shadowsocks / shadowsocks-android

A shadowsocks client for Android
35.02k stars 11.57k forks source link

Since v4.0.2, SS can't conncet server on my Android TV box #1174

Closed wuhgit closed 7 years ago

wuhgit commented 7 years ago

Please read FAQ then answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks!



Put an x inside the [ ] that applies.

What did you do?

The last work version is 3.4.2 from Google Play , I download new version from Github and install on my android tv box , can't connect to my ss server (same configuration with my Phone and Table which work good) ,and all network is disconnected . I uninstall it , clean all data , reset net setting , even change ss server setting ,It can't work either , so I install the v3.4.2 again , that work good , but when the new version on the Google Play , everytime when i power on my box , the play stroe will auto update it , never give you any chance to cannel it or disable autoupdate , I can't do anything but wipe the data...


上一个工作的版本是Google Play 上面的 3.4.2 , 我从 Github 上面下载了新版本,更新到我的电视盒子上面,于是问题就出现了,具体表现是可以连接服务器,但是真实情况应该是没有连上,诊断网络出现超时或者其它提示,这时整个盒子的网络都全部断掉了,wifi 图标正常,有线网络图标正常,但是并不能传输任何数据,即便断开ss服务器连接也是这样,我只有去程序详情里面强行停止 shadowsocks 进入飞行模式再取消才能恢复网络连接,一旦重新连接 ss 又回到原样,我检查过 VPN 、后台数据流量限制等设置,没发现异常情况,卸载重装,清空数据,都没有解决问题……关闭TCP fast open ,切换成 NAT 模式也没有任何效果,我试了从4.0.0到4.1.3之间的所有版本,都是一个情况,但是,在我盒子的钛备份里面,上一个可以工作的版本有一个4.0.2 (我肯定它当时肯定可以工作,但是我恢复这个备份之后发现同样的无法连接网络)

于是我重新下载了 3.4.2,这个版本工作正常,其实在这之前所有版本都工作正常,考虑到我的手机还有平板都是在用一样的设置,加上版本新旧也无关使用,我觉得问题可能也不是很急需解决,直到 Google Play 商店里面更新了新版,每一次开机,它都会自动更新 ss ,因为电视盒子并没有传统 Android 的状态栏,根本没办法马上取消更新和禁止自动更新,等到进入商店页面找到下载,它已经更新完了,然后此时其实盒子的网络已经断掉了,彻底没网,更不用说爬墙改设置了……这已经成一个死循环


Mygod commented 7 years ago

Try reinstalling this app and a complete reconfiguration.

wuhgit commented 7 years ago


完整卸载,重新手动输入服务器配置之后还是不行,甚至我还重新刷了一遍盒子的系统,然后只安装了shadowsocks,排除了其它程序的干扰,但情况还是一样,一连接ss服务器,所有网络全部断掉,目前只有3.4.2这个版本可以工作,我现在只能暂时移除google账户来使用盒子了,不然又陷入死循环…… 这个问题我觉得很诡异,似乎无解了

Mygod commented 7 years ago

Could you try the same configuration on other devices with the exact same version? Also a logcat could be helpful.

wuhgit commented 7 years ago


我在手机和平板上面使用的都是相同的配置文件,所有的版本均工作正常,唯独从 4.0.2 之后,盒子不能连接

刚刚重新在play上面为盒子更新了最新版的影梭,作了一个 logcat :

