw-x86_64 INFO: Skipping (dependency failure): certstor_sqlite3 sessions_sql sessions_sqlite3 tls_cbc INFO: Skipping (disabled by user): tls INFO: Skipping (incompatible CPU): aes_armv8 aes_power8 pmull sha1_armv8 sha2_32_armv8 sm4_armv8 INFO: Skipping (incompatible OS): commoncrypto dev_random fd_unix getentropy proc_walk INFO: Skipping (incompatible compiler): sha1_x86 sha2_32_x86 shacal2_x86 INFO: Skipping (no enabled compression schemes): compression INFO: Skipping (requires external dependency): bearssl boost bzip2 lzma openssl sqlite3 tpm zlib INFO: Using SIMD module simd_avx2 WARNING: win32_stats: This module can cause false positives with antivirus systems INFO: Loading modules: adler32 aead aes aes_ni aes_ssse3 aont aria asn1 auto_rng base base32 base64 bcrypt bigint blake2 block blowfish camellia cascade cast128 cast256 cbc cbc_mac ccm cecpq1 certstor_sql cfb chacha chacha20poly1305 chacha_avx2 chacha_rng chacha_sse2 checksum clmul clmul_ssse3 cmac codec_filt comb4p cpuid crc24 crc32 cryptobox ctr curve25519 des dh dl_algo dl_group dlies dsa dyn_load eax ec_group ecc_key ecdh ecdsa ecgdsa ecies eckcdsa ed25519 elgamal eme_oaep eme_pkcs1 eme_raw emsa1 emsa_pkcs1 emsa_pssr emsa_raw emsa_x931 entropy ffi filters fpe_fe1 gcm gmac gost_28147 gost_3410 gost_3411 hash hash_id hex hkdf hmac hmac_drbg hotp http_util idea idea_sse2 iso9796 kasumi kdf kdf1 kdf1_iso18033 kdf2 keccak keypair lion locking_allocator mac mce mceies md4 md5 mdx_hash mem_pool mgf1 misty1 mode_pad modes mp newhope nist_keywrap noekeon noekeon_simd numbertheory ocb ofb par_hash passhash9 pbes2 pbkdf pbkdf1 pbkdf2 pem pgp_s2k pk_pad pkcs11 poly1305 poly_dbl prf_tls prf_x942 psk_db pubkey rc4 rdrand rdrand_rng rdseed rfc3394 rfc6979 rmd160 rng rsa salsa20 scrypt seed serpent serpent_avx2 serpent_simd sha1 sha1_sse2 sha2_32 sha2_32_bmi2 sha2_64 sha3 shacal2 shacal2_simd shake shake_cipher simd simd_avx2 siphash siv skein sm2 sm3 sm4 socket sp800_108 sp800_56a sp800_56c srp6 stateful_rng stream streebog system_rng thread_utils threefish_512 threefish_512_avx2 tiger tss twofish utils whirlpool win32_stats x509 x919_mac xmss xtea xts INFO: Defaulting to assuming little endian INFO: Using hardlink to link files into build dir (use --link-method to change) ERROR: Error linking ./src/lib/asn1/alg_id.h into build/include/botan: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: './src/lib/asn1/alg_id.h' -> 'build/include/botan/alg_id.h'

wimotek commented 6 years ago

最新版不行, 2.6 可以.