` --------- beginning of main 03-31 15:52:52.931 D/mali_winsys( 8097): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:52:53.415 D/AndroidRuntime( 9476): >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< 03-31 15:52:53.420 D/AndroidRuntime( 9476): CheckJNI is OFF 03-31 15:52:53.498 D/ICU ( 9476): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat 03-31 15:52:53.548 I/Radio-JNI( 9476): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE 03-31 15:52:53.577 D/AndroidRuntime( 9476): Calling main entry 03-31 15:52:53.605 D/AndroidRuntime( 9476): Shutting down VM 03-31 15:52:53.998 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2) 03-31 15:52:54.049 D/mali_winsys( 8097): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface*, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:52:54.951 D/mali_winsys( 6437): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:52:56.430 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2) 03-31 15:52:56.472 D/AudioFlinger( 3790): mixer(0xf4c00000) throttle end: throttle time(1) 03-31 15:52:56.776 D/OpenGLRenderer( 8097): endAllStagingAnimators on 0xe0c77680 (ListPopupWindow$DropDownListView) with handle 0xdafbfa70 03-31 15:52:56.952 D/mali_winsys( 8097): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:52:57.511 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 4, realAction: false 03-31 15:52:57.656 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 4, realAction: true 03-31 15:52:57.751 D/mali_winsys( 4633): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface*, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:52:57.759 D/mali_winsys( 4633): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:52:57.785 I/art ( 4176): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 13565(748KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(40KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 13MB/19MB, paused 1.509ms total 103.948ms 03-31 15:52:58.372 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 4, realAction: false 03-31 15:52:58.506 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 4, realAction: true 03-31 15:52:58.676 D/Theme ( 4633): Request focus: sRootView 03-31 15:52:58.763 D/ClassicMain( 4633): Request focus: layoutManager.findViewByPosition(HEADER_OFFSET_POSITION) 03-31 15:52:58.811 D/ClassicMain( 4633): Request focus: layoutManager.findViewByPosition(HEADER_OFFSET_POSITION) --------- beginning of system 03-31 15:52:58.915 I/ActivityManager( 4176): Killing (adj 15): empty #17 03-31 15:52:59.076 D/GraphicsStats( 4176): Buffer count: 12 03-31 15:52:59.096 W/art ( 4176): Long monitor contention event with owner method=void, int, boolean) from waiters=0 for 183ms 03-31 15:52:59.523 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): out_standby(0xf4ca3000) 03-31 15:52:59.524 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): do_output_standby(0xf4ca3000) 03-31 15:52:59.524 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): remove out (0xf4ca3000) from index 0 03-31 15:52:59.524 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): close pcm 0xf68ad340 03-31 15:53:00.614 I/ActivityManager( 4176): START u0 {flg=0x10000000} from uid 10060 on display 0 03-31 15:53:00.616 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2) 03-31 15:53:00.627 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): start_output_stream(adev->out_device=0x2, adev->mode=0 sample rate=48000) 03-31 15:53:00.627 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices(mode=0, out_device=0x2) 03-31 15:53:00.627 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices : hs=0 , hp=0, sp=2, hdmi=0x0,earpiece=0x0 03-31 15:53:00.627 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices : in_device(0x4), mic_in(0x4), headset_mic(0) 03-31 15:53:00.628 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): start_output_stream, open card(0) port(0) 03-31 15:53:00.628 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): device pcm 0xf68ad340 03-31 15:53:00.628 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): channels=2---format=0---period_count4---period_size1024---rate=48000--- 03-31 15:53:00.628 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): store out (0xf4ca3000) to index 0 03-31 15:53:00.628 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): to enable same source,need reset alsa,type 0,same source flag 0 03-31 15:53:00.799 D/mali_winsys( 4633): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:53:00.805 D/AllApps ( 4633): Request focus: mEditView 03-31 15:53:00.856 I/ActivityManager( 4176): Displayed +222ms 03-31 15:53:00.915 D/AllAppsAdapter( 4633): Request focus: getRecyclerView().getChildAt(1) 03-31 15:53:03.706 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): out_standby(0xf4ca3000) 03-31 15:53:03.706 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): do_output_standby(0xf4ca3000) 03-31 15:53:03.706 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): remove out (0xf4ca3000) from index 0 03-31 15:53:03.706 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): close pcm 0xf68ad340 03-31 15:53:04.433 I/ActivityManager( 4176): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.github.shadowsocks/.MainActivity} from uid 10060 on display 0 03-31 15:53:04.434 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2) 03-31 15:53:04.446 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): start_output_stream(adev->out_device=0x2, adev->mode=0 sample rate=48000) 03-31 15:53:04.446 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices(mode=0, out_device=0x2) 03-31 15:53:04.446 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices : hs=0 , hp=0, sp=2, hdmi=0x0,earpiece=0x0 03-31 15:53:04.446 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices : in_device(0x4), mic_in(0x4), headset_mic(0) 03-31 15:53:04.446 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): start_output_stream, open card(0) port(0) 03-31 15:53:04.447 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): device pcm 0xf68ad340 03-31 15:53:04.447 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): channels=2---format=0---period_count4---period_size1024---rate=48000--- 03-31 15:53:04.447 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): store out (0xf4ca3000) to index 0 03-31 15:53:04.447 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): to enable same source,need reset alsa,type 0,same source flag 0 03-31 15:53:04.484 D/AudioFlinger( 3790): mixer(0xf4c00000) throttle end: throttle time(22) 03-31 15:53:04.503 D/mali_winsys( 7943): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:53:04.705 W/ViewRootImpl( 4633): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1705.9385, y[0]=703.08374, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1123461, downTime=1123061, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 } 03-31 15:53:04.705 W/ViewRootImpl( 4633): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1705.9385, y[0]=703.08374, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1123461, downTime=1123061, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 } 03-31 15:53:04.705 W/ViewRootImpl( 4633): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1705.9385, y[0]=703.08374, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1123461, downTime=1123061, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 } 03-31 15:53:04.705 W/ViewRootImpl( 4633): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1705.9385, y[0]=703.08374, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1123461, downTime=1123061, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 } 03-31 15:53:06.192 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2) 03-31 15:53:06.234 D/AudioFlinger( 3790): mixer(0xf4c00000) throttle end: throttle time(25) 03-31 15:53:06.253 D/shadowsocks( 9498): initializing acl... 03-31 15:53:06.283 V/EthernetNetworkFactory( 4176): didn't find a match iface:tun0 03-31 15:53:06.284 D/Vpn ( 4176): setting state=CONNECTING, reason=establish 03-31 15:53:06.285 D/MyPppoeService( 4613): interfaceLinkStateChanged+tun0upfalse 03-31 15:53:06.285 I/pppoe ( 4613): pfunc_check error 03-31 15:53:06.285 I/pppoe ( 4613): pfunc_check error 03-31 15:53:06.285 I/pppoe ( 4613): pfunc_check error 03-31 15:53:06.285 E/Netd ( 3787): ifc_reset_connections failed on iface tun0 for address (Unknown error -1) 03-31 15:53:06.285 D/VpnJni ( 4176): Address added on tun0: 03-31 15:53:06.286 D/MyPppoeService( 4613): interfaceLinkStateChanged+tun0uptrue 03-31 15:53:06.308 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: VPN[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]} network{105} lp{{InterfaceName: tun0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0, -> tun0 03-31 15:53:06.308 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 105] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTED 03-31 15:53:06.308 I/Vpn ( 4176): Established by com.github.shadowsocks on tun0 03-31 15:53:06.309 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding iface tun0 to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.341 D/tun2socks( 9510): NOTICE(tun2socks): initializing BadVPN tun2socks 1.999.130 03-31 15:53:06.350 E/ConnectivityService( 4176): Unexpected mtu value: 0, tun0 03-31 15:53:06.350 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.351 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.353 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.354 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.355 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.356 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.358 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.359 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.361 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.362 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.364 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.365 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.366 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.368 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.369 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.370 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.371 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.372 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.374 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.375 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.378 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.380 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.381 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.382 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.384 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.385 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.386 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.387 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.389 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.390 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.391 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.392 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.394 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.395 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.396 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.398 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.399 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.400 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.401 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.403 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.404 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.405 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.407 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.408 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.409 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.411 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.412 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.414 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.415 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.417 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.418 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.419 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.420 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.422 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.423 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.424 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.426 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.429 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.431 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.432 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.433 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.434 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.436 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.437 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.438 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.440 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.441 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.443 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.444 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.445 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.447 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.448 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.449 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.450 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.451 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.452 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.454 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.455 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.456 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.457 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.461 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.462 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.464 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.465 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.466 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.467 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.468 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.469 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.470 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.471 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.473 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.474 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.475 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.476 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.477 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.479 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.480 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.482 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.483 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.484 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.485 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.486 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.487 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.489 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.490 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.491 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.492 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.493 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.494 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.495 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.496 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.498 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.499 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.500 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.501 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.502 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.503 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.504 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.505 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.506 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.507 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.507 D/shadowsocks( 9498): using tcp fast open 03-31 15:53:06.507 D/shadowsocks( 9498): initializing ciphers... aes-256-cfb 03-31 15:53:06.508 D/shadowsocks( 9498): udprelay enabled 03-31 15:53:06.508 D/shadowsocks( 9498): listening at 03-31 15:53:06.508 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.509 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.511 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.512 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.513 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.514 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.515 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.516 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.517 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.518 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.519 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.520 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.521 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.522 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.523 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.524 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.525 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.526 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.527 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.528 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.529 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.530 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.531 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.532 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.534 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.535 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.536 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.536 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.537 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.538 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.539 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.540 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.541 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.542 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.543 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.544 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Adding Route [::/0 unreachable] to network 105 03-31 15:53:06.545 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): Setting Dns servers for network 105 to [/] 03-31 15:53:06.553 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): notifyType IP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 105] 03-31 15:53:06.559 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): scheduleUnvalidatedPrompt 105 03-31 15:53:06.559 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): updateSignalStrengthThresholds: CONNECT, sending [] to NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 105] 03-31 15:53:06.559 D/CSLegacyTypeTracker( 4176): Sending CONNECTED broadcast for type 17 NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 105] isDefaultNetwork=false 03-31 15:53:06.559 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): sendStickyBroadcast: 03-31 15:53:06.560 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): notifyType PRECHECK for NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 105] 03-31 15:53:06.560 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): setProvNotificationVisibleIntent null visible=false networkType=MOBILE extraInfo=null highPriority=false 03-31 15:53:06.560 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 105] validation passed 03-31 15:53:06.560 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 105] 03-31 15:53:06.562 D/Tethering( 4176): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3 03-31 15:53:06.565 D/DMRBroadcastReceiver( 7872): >>>>>onReceive : 03-31 15:53:06.574 D/DMRBroadcastReceiver( 7872): TypeName VPN connected 03-31 15:53:06.576 W/ContextImpl( 7872): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:396 android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:396 com.droidlogic.mediacenter.DMRBroadcastReceiver$1.handleMessage:115 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102 03-31 15:53:06.586 I/EthernetWifiSwitch( 4176): action: 03-31 15:53:06.587 D/EthernetWifiSwitch( 4176): TypeName VPN connected 03-31 15:53:06.587 I/SystemControl( 3783): writeSysfs [ /sys/class/leds/led-net/brightness ] [ 1 ] from pid=4176, uid=1000, process name=system_server 03-31 15:53:06.587 E/SystemControl( 3783): writeSysFs, open /sys/class/leds/led-net/brightness fail. 03-31 15:53:06.592 D/OTA ( 7887): 03-31 15:53:06.600 D/RCService( 4618): getAction() 03-31 15:53:06.948 I/overture( 9502): time="2017-03-31T07:53:06Z" level=info msg="If you need any help or want to check update, please visit the project repository: " 03-31 15:53:06.962 I/overture( 9502): time="2017-03-31T07:53:06Z" level=info msg="Load IP network file successful" 03-31 15:53:07.072 I/overture( 9502): time="2017-03-31T07:53:07Z" level=warning msg="There is no element in domain file" 03-31 15:53:07.072 I/overture( 9502): time="2017-03-31T07:53:07Z" level=info msg="Minimum TTL is 3600" 03-31 15:53:07.072 I/overture( 9502): time="2017-03-31T07:53:07Z" level=info msg="CacheSize is 4096" 03-31 15:53:07.073 I/overture( 9502): time="2017-03-31T07:53:07Z" level=info msg="Load hosts file successful" 03-31 15:53:07.073 I/overture( 9502): time="2017-03-31T07:53:07Z" level=info msg="Start overture on :1133" 03-31 15:53:07.327 D/tun2socks( 9510): NOTICE(tun2socks): entering event loop 03-31 15:53:07.335 I/JobManager( 7921): Found pending job request{id=140, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-lan-china}, canceling 03-31 15:53:07.354 I/JobManager( 7921): Found pending job request{id=138, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-lan-china}, canceling 03-31 15:53:07.370 I/JobManager( 7921): Found pending job request{id=137, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-lan-china}, canceling 03-31 15:53:07.415 D/JobProxy21( 7921): Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=141, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-lan-china}, start 00:00:10, end 00:00:00 (+28 days), reschedule count 0 03-31 15:53:09.285 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): out_standby(0xf4ca3000) 03-31 15:53:09.285 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): do_output_standby(0xf4ca3000) 03-31 15:53:09.285 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): remove out (0xf4ca3000) from index 0 03-31 15:53:09.285 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): close pcm 0xf68ad340 03-31 15:53:11.347 W/GAv4-SVC( 4716): Network compressed POST connection error: failed to connect to (port 443) after 60000ms: isConnected failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused) 03-31 15:53:14.563 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): handlePromptUnvalidated 105 03-31 15:53:15.085 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2) 03-31 15:53:15.097 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): start_output_stream(adev->out_device=0x2, adev->mode=0 sample rate=48000) 03-31 15:53:15.097 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices(mode=0, out_device=0x2) 03-31 15:53:15.097 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices : hs=0 , hp=0, sp=2, hdmi=0x0,earpiece=0x0 03-31 15:53:15.098 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices : in_device(0x4), mic_in(0x4), headset_mic(0) 03-31 15:53:15.098 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): *start_output_stream, open card(0) port(0) 03-31 15:53:15.099 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): device pcm 0xf68ad340 03-31 15:53:15.099 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): channels=2---format=0---period_count4---period_size1024---rate=48000--- 03-31 15:53:15.099 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): store out (0xf4ca3000) to index 0 03-31 15:53:15.099 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): to enable same source,need reset alsa,type 0,same source flag 0 03-31 15:53:17.417 D/PlatformJobService( 7921): Run job, request{id=141, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-lan-china}, waited 00:00:10, start 00:00:10, end 00:00:00 (+28 days) 03-31 15:53:17.428 I/JobExecutor( 7921): Executing request{id=141, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-lan-china}, context PlatformJobService 03-31 15:53:18.171 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): out_standby(0xf4ca3000) 03-31 15:53:18.172 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): do_output_standby(0xf4ca3000) 03-31 15:53:18.172 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): remove out (0xf4ca3000) from index 0 03-31 15:53:18.172 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): close pcm 0xf68ad340 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): Error when loading resources from url: $0 Connection closed by peer 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): Connection closed by peer 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at Method) 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at$1.connectAndSetOwner( 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at Source) 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at Source) 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at Source) 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at Source) 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): at 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): Suppressed: Connection closed by peer 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): ... 24 more 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): Suppressed: Connection closed by peer 03-31 15:53:37.611 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): ... 24 more 03-31 15:53:57.494 W/System.err( 7921): Unable to resolve host "": No address associated with hostname 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at$1.resolveInetAddresses( 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at$.fromURL(Source.scala:141) 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at$.fromURL(Source.scala:131) 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at com.github.shadowsocks.acl.AclSyncJob.onRunJob(AclSyncJob.scala:52) 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at$JobCallable.runJob( 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at$ 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at$ 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.495 W/System.err( 7921): Caused by: android.system.GaiException: android_getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NODATA (No address associated with hostname) 03-31 15:53:57.496 W/System.err( 7921): at Method) 03-31 15:53:57.496 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.496 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:53:57.496 W/System.err( 7921): ... 27 more 03-31 15:53:57.496 I/JobExecutor( 7921): Finished job{id=141, finished=true, result=RESCHEDULE, canceled=false, periodic=false, class=AclSyncJob, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-lan-china} 03-31 15:53:57.533 D/JobProxy21( 7921): Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=142, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-lan-china}, start 00:00:30, end 00:00:30, reschedule count 1 03-31 15:53:57.534 D/PlatformJobService( 7921): Finished job, request{id=141, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-lan-china} RESCHEDULE 03-31 15:53:59.913 W/TelecomManager( 4176): Telecom Service not found. 03-31 15:53:59.913 W/HdmiControlService( 4176): Local playback device not available 03-31 15:53:59.913 W/WindowManager( 4176): One touch play failed: 2 03-31 15:53:59.915 I/ActivityManager( 4176): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0 03-31 15:54:00.010 D/Theme ( 4633): Request focus: sRootView 03-31 15:54:00.117 D/mali_winsys( 4633): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:54:00.146 D/ClassicMain( 4633): Request focus: layoutManager.findViewByPosition(HEADER_OFFSET_POSITION) 03-31 15:54:00.146 D/ClassicMain( 4633): Request focus: layoutManager.findViewByPosition(HEADER_OFFSET_POSITION) 03-31 15:54:00.171 D/ClassicMain( 4633): Request focus: layoutManager.findViewByPosition(HEADER_OFFSET_POSITION) 03-31 15:54:01.127 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2) 03-31 15:54:01.139 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): start_output_stream(adev->out_device=0x2, adev->mode=0 sample rate=48000) 03-31 15:54:01.139 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices(mode=0, out_device=0x2) 03-31 15:54:01.139 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices : hs=0 , hp=0, sp=2, hdmi=0x0,earpiece=0x0 03-31 15:54:01.139 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices : in_device(0x4), mic_in(0x4), headset_mic(0) 03-31 15:54:01.139 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): start_output_stream, open card(0) port(0) 03-31 15:54:01.140 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): device pcm 0xf68ad340 03-31 15:54:01.140 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): channels=2---format=0---period_count4---period_size1024---rate=48000--- 03-31 15:54:01.140 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): store out (0xf4ca3000) to index 0 03-31 15:54:01.140 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): to enable same source,need reset alsa,type 0,same source flag 0 03-31 15:54:01.176 D/AudioFlinger( 3790): mixer(0xf4c00000) throttle end: throttle time(26) 03-31 15:54:01.632 I/ActivityManager( 4176): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000} from uid 10060 on display 0 03-31 15:54:01.682 D/mali_winsys( 8599): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:54:01.696 I/Sunflower_Collector( 8599): url: 03-31 15:54:03.231 D/mali_winsys( 4583): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:54:04.217 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): out_standby(0xf4ca3000) 03-31 15:54:04.217 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): do_output_standby(0xf4ca3000) 03-31 15:54:04.217 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): remove out (0xf4ca3000) from index 0 03-31 15:54:04.217 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): close pcm 0xf68ad340 03-31 15:54:05.084 D/mali_winsys( 4583): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface*, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:54:05.191 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 51, realAction: false 03-31 15:54:05.191 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: processChooseSoftKeys 03-31 15:54:05.191 D/RemoteIME( 4583): ChooseSoftKeys: 51 03-31 15:54:05.191 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: isEnglishWithSkb 03-31 15:54:05.196 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 51, realAction: true 03-31 15:54:05.196 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: processChooseSoftKeys 03-31 15:54:05.196 D/RemoteIME( 4583): ChooseSoftKeys: 51 03-31 15:54:05.196 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: isEnglishWithSkb 03-31 15:54:05.465 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 51, realAction: false 03-31 15:54:05.465 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: processChooseSoftKeys 03-31 15:54:05.465 D/RemoteIME( 4583): ChooseSoftKeys: 51 03-31 15:54:05.465 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: isEnglishWithSkb 03-31 15:54:05.467 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 51, realAction: true 03-31 15:54:05.467 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: processChooseSoftKeys 03-31 15:54:05.467 D/RemoteIME( 4583): ChooseSoftKeys: 51 03-31 15:54:05.467 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: isEnglishWithSkb 03-31 15:54:05.778 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 51, realAction: false 03-31 15:54:05.778 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: processChooseSoftKeys 03-31 15:54:05.778 D/RemoteIME( 4583): ChooseSoftKeys: 51 03-31 15:54:05.778 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: isEnglishWithSkb 03-31 15:54:05.781 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 51, realAction: true 03-31 15:54:05.781 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: processChooseSoftKeys 03-31 15:54:05.781 D/RemoteIME( 4583): ChooseSoftKeys: 51 03-31 15:54:05.781 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: isEnglishWithSkb 03-31 15:54:06.584 D/mali_winsys( 4583): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:54:07.550 D/mali_winsys( 4583): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:54:07.630 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 30, realAction: false 03-31 15:54:07.630 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: processChooseSoftKeys 03-31 15:54:07.630 D/RemoteIME( 4583): ChooseSoftKeys: 30 03-31 15:54:07.630 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: isEnglishWithSkb 03-31 15:54:07.634 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 30, realAction: true 03-31 15:54:07.634 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: processChooseSoftKeys 03-31 15:54:07.634 D/RemoteIME( 4583): ChooseSoftKeys: 30 03-31 15:54:07.634 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: isEnglishWithSkb 03-31 15:54:08.350 D/mali_winsys( 4583): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface*, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:54:08.422 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 37, realAction: false 03-31 15:54:08.422 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: processChooseSoftKeys 03-31 15:54:08.422 D/RemoteIME( 4583): ChooseSoftKeys: 37 03-31 15:54:08.422 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: isEnglishWithSkb 03-31 15:54:08.425 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 37, realAction: true 03-31 15:54:08.426 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: processChooseSoftKeys 03-31 15:54:08.426 D/RemoteIME( 4583): ChooseSoftKeys: 37 03-31 15:54:08.426 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: isEnglishWithSkb 03-31 15:54:09.000 D/mali_winsys( 4583): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:54:09.055 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 42, realAction: false 03-31 15:54:09.055 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: processChooseSoftKeys 03-31 15:54:09.055 D/RemoteIME( 4583): ChooseSoftKeys: 42 03-31 15:54:09.055 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: isEnglishWithSkb 03-31 15:54:09.058 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 42, realAction: true 03-31 15:54:09.058 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: processChooseSoftKeys 03-31 15:54:09.058 D/RemoteIME( 4583): ChooseSoftKeys: 42 03-31 15:54:09.058 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: isEnglishWithSkb 03-31 15:54:09.784 D/mali_winsys( 4583): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:54:09.858 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 35, realAction: false 03-31 15:54:09.858 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: processChooseSoftKeys 03-31 15:54:09.858 D/RemoteIME( 4583): ChooseSoftKeys: 35 03-31 15:54:09.858 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: isEnglishWithSkb 03-31 15:54:09.861 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 35, realAction: true 03-31 15:54:09.861 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: processChooseSoftKeys 03-31 15:54:09.861 D/RemoteIME( 4583): ChooseSoftKeys: 35 03-31 15:54:09.861 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: isEnglishWithSkb 03-31 15:54:10.683 D/mali_winsys( 4583): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface*, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:54:11.901 D/mali_winsys( 4583): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:54:11.947 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 31, realAction: false 03-31 15:54:11.947 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: processChooseSoftKeys 03-31 15:54:11.947 D/RemoteIME( 4583): ChooseSoftKeys: 31 03-31 15:54:11.947 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: isEnglishWithSkb 03-31 15:54:11.951 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 31, realAction: true 03-31 15:54:11.951 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: processChooseSoftKeys 03-31 15:54:11.951 D/RemoteIME( 4583): ChooseSoftKeys: 31 03-31 15:54:11.951 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: isEnglishWithSkb 03-31 15:54:13.019 D/mali_winsys( 4583): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:54:13.090 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 43, realAction: false 03-31 15:54:13.090 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: processChooseSoftKeys 03-31 15:54:13.090 D/RemoteIME( 4583): ChooseSoftKeys: 43 03-31 15:54:13.090 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: isEnglishWithSkb 03-31 15:54:13.093 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 43, realAction: true 03-31 15:54:13.093 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: processChooseSoftKeys 03-31 15:54:13.094 D/RemoteIME( 4583): ChooseSoftKeys: 43 03-31 15:54:13.094 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: isEnglishWithSkb 03-31 15:54:13.968 D/mali_winsys( 4583): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface*, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:54:14.050 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 41, realAction: false 03-31 15:54:14.050 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: processChooseSoftKeys 03-31 15:54:14.050 D/RemoteIME( 4583): ChooseSoftKeys: 41 03-31 15:54:14.050 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: isEnglishWithSkb 03-31 15:54:14.054 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 41, realAction: true 03-31 15:54:14.054 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: processChooseSoftKeys 03-31 15:54:14.054 D/RemoteIME( 4583): ChooseSoftKeys: 41 03-31 15:54:14.054 D/RemoteIME( 4583): processKeys: isEnglishWithSkb 03-31 15:54:14.698 D/mali_winsys( 4583): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:54:27.565 D/PlatformJobService( 7921): Run job, request{id=142, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-lan-china}, waited 00:00:30, start 00:00:30, end 00:00:30 03-31 15:54:27.581 I/JobExecutor( 7921): Executing request{id=142, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-lan-china}, context PlatformJobService 03-31 15:54:41.772 E/Sunflower_Collector( 8599): upload error. please check net state 03-31 15:54:41.780 I/Sunflower_Collector( 8599): no need to check policy 03-31 15:54:41.780 I/Sunflower_Collector( 8599): no need to call upload app 03-31 15:54:42.528 I/UsageStatsService( 4176): User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk 03-31 15:54:54.910 W/cr_BindingManager( 8599): Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 8599 03-31 15:54:54.929 W/cr_BindingManager( 8599): Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 8599 03-31 15:54:59.399 W/TelecomManager( 4176): Telecom Service not found. 03-31 15:54:59.400 W/HdmiControlService( 4176): Local playback device not available 03-31 15:54:59.400 W/WindowManager( 4176): One touch play failed: 2 03-31 15:54:59.409 I/ActivityManager( 4176): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0 03-31 15:54:59.541 I/art ( 4176): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 33275(1698KB) AllocSpace objects, 6(120KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 13MB/19MB, paused 1.511ms total 104.295ms 03-31 15:54:59.564 D/mali_winsys( 4633): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:54:59.581 D/ClassicMain( 4633): Request focus: view 03-31 15:54:59.618 D/ClassicMain( 4633): Request focus: layoutManager.findViewByPosition(HEADER_OFFSET_POSITION) 03-31 15:55:01.426 I/ActivityManager( 4176): START u0 {flg=0x10000000} from uid 10060 on display 0 03-31 15:55:01.426 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2) 03-31 15:55:01.438 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): start_output_stream(adev->out_device=0x2, adev->mode=0 sample rate=48000) 03-31 15:55:01.438 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices(mode=0, out_device=0x2) 03-31 15:55:01.438 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices : hs=0 , hp=0, sp=2, hdmi=0x0,earpiece=0x0 03-31 15:55:01.438 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices : in_device(0x4), mic_in(0x4), headset_mic(0) 03-31 15:55:01.439 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): start_output_stream, open card(0) port(0) 03-31 15:55:01.439 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): device pcm 0xf68ad340 03-31 15:55:01.439 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): channels=2---format=0---period_count4---period_size1024---rate=48000--- 03-31 15:55:01.439 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): store out (0xf4ca3000) to index 0 03-31 15:55:01.440 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): to enable same source,need reset alsa,type 0,same source flag 0 03-31 15:55:01.452 D/AudioFlinger( 3790): mixer(0xf4c00000) throttle end: throttle time(24) 03-31 15:55:01.598 D/mali_winsys( 4633): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:55:01.601 D/AllApps ( 4633): Request focus: mEditView 03-31 15:55:01.635 I/ActivityManager( 4176): Displayed +194ms 03-31 15:55:01.718 D/AllAppsAdapter( 4633): Request focus: getRecyclerView().getChildAt(1) 03-31 15:55:02.702 W/ContextImpl( 4176): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$14.onSwipeFromBottom:1541 android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent:185 03-31 15:55:04.490 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): out_standby(0xf4ca3000) 03-31 15:55:04.490 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): do_output_standby(0xf4ca3000) 03-31 15:55:04.490 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): remove out (0xf4ca3000) from index 0 03-31 15:55:04.490 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): close pcm 0xf68ad340 03-31 15:55:07.654 W/System.err( 7921): Unable to resolve host "": No address associated with hostname 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at$1.resolveInetAddresses( 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at$.fromURL(Source.scala:141) 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at$.fromURL(Source.scala:131) 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at com.github.shadowsocks.acl.AclSyncJob.onRunJob(AclSyncJob.scala:52) 03-31 15:55:07.655 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.656 W/System.err( 7921): at$JobCallable.runJob( 03-31 15:55:07.656 W/System.err( 7921): at$ 03-31 15:55:07.656 W/System.err( 7921): at$ 03-31 15:55:07.656 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.656 W/System.err( 7921): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 03-31 15:55:07.656 W/System.err( 7921): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 03-31 15:55:07.656 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.656 W/System.err( 7921): Caused by: android.system.GaiException: android_getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NODATA (No address associated with hostname) 03-31 15:55:07.656 W/System.err( 7921): at Method) 03-31 15:55:07.656 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.656 W/System.err( 7921): at 03-31 15:55:07.657 W/System.err( 7921): ... 27 more 03-31 15:55:07.657 I/JobExecutor( 7921): Finished job{id=142, finished=true, result=RESCHEDULE, canceled=false, periodic=false, class=AclSyncJob, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-lan-china} 03-31 15:55:07.699 D/JobProxy21( 7921): Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=143, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-lan-china}, start 00:01:00, end 00:01:00, reschedule count 2 03-31 15:55:07.701 D/PlatformJobService( 7921): Finished job, request{id=142, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-lan-china} RESCHEDULE 03-31 15:55:08.075 I/ActivityManager( 4176): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.github.shadowsocks/.MainActivity} from uid 10060 on display 0 03-31 15:55:08.077 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2) 03-31 15:55:08.089 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): start_output_stream(adev->out_device=0x2, adev->mode=0 sample rate=48000) 03-31 15:55:08.089 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices(mode=0, out_device=0x2) 03-31 15:55:08.089 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices : hs=0 , hp=0, sp=2, hdmi=0x0,earpiece=0x0 03-31 15:55:08.089 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices : in_device(0x4), mic_in(0x4), headset_mic(0) 03-31 15:55:08.090 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): start_output_stream, open card(0) port(0) 03-31 15:55:08.090 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): device pcm 0xf68ad340 03-31 15:55:08.090 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): channels=2---format=0---period_count4---period_size1024---rate=48000--- 03-31 15:55:08.090 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): store out (0xf4ca3000) to index 0 03-31 15:55:08.090 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): to enable same source,need reset alsa,type 0,same source flag 0 03-31 15:55:08.163 D/mali_winsys( 7943): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:55:08.317 W/ViewRootImpl( 4633): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1727.8893, y[0]=219.46606, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1247073, downTime=1246673, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 } 03-31 15:55:08.317 W/ViewRootImpl( 4633): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1727.8893, y[0]=219.46606, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1247073, downTime=1246673, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 } 03-31 15:55:08.317 W/ViewRootImpl( 4633): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1727.8893, y[0]=219.46606, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1247073, downTime=1246673, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 } 03-31 15:55:08.318 W/ViewRootImpl( 4633): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1727.8893, y[0]=219.46606, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1247073, downTime=1246673, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 } 03-31 15:55:09.271 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2) 03-31 15:55:09.276 D/tun2socks( 9510): NOTICE(tun2socks): termination requested 03-31 15:55:09.276 D/tun2socks( 9510): NOTICE(tun2socks): tearing down 03-31 15:55:09.276 D/tun2socks( 9510): NOTICE(tun2socks): Free TCP connections 03-31 15:55:09.277 D/tun2socks( 9510): NOTICE(tun2socks): exiting 03-31 15:55:09.286 D/MyPppoeService( 4613): interfaceLinkStateChanged+tun0upfalse 03-31 15:55:09.287 E/NetlinkEvent( 3787): Unknown ifindex 10 in RTM_DELADDR 03-31 15:55:09.287 E/pppoe ( 4613): Unknown ifindex 10 in RTM_DELADDR 03-31 15:55:09.290 V/EthernetNetworkFactory( 4176): stopTrackingInterface, ignore iface:tun0 03-31 15:55:09.290 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 105] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTED to DISCONNECTED 03-31 15:55:09.290 D/VPN ( 4176): NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost 03-31 15:55:09.290 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 105] got DISCONNECTED, was satisfying 0 03-31 15:55:09.300 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): notifyType LOST for NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 105] 03-31 15:55:09.300 D/CSLegacyTypeTracker( 4176): Sending DISCONNECTED broadcast for type 17 NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 105] isDefaultNetwork=false 03-31 15:55:09.300 D/ConnectivityService( 4176): sendStickyBroadcast: 03-31 15:55:09.305 D/Tethering( 4176): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3 03-31 15:55:09.309 D/DMRBroadcastReceiver( 7872): >>>>>onReceive : 03-31 15:55:09.313 D/AudioFlinger( 3790): mixer(0xf4c00000) throttle end: throttle time(65) 03-31 15:55:09.319 D/DMRBroadcastReceiver( 7872): TypeName VPN disconnected 03-31 15:55:09.320 W/ContextImpl( 7872): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:396 android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:396 com.droidlogic.mediacenter.DMRBroadcastReceiver$1.handleMessage:115 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102 03-31 15:55:09.326 I/EthernetWifiSwitch( 4176): action: 03-31 15:55:09.327 D/EthernetWifiSwitch( 4176): TypeName VPN disconnected 03-31 15:55:09.328 I/SystemControl( 3783): writeSysfs [ /sys/class/leds/led-net/brightness ] [ 0 ] from pid=4176, uid=1000, process name=system_server 03-31 15:55:09.328 E/SystemControl( 3783): writeSysFs, open /sys/class/leds/led-net/brightness fail. 03-31 15:55:09.334 D/OTA ( 7887): 03-31 15:55:09.338 D/RCService( 4618): getAction() 03-31 15:55:11.428 W/GAv4-SVC( 4716): Network compressed POST connection error: failed to connect to (port 443) after 60000ms: isConnected failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused) 03-31 15:55:11.944 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 4, realAction: false 03-31 15:55:12.089 D/RemoteIME( 4583): keycode: 4, realAction: true 03-31 15:55:12.183 D/mali_winsys( 4633): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface*, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:55:12.191 D/mali_winsys( 4633): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:55:12.224 I/art ( 4176): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 21699(1191KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(40KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 13MB/19MB, paused 1.626ms total 109.381ms 03-31 15:55:12.262 I/ActivityManager( 4176): Killing 8219:system:ui/1000 (adj 15): empty #17 03-31 15:55:12.364 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): out_standby(0xf4ca3000) 03-31 15:55:12.364 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): do_output_standby(0xf4ca3000) 03-31 15:55:12.364 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): remove out (0xf4ca3000) from index 0 03-31 15:55:12.364 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): close pcm 0xf68ad340 03-31 15:55:12.379 I/ActivityManager( 4176): Killing (adj 15): empty #18 03-31 15:55:13.165 W/GoogleTagManager( 7943): Error when loading resources from url: $0 Unable to resolve host "": No address associated with hostname 03-31 15:55:13.335 I/ActivityManager( 4176): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.tortel.syslog/.FragmentMainActivity} from uid 10060 on display 0 03-31 15:55:13.336 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2) 03-31 15:55:13.348 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): start_output_stream(adev->out_device=0x2, adev->mode=0 sample rate=48000) 03-31 15:55:13.348 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices(mode=0, out_device=0x2) 03-31 15:55:13.348 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices : hs=0 , hp=0, sp=2, hdmi=0x0,earpiece=0x0 03-31 15:55:13.348 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): select_devices : in_device(0x4), mic_in(0x4), headset_mic(0) 03-31 15:55:13.349 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): start_output_stream, open card(0) port(0) 03-31 15:55:13.349 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): device pcm 0xf68ad340 03-31 15:55:13.349 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): channels=2---format=0---period_count4---period_size1024---rate=48000--- 03-31 15:55:13.349 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): store out (0xf4ca3000) to index 0 03-31 15:55:13.350 I/audio_hw_primary( 3790): to enable same source,need reset alsa,type 0,same source flag 0 03-31 15:55:13.448 D/SysLog ( 8097): Fragment null, replacing 03-31 15:55:13.449 D/SysLog ( 8097): Loading settings 03-31 15:55:13.491 D/SysLog ( 8097): Setting the checkboxes 03-31 15:55:13.491 D/SysLog ( 8097): Checking for root 03-31 15:55:13.548 D/mali_winsys( 8097): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:55:13.584 I/ActivityManager( 4176): Displayed com.tortel.syslog/.FragmentMainActivity: +227ms (total +5m23s251ms) 03-31 15:55:14.276 D/AndroidRuntime( 9604): >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< 03-31 15:55:14.281 D/AndroidRuntime( 9604): CheckJNI is OFF 03-31 15:55:14.360 D/ICU ( 9604): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat 03-31 15:55:14.406 I/Radio-JNI( 9604): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE 03-31 15:55:14.436 D/AndroidRuntime( 9604): Calling main entry 03-31 15:55:14.460 D/AndroidRuntime( 9604): Shutting down VM 03-31 15:55:14.466 D/SysLog ( 8097): Enabling log button: true 03-31 15:55:14.467 D/SysLog ( 8097): Checking if last_kmsg and radio are available 03-31 15:55:14.474 D/SysLog ( 8097): Enabling log button: true 03-31 15:55:14.476 D/SysLog ( 8097): Enabling log button: true 03-31 15:55:14.499 D/mali_winsys( 6437): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface*, egl_color_buffer_format, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 03-31 15:55:16.379 D/audio_hw_primary( 3790): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2) 03-31 15:55:16.411 D/AudioFlinger( 3790): mixer(0xf4c00000) throttle end: throttle time(31) 03-31 15:55:16.439 V/SysLog ( 8097): Path: /storage/emulated/0/SysLog/2017-03-31_15.55/ 03-31 15:55:16.465 V/SysLog ( 8097): Done grabbing logs 03-31 15:55:16.485 D/mali_winsys( 8097): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display, void, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000


madeye commented 7 years ago

Interesting. It looks related to

madeye commented 7 years ago

Could you make sure 4.0.1 works on your box?

madeye commented 7 years ago

BTW, did you change Remote DNS before?

madeye commented 7 years ago

Could you try "Bypass mainland China" option first? Note, not "Bypass LAN and mainland China".

wuhgit commented 7 years ago


没有改过 Remote DNS ,这个选项一直是 ,没动过


从3.4.2开始,按照 github 上面 release 更新的顺序进行逐个更新,从 3.4.2 到 4.0.4 之间的版本都可以正常工作,我之前反馈的是从 4.0.2 之后就不行了,没想到逐个升级后 03和04 都可以连接,最后一个不工作的版本是 4.1.0 ,现象与我最开始描述的一样 接下来我把影梭完全卸载,重装 3.4.2 到 4.0.4 中的任意一个,仍旧可以正常工作 然后我重启盒子,4.0.2以后的版本就开始出现问题,即便关机前 403 和 404 两个版本是工作的

路由模式是这样的,我的配置文件里面默认的是 ”绕过局域网和中国大陆地址“,改成 ”绕过中国大陆地址“,或者 ”全局“ ,似乎对连接正常与否没什么影响,因为我发现如果某一个版本可以工作的话,模式中任意一个其实都可以连接,如果它出现假连接 (就是软件图标是连上了但整个网络已经全部断开),任何一个模式都改变不了这种情况


wuhgit commented 7 years ago


重新做了一次 logcat,这一次我先完全卸载软件,重启,然后再安装,安装版本为从 GitHub 上面下载的 4.1.3 。 设置配置文件,我只修改了服务器地址、远程端口以及密码,反复确认配置文件无误,远程DNS 默认未动,路由按您的要求选择了绕过中国大陆地址而非其它。


04-02 10:27:52.596 D/mali_winsys(10694): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-02 10:27:53.072 D/AndroidRuntime(11075): >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<<
04-02 10:27:53.077 D/AndroidRuntime(11075): CheckJNI is OFF
04-02 10:27:53.129 D/ICU     (11075): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
04-02 10:27:53.177 I/Radio-JNI(11075): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
04-02 10:27:53.206 D/AndroidRuntime(11075): Calling main entry
04-02 10:27:53.235 D/AndroidRuntime(11075): Shutting down VM
04-02 10:27:53.414 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-02 10:27:53.456 D/AudioFlinger( 3791): mixer(0xf48c0000) throttle end: throttle time(1)
04-02 10:27:53.480 D/mali_winsys(10694): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-02 10:27:54.619 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-02 10:27:54.729 D/mali_winsys(10694): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-02 10:27:54.974 D/OpenGLRenderer(10694): endAllStagingAnimators on 0xe1915a80 (ListPopupWindow$DropDownListView) with handle 0xf50bf650
04-02 10:27:56.176 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-02 10:27:56.235 D/mali_winsys(10694): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-02 10:27:57.371 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-02 10:27:57.495 D/mali_winsys(10694): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-02 10:27:57.707 D/OpenGLRenderer(10694): endAllStagingAnimators on 0xdf79fd80 (ListPopupWindow$DropDownListView) with handle 0xf5596de0
04-02 10:27:58.644 W/TelecomManager( 4177): Telecom Service not found.
--------- beginning of system
04-02 10:27:58.645 W/HdmiControlService( 4177): Local playback device not available
04-02 10:27:58.645 W/WindowManager( 4177): One touch play failed: 2
04-02 10:27:58.650 I/ActivityManager( 4177): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
04-02 10:27:58.799 D/Theme   ( 8166): Request focus: sRootView
04-02 10:27:58.899 D/mali_winsys( 8166): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-02 10:27:58.917 D/ClassicMain( 8166): Request focus: layoutManager.findViewByPosition(HEADER_OFFSET_POSITION)
04-02 10:27:58.918 D/ClassicMain( 8166): Request focus: layoutManager.findViewByPosition(HEADER_OFFSET_POSITION)
04-02 10:27:58.954 D/ClassicMain( 8166): Request focus: layoutManager.findViewByPosition(HEADER_OFFSET_POSITION)
04-02 10:27:59.597 I/ActivityManager( 4177): START u0 {flg=0x10000000} from uid 10060 on display 0
04-02 10:27:59.600 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-02 10:27:59.643 D/AudioFlinger( 3791): mixer(0xf48c0000) throttle end: throttle time(1)
04-02 10:27:59.685 D/AllApps ( 8166): Request focus: mEditView
04-02 10:27:59.780 D/mali_winsys( 8166): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-02 10:27:59.822 I/ActivityManager( 4177): Displayed +203ms
04-02 10:27:59.885 D/AllAppsAdapter( 8166): Request focus: getRecyclerView().getChildAt(1)
04-02 10:28:01.573 I/ActivityManager( 4177): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.github.shadowsocks/.MainActivity} from uid 10060 on display 0
04-02 10:28:01.584 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-02 10:28:01.632 D/mali_winsys(10145): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-02 10:28:01.817 W/ViewRootImpl( 8166): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1752.0332, y[0]=451.83517, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1390709, downTime=1390305, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 }
04-02 10:28:01.817 W/ViewRootImpl( 8166): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1752.0332, y[0]=451.83517, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1390709, downTime=1390305, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 }
04-02 10:28:01.817 W/ViewRootImpl( 8166): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1752.0332, y[0]=451.83517, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1390709, downTime=1390305, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 }
04-02 10:28:01.817 W/ViewRootImpl( 8166): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1752.0332, y[0]=451.83517, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1390709, downTime=1390305, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 }
04-02 10:28:02.671 D/PlatformJobService(10165): Run job, request{id=4, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china}, waited 00:01:00, start 00:01:00, end 00:01:00
04-02 10:28:02.684 I/JobExecutor(10165): Executing request{id=4, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china}, context PlatformJobService
04-02 10:28:04.091 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-02 10:28:04.156 D/shadowsocks(11106): initializing acl...
04-02 10:28:04.162 V/EthernetNetworkFactory( 4177): didn't find a match iface:tun0
04-02 10:28:04.164 D/Vpn     ( 4177): setting state=CONNECTING, reason=establish
04-02 10:28:04.164 I/pppoe   ( 4513): pfunc_check error
04-02 10:28:04.164 D/MyPppoeService( 4513): interfaceLinkStateChanged+tun0upfalse
04-02 10:28:04.165 I/pppoe   ( 4513): pfunc_check error
04-02 10:28:04.165 E/Netd    ( 3788): ifc_reset_connections failed on iface tun0 for address (Unknown error -1)
04-02 10:28:04.165 D/MyPppoeService( 4513): interfaceLinkStateChanged+tun0uptrue
04-02 10:28:04.166 I/pppoe   ( 4513): pfunc_check error
04-02 10:28:04.167 D/VpnJni  ( 4177): Address added on tun0:
04-02 10:28:04.170 D/ConnectivityService( 4177): registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: VPN[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]}  network{109}  lp{{InterfaceName: tun0 LinkAddresses: [,]  Routes: [ -> tun0,::/0 unreachable,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains:  MTU: 0}}  nc{[ Transports: VPN Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED]}  Score{0}  everValidated{false}  lastValidated{false}  created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
04-02 10:28:04.170 D/ConnectivityService( 4177): NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 109] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTED
04-02 10:28:04.170 I/Vpn     ( 4177): Established by com.github.shadowsocks on tun0
04-02 10:28:04.171 D/ConnectivityService( 4177): Adding iface tun0 to network 109
04-02 10:28:04.202 D/tun2socks(11118): NOTICE(tun2socks): initializing BadVPN tun2socks 1.999.130
04-02 10:28:04.204 E/ConnectivityService( 4177): Unexpected mtu value: 0, tun0
04-02 10:28:04.204 D/ConnectivityService( 4177): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 109
04-02 10:28:04.205 D/ConnectivityService( 4177): Adding Route [::/0 unreachable] to network 109
04-02 10:28:04.206 D/ConnectivityService( 4177): Setting Dns servers for network 109 to [/]
04-02 10:28:04.218 D/ConnectivityService( 4177): notifyType IP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 109]
04-02 10:28:04.227 D/ConnectivityService( 4177): scheduleUnvalidatedPrompt 109
04-02 10:28:04.228 D/ConnectivityService( 4177): updateSignalStrengthThresholds: CONNECT, sending [] to NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 109]
04-02 10:28:04.231 D/CSLegacyTypeTracker( 4177): Sending CONNECTED broadcast for type 17 NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 109] isDefaultNetwork=false
04-02 10:28:04.231 D/ConnectivityService( 4177): sendStickyBroadcast:
04-02 10:28:04.232 D/ConnectivityService( 4177): notifyType PRECHECK for NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 109]
04-02 10:28:04.232 D/Tethering( 4177): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
04-02 10:28:04.238 D/DMRBroadcastReceiver(10399): >>>>>onReceive :
04-02 10:28:04.254 D/ConnectivityService( 4177): setProvNotificationVisibleIntent null visible=false networkType=MOBILE extraInfo=null highPriority=false
04-02 10:28:04.254 D/ConnectivityService( 4177): NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 109] validation  passed
04-02 10:28:04.255 D/ConnectivityService( 4177): notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 109]
04-02 10:28:04.255 D/DMRBroadcastReceiver(10399): TypeName VPN connected
04-02 10:28:04.257 W/ContextImpl(10399): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:396 android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:396 com.droidlogic.mediacenter.DMRBroadcastReceiver$1.handleMessage:115 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102 
04-02 10:28:04.270 I/EthernetWifiSwitch( 4177): action:
04-02 10:28:04.271 D/EthernetWifiSwitch( 4177): TypeName VPN connected
04-02 10:28:04.272 I/SystemControl( 3784): writeSysfs [ /sys/class/leds/led-net/brightness ] [ 1 ] from pid=4177, uid=1000, process name=system_server
04-02 10:28:04.272 E/SystemControl( 3784): writeSysFs, open /sys/class/leds/led-net/brightness fail.
04-02 10:28:04.290 D/OTA     (10414):
04-02 10:28:04.293 D/RCService( 4518): getAction()
04-02 10:28:04.395 D/shadowsocks(11106): using tcp fast open
04-02 10:28:04.395 D/shadowsocks(11106): initializing ciphers... aes-256-cfb
04-02 10:28:04.396 D/shadowsocks(11106): udprelay enabled
04-02 10:28:04.396 D/shadowsocks(11106): listening at
04-02 10:28:04.846 I/overture(11110): time="2017-04-02T02:28:04Z" level=info msg="If you need any help or want to check update, please visit the project repository: <web url omitted>" 
04-02 10:28:04.859 I/overture(11110): time="2017-04-02T02:28:04Z" level=info msg="Load IP network file successful" 
04-02 10:28:04.971 I/overture(11110): time="2017-04-02T02:28:04Z" level=warning msg="There is no element in domain file" 
04-02 10:28:04.971 I/overture(11110): time="2017-04-02T02:28:04Z" level=info msg="Minimum TTL is 3600" 
04-02 10:28:04.971 I/overture(11110): time="2017-04-02T02:28:04Z" level=info msg="CacheSize is 4096" 
04-02 10:28:04.971 I/overture(11110): time="2017-04-02T02:28:04Z" level=info msg="Load hosts file successful" 
04-02 10:28:04.971 I/overture(11110): time="2017-04-02T02:28:04Z" level=info msg="Start overture on :1133" 
04-02 10:28:05.187 D/tun2socks(11118): NOTICE(tun2socks): entering event loop
04-02 10:28:05.189 I/JobManager(10165): Found pending job request{id=4, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china}, canceling
04-02 10:28:05.191 D/PlatformJobService(10165): Called onStopJob for job{id=4, finished=false, result=FAILURE, canceled=true, periodic=false, class=AclSyncJob, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china}
04-02 10:28:05.206 I/JobManager(10165): Found pending job request{id=5, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china}, canceling
04-02 10:28:05.208 D/PlatformJobService(10165): Called onStopJob for job{id=5, finished=false, result=FAILURE, canceled=true, periodic=false, class=AclSyncJob, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china}
04-02 10:28:05.251 D/JobProxy21(10165): Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=6, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china}, start 00:00:10, end 00:00:00 (+28 days), reschedule count 0
04-02 10:28:07.195 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_standby(0xf4963000)
04-02 10:28:07.195 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): do_output_standby(0xf4963000)
04-02 10:28:07.195 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): remove out (0xf4963000) from index 0
04-02 10:28:07.195 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): close pcm 0xf656cc40
04-02 10:28:10.067 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-02 10:28:10.079 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): start_output_stream(adev->out_device=0x2, adev->mode=0 sample rate=48000)
04-02 10:28:10.079 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): select_devices(mode=0, out_device=0x2)
04-02 10:28:10.079 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): select_devices : hs=0 , hp=0, sp=2, hdmi=0x0,earpiece=0x0
04-02 10:28:10.079 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): select_devices : in_device(0x4), mic_in(0x4), headset_mic(0)
04-02 10:28:10.080 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): *start_output_stream, open card(0) port(0)
04-02 10:28:10.080 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): device pcm 0xf656cc40
04-02 10:28:10.080 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): channels=2---format=0---period_count4---period_size1024---rate=48000---
04-02 10:28:10.080 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): store out (0xf4963000) to index 0
04-02 10:28:10.081 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): to enable same source,need reset alsa,type 0,same source flag 0 
04-02 10:28:12.236 D/ConnectivityService( 4177): handlePromptUnvalidated 109
04-02 10:28:13.154 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_standby(0xf4963000)
04-02 10:28:13.154 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): do_output_standby(0xf4963000)
04-02 10:28:13.154 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): remove out (0xf4963000) from index 0
04-02 10:28:13.154 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): close pcm 0xf656cc40
04-02 10:28:15.257 D/PlatformJobService(10165): Run job, request{id=6, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china}, waited 00:00:10, start 00:00:10, end 00:00:00 (+28 days)
04-02 10:28:15.264 I/JobExecutor(10165): Executing request{id=6, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china}, context PlatformJobService
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145): Error when loading resources from url: <web url omitted> Connection closed by peer
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145): Connection closed by peer
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at Method)
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at$1.connectAndSetOwner(
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at Source)
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at Source)
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at Source)
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at Source)
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   at
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):   Suppressed: Connection closed by peer
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):       ... 24 more
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):       Suppressed: Connection closed by peer
04-02 10:28:35.220 W/GoogleTagManager(10145):           ... 24 more
04-02 10:28:35.907 I/art     ( 4626): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 67258(4MB) AllocSpace objects, 115(2MB) LOS objects, 40% free, 12MB/21MB, paused 28.026ms total 113.552ms
04-02 10:28:39.900 W/GAv4-SVC( 4904): Network compressed POST connection error: failed to connect to (port 443) after 60000ms: isConnected failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
04-02 10:28:44.278 I/Ads     (10145): Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.
04-02 10:28:44.278 I/Ads     (10145): Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds from now.
04-02 10:28:46.084 W/System.err(10165): Unable to resolve host "": No address associated with hostname
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at$1.resolveInetAddresses(
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at$.fromURL(Source.scala:141)
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at$.fromURL(Source.scala:131)
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at com.github.shadowsocks.acl.AclSyncJob.onRunJob(AclSyncJob.scala:52)
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at$JobCallable.runJob(
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at$
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at$
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.085 W/System.err(10165):     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
04-02 10:28:46.086 W/System.err(10165):     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
04-02 10:28:46.086 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.086 W/System.err(10165): Caused by: android.system.GaiException: android_getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NODATA (No address associated with hostname)
04-02 10:28:46.087 W/System.err(10165):     at Method)
04-02 10:28:46.087 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.087 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:46.087 W/System.err(10165):     ... 27 more
04-02 10:28:46.088 I/JobExecutor(10165): Finished job{id=4, finished=true, result=RESCHEDULE, canceled=true, periodic=false, class=AclSyncJob, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china}
04-02 10:28:46.126 D/JobProxy21(10165): Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=7, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china}, start 00:02:00, end 00:02:00, reschedule count 3
04-02 10:28:46.128 D/PlatformJobService(10165): Finished job, request{id=4, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china} RESCHEDULE
04-02 10:28:53.957 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-02 10:28:53.961 D/tun2socks(11118): NOTICE(tun2socks): termination requested
04-02 10:28:53.961 D/tun2socks(11118): NOTICE(tun2socks): tearing down
04-02 10:28:53.961 D/tun2socks(11118): NOTICE(tun2socks): Free TCP connections
04-02 10:28:53.961 D/tun2socks(11118): NOTICE(tun2socks): exiting
04-02 10:28:53.968 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): start_output_stream(adev->out_device=0x2, adev->mode=0 sample rate=48000)
04-02 10:28:53.968 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): select_devices(mode=0, out_device=0x2)
04-02 10:28:53.968 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): select_devices : hs=0 , hp=0, sp=2, hdmi=0x0,earpiece=0x0
04-02 10:28:53.968 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): select_devices : in_device(0x4), mic_in(0x4), headset_mic(0)
04-02 10:28:53.968 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): *start_output_stream, open card(0) port(0)
04-02 10:28:53.969 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): device pcm 0xf656cc40
04-02 10:28:53.969 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): channels=2---format=0---period_count4---period_size1024---rate=48000---
04-02 10:28:53.969 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): store out (0xf4963000) to index 0
04-02 10:28:53.969 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): to enable same source,need reset alsa,type 0,same source flag 0 
04-02 10:28:53.973 D/MyPppoeService( 4513): interfaceLinkStateChanged+tun0upfalse
04-02 10:28:53.978 E/NetlinkEvent( 3788): Unknown ifindex 14 in RTM_DELADDR
04-02 10:28:53.978 E/pppoe   ( 4513): Unknown ifindex 14 in RTM_DELADDR
04-02 10:28:53.982 V/EthernetNetworkFactory( 4177): stopTrackingInterface, ignore iface:tun0
04-02 10:28:53.984 D/ConnectivityService( 4177): NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 109] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTED to DISCONNECTED
04-02 10:28:53.984 D/VPN     ( 4177): NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost
04-02 10:28:53.984 D/ConnectivityService( 4177): NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 109] got DISCONNECTED, was satisfying 5
04-02 10:28:53.994 D/ConnectivityService( 4177): notifyType LOST for NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 109]
04-02 10:28:53.998 D/CSLegacyTypeTracker( 4177): Sending DISCONNECTED broadcast for type 17 NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 109] isDefaultNetwork=false
04-02 10:28:53.998 D/ConnectivityService( 4177): sendStickyBroadcast:
04-02 10:28:54.000 D/Tethering( 4177): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
04-02 10:28:54.004 D/AudioFlinger( 3791): mixer(0xf48c0000) throttle end: throttle time(25)
04-02 10:28:54.006 D/DMRBroadcastReceiver(10399): >>>>>onReceive :
04-02 10:28:54.020 D/DMRBroadcastReceiver(10399): TypeName VPN disconnected
04-02 10:28:54.021 W/ContextImpl(10399): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:396 android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:396 com.droidlogic.mediacenter.DMRBroadcastReceiver$1.handleMessage:115 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102 
04-02 10:28:54.030 I/EthernetWifiSwitch( 4177): action:
04-02 10:28:54.032 D/EthernetWifiSwitch( 4177): TypeName VPN disconnected
04-02 10:28:54.032 I/SystemControl( 3784): writeSysfs [ /sys/class/leds/led-net/brightness ] [ 0 ] from pid=4177, uid=1000, process name=system_server
04-02 10:28:54.032 E/SystemControl( 3784): writeSysFs, open /sys/class/leds/led-net/brightness fail.
04-02 10:28:54.052 D/OTA     (10414):
04-02 10:28:54.060 D/RCService( 4518): getAction()
04-02 10:28:55.326 W/System.err(10165): Unable to resolve host "": No address associated with hostname
04-02 10:28:55.329 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.329 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.329 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.330 W/System.err(10165):     at$1.resolveInetAddresses(
04-02 10:28:55.330 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.330 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.330 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.331 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.331 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.331 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.332 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.332 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.332 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.333 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.333 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.333 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.333 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.334 W/System.err(10165):     at$.fromURL(Source.scala:141)
04-02 10:28:55.334 W/System.err(10165):     at$.fromURL(Source.scala:131)
04-02 10:28:55.334 W/System.err(10165):     at com.github.shadowsocks.acl.AclSyncJob.onRunJob(AclSyncJob.scala:52)
04-02 10:28:55.334 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.335 W/System.err(10165):     at$JobCallable.runJob(
04-02 10:28:55.335 W/System.err(10165):     at$
04-02 10:28:55.335 W/System.err(10165):     at$
04-02 10:28:55.335 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.336 W/System.err(10165):     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
04-02 10:28:55.336 W/System.err(10165):     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
04-02 10:28:55.336 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.337 W/System.err(10165): Caused by: android.system.GaiException: android_getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NODATA (No address associated with hostname)
04-02 10:28:55.340 W/System.err(10165):     at Method)
04-02 10:28:55.340 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.340 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:55.341 W/System.err(10165):     ... 27 more
04-02 10:28:55.342 I/JobExecutor(10165): Finished job{id=6, finished=true, result=RESCHEDULE, canceled=false, periodic=false, class=AclSyncJob, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china}
04-02 10:28:55.376 D/JobProxy21(10165): Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=8, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china}, start 00:00:30, end 00:00:30, reschedule count 1
04-02 10:28:55.377 D/PlatformJobService(10165): Finished job, request{id=6, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china} RESCHEDULE
04-02 10:28:56.034 W/TelecomManager( 4177): Telecom Service not found.
04-02 10:28:56.034 W/HdmiControlService( 4177): Local playback device not available
04-02 10:28:56.034 W/WindowManager( 4177): One touch play failed: 2
04-02 10:28:56.036 I/ActivityManager( 4177): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
04-02 10:28:56.092 W/System.err(10165): Unable to resolve host "": No address associated with hostname
04-02 10:28:56.093 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at$1.resolveInetAddresses(
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at$.fromURL(Source.scala:141)
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at$.fromURL(Source.scala:131)
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at com.github.shadowsocks.acl.AclSyncJob.onRunJob(AclSyncJob.scala:52)
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at$JobCallable.runJob(
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at$
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at$
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
04-02 10:28:56.094 W/System.err(10165):     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
04-02 10:28:56.095 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.095 W/System.err(10165): Caused by: android.system.GaiException: android_getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NODATA (No address associated with hostname)
04-02 10:28:56.095 W/System.err(10165):     at Method)
04-02 10:28:56.095 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.095 W/System.err(10165):     at
04-02 10:28:56.095 W/System.err(10165):     ... 27 more
04-02 10:28:56.096 I/JobExecutor(10165): Finished job{id=5, finished=true, result=RESCHEDULE, canceled=true, periodic=false, class=AclSyncJob, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china}
04-02 10:28:56.122 D/JobProxy21(10165): Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=9, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china}, start 00:01:00, end 00:01:00, reschedule count 2
04-02 10:28:56.123 D/PlatformJobService(10165): Finished job, request{id=5, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china} RESCHEDULE
04-02 10:28:56.134 D/Theme   ( 8166): Request focus: sRootView
04-02 10:28:56.239 D/mali_winsys( 8166): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-02 10:28:56.267 D/ClassicMain( 8166): Request focus: layoutManager.findViewByPosition(HEADER_OFFSET_POSITION)
04-02 10:28:56.294 D/ClassicMain( 8166): Request focus: layoutManager.findViewByPosition(HEADER_OFFSET_POSITION)
04-02 10:28:56.295 D/ClassicMain( 8166): Request focus: layoutManager.findViewByPosition(HEADER_OFFSET_POSITION)
04-02 10:28:57.043 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_standby(0xf4963000)
04-02 10:28:57.043 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): do_output_standby(0xf4963000)
04-02 10:28:57.043 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): remove out (0xf4963000) from index 0
04-02 10:28:57.043 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): close pcm 0xf656cc40
04-02 10:28:57.264 I/ActivityManager( 4177): START u0 {flg=0x10000000} from uid 10060 on display 0
04-02 10:28:57.267 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-02 10:28:57.279 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): start_output_stream(adev->out_device=0x2, adev->mode=0 sample rate=48000)
04-02 10:28:57.279 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): select_devices(mode=0, out_device=0x2)
04-02 10:28:57.279 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): select_devices : hs=0 , hp=0, sp=2, hdmi=0x0,earpiece=0x0
04-02 10:28:57.279 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): select_devices : in_device(0x4), mic_in(0x4), headset_mic(0)
04-02 10:28:57.280 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): *start_output_stream, open card(0) port(0)
04-02 10:28:57.280 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): device pcm 0xf656cc40
04-02 10:28:57.280 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): channels=2---format=0---period_count4---period_size1024---rate=48000---
04-02 10:28:57.280 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): store out (0xf4963000) to index 0
04-02 10:28:57.281 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): to enable same source,need reset alsa,type 0,same source flag 0 
04-02 10:28:57.317 D/AudioFlinger( 3791): mixer(0xf48c0000) throttle end: throttle time(26)
04-02 10:28:57.337 D/AllApps ( 8166): Request focus: mEditView
04-02 10:28:57.430 D/mali_winsys( 8166): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-02 10:28:57.477 I/ActivityManager( 4177): Displayed +194ms
04-02 10:28:57.529 D/AllAppsAdapter( 8166): Request focus: getRecyclerView().getChildAt(1)
04-02 10:29:00.293 I/ActivityManager( 4177): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.tortel.syslog/.FragmentMainActivity} from uid 10060 on display 0
04-02 10:29:00.304 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-02 10:29:00.347 D/AudioFlinger( 3791): mixer(0xf48c0000) throttle end: throttle time(25)
04-02 10:29:00.351 D/mali_winsys(10694): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-02 10:29:00.522 W/ViewRootImpl( 8166): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1307.5461, y[0]=790.21686, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1449413, downTime=1449009, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 }
04-02 10:29:00.522 W/ViewRootImpl( 8166): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1307.5461, y[0]=790.21686, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1449413, downTime=1449009, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 }
04-02 10:29:00.522 W/ViewRootImpl( 8166): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1307.5461, y[0]=790.21686, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1449413, downTime=1449009, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 }
04-02 10:29:00.522 W/ViewRootImpl( 8166): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1307.5461, y[0]=790.21686, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1449413, downTime=1449009, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 }
04-02 10:29:01.626 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-02 10:29:01.651 V/SysLog  (10694): Path: /storage/emulated/0/SysLog/2017-04-02_10.29/
04-02 10:29:01.672 V/SysLog  (10694): Done grabbing logs
04-02 10:29:01.698 D/mali_winsys(10694): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
Mygod commented 7 years ago

Sounds like a device bug. Also please exclude 4.1.0 from testing and try again, that version is confirmed bugged.

wuhgit commented 7 years ago


刚刚做了 4.1.0 的 logcat ,最近几天服务器端出于安全考虑换用了加密方式和远程端口,这应该不会影响判断吧?

04-07 12:58:41.548 D/mali_winsys( 8388): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-07 12:58:41.572 V/RenderScript( 8388): 0xdef8f000 Launching thread(s), CPUs 8
04-07 12:58:41.974 D/AndroidRuntime( 8460): >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<<
04-07 12:58:41.979 D/AndroidRuntime( 8460): CheckJNI is OFF
04-07 12:58:42.032 D/ICU     ( 8460): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
04-07 12:58:42.086 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-07 12:58:42.087 I/Radio-JNI( 8460): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
04-07 12:58:42.116 D/AndroidRuntime( 8460): Calling main entry
04-07 12:58:42.133 D/mali_winsys( 8388): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-07 12:58:42.151 D/AndroidRuntime( 8460): Shutting down VM
04-07 12:58:43.781 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-07 12:58:43.825 D/AudioFlinger( 3791): mixer(0xf4c00000) throttle end: throttle time(1)
04-07 12:58:43.949 D/mali_winsys( 8388): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-07 12:58:44.127 D/OpenGLRenderer( 8388): endAllStagingAnimators on 0xdf530880 (ListPopupWindow$DropDownListView) with handle 0xf53d7820
04-07 12:58:45.766 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-07 12:58:45.808 D/AudioFlinger( 3791): mixer(0xf4c00000) throttle end: throttle time(1)
04-07 12:58:45.816 D/mali_winsys( 8388): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-07 12:58:46.768 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-07 12:58:46.811 D/AudioFlinger( 3791): mixer(0xf4c00000) throttle end: throttle time(5)
04-07 12:58:46.864 D/mali_winsys( 8388): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-07 12:58:47.108 D/OpenGLRenderer( 8388): endAllStagingAnimators on 0xdf425980 (ListPopupWindow$DropDownListView) with handle 0xf53d7930
04-07 12:58:47.781 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-07 12:58:47.836 D/mali_winsys( 8388): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-07 12:58:48.088 I/Finsky  ( 4504): [1] Completed 1 account content syncs with 0 successful.
04-07 12:58:48.090 I/Finsky  ( 4504): [1] Installation state replication failed.
04-07 12:58:48.091 I/Finsky  ( 4504): [1] Scheduling replication attempt 3.
04-07 12:58:49.165 W/TelecomManager( 4196): Telecom Service not found.
--------- beginning of system
04-07 12:58:49.166 W/HdmiControlService( 4196): Local playback device not available
04-07 12:58:49.166 W/WindowManager( 4196): One touch play failed: 2
04-07 12:58:49.168 I/ActivityManager( 4196): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
04-07 12:58:49.259 D/Theme   ( 4553): Request focus: sRootView
04-07 12:58:49.317 D/mali_winsys( 4553): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-07 12:58:49.360 D/ClassicMain( 4553): Request focus: layoutManager.findViewByPosition(HEADER_OFFSET_POSITION)
04-07 12:58:49.369 D/ClassicMain( 4553): Request focus: layoutManager.findViewByPosition(HEADER_OFFSET_POSITION)
04-07 12:58:49.375 D/ClassicMain( 4553): Request focus: layoutManager.findViewByPosition(HEADER_OFFSET_POSITION)
04-07 12:58:50.591 I/ActivityManager( 4196): START u0 {flg=0x10000000} from uid 10060 on display 0
04-07 12:58:50.597 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-07 12:58:50.764 D/mali_winsys( 4553): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-07 12:58:50.775 D/AllApps ( 4553): Request focus: mEditView
04-07 12:58:50.825 I/ActivityManager( 4196): Displayed +216ms
04-07 12:58:50.868 D/AllAppsAdapter( 4553): Request focus: getRecyclerView().getChildAt(1)
04-07 12:58:52.791 I/ActivityManager( 4196): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.github.shadowsocks/.MainActivity} from uid 10060 on display 0
04-07 12:58:52.796 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-07 12:58:52.853 D/mali_winsys( 8003): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-07 12:58:52.970 E/GoogleTagManager( 8003): Invalid macro: _gtm.loadEventEnabled
04-07 12:58:53.056 W/ViewRootImpl( 4553): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1311.3308, y[0]=660.5023, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=597679, downTime=597267, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 }
04-07 12:58:53.056 W/ViewRootImpl( 4553): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1311.3308, y[0]=660.5023, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=597679, downTime=597267, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 }
04-07 12:58:53.056 W/ViewRootImpl( 4553): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1311.3308, y[0]=660.5023, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=597679, downTime=597267, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 }
04-07 12:58:53.056 W/ViewRootImpl( 4553): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1311.3308, y[0]=660.5023, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=597679, downTime=597267, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 }
04-07 12:58:54.694 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-07 12:58:56.486 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-07 12:58:56.506 I/ActivityManager( 4196): START u0 {} from uid 10100 on display 0
04-07 12:58:56.598 I/ActivityManager( 4196): Start proc for activity
04-07 12:58:56.745 W/System  ( 8496): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/VpnDialogs/lib/arm
04-07 12:58:56.754 W/AppOps  ( 4196): Bad call: specified package com.github.shadowsocks under uid 10017 but it is really 10100
04-07 12:58:56.807 D/OpenGLRenderer( 8496): Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: false
04-07 12:58:56.884 I/OpenGLRenderer( 8496): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
04-07 12:58:56.895 D/mali_winsys( 8496): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-07 12:58:56.950 I/ActivityManager( 4196): Displayed +363ms
04-07 12:58:58.448 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-07 12:58:58.459 I/Vpn     ( 4196): Switched from com.github.shadowsocks to com.github.shadowsocks
04-07 12:58:58.462 D/Vpn     ( 4196): setting state=IDLE, reason=prepare
04-07 12:58:58.492 W/InputMethodManagerService( 4196): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@48d7fc6 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@e1d9f0c
04-07 12:58:58.507 D/OpenGLRenderer( 8496): endAllStagingAnimators on 0xf4154400 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xf417e150
04-07 12:58:58.574 I/GAv4    ( 8023): Google Analytics 10.2.98 is starting up. To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-07 12:58:58.574 I/GAv4    ( 8023):   adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-07 12:58:58.574 I/GAv4    ( 8023):   adb logcat -s GAv4
04-07 12:58:58.586 W/GAv4    ( 8023): AnalyticsReceiver is not registered or is disabled. Register the receiver for reliable dispatching on non-Google Play devices. See <web url omitted> for instructions.
04-07 12:58:58.595 W/GAv4    ( 8023): CampaignTrackingReceiver is not registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not possible. See <web url omitted> for instructions.
04-07 12:58:58.608 W/GAv4    ( 8023): AnalyticsService not registered in the app manifest. Hits might not be delivered reliably. See <web url omitted> for instructions.
04-07 12:58:58.617 E/GoogleTagManager( 8003): Invalid macro: _gtm.loadEventEnabled
04-07 12:58:58.661 D/shadowsocks( 8535): initializing acl...
04-07 12:58:58.879 D/shadowsocks( 8535): using tcp fast open
04-07 12:58:58.879 D/shadowsocks( 8535): initializing ciphers... chacha20-ietf-poly1305
04-07 12:58:58.880 D/shadowsocks( 8535): listening at
04-07 12:59:00.048 V/EthernetNetworkFactory( 4196): didn't find a match iface:tun0
04-07 12:59:00.049 D/Vpn     ( 4196): setting state=CONNECTING, reason=establish
04-07 12:59:00.050 I/pppoe   ( 4515): pfunc_check error
04-07 12:59:00.050 I/pppoe   ( 4515): pfunc_check error
04-07 12:59:00.050 I/pppoe   ( 4515): pfunc_check error
04-07 12:59:00.050 E/Netd    ( 3788): ifc_reset_connections failed on iface tun0 for address (Unknown error -1)
04-07 12:59:00.050 D/VpnJni  ( 4196): Address added on tun0:
04-07 12:59:00.052 D/MyPppoeService( 4515): interfaceLinkStateChanged+tun0upfalse
04-07 12:59:00.053 D/MyPppoeService( 4515): interfaceLinkStateChanged+tun0uptrue
04-07 12:59:00.054 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: VPN[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]}  network{103}  lp{{InterfaceName: tun0 LinkAddresses: [,]  Routes: [ -> tun0,::/0 unreachable,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains:  MTU: 0}}  nc{[ Transports: VPN Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED]}  Score{0}  everValidated{false}  lastValidated{false}  created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
04-07 12:59:00.054 I/Vpn     ( 4196): Established by com.github.shadowsocks on tun0
04-07 12:59:00.054 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 103] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTED
04-07 12:59:00.056 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): Adding iface tun0 to network 103
04-07 12:59:00.086 D/tun2socks( 8551): NOTICE(tun2socks): initializing BadVPN tun2socks 1.999.130
04-07 12:59:00.089 E/ConnectivityService( 4196): Unexpected mtu value: 0, tun0
04-07 12:59:00.089 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): Adding Route [ -> tun0] to network 103
04-07 12:59:00.091 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): Adding Route [::/0 unreachable] to network 103
04-07 12:59:00.092 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): Setting Dns servers for network 103 to [/]
04-07 12:59:00.130 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): notifyType IP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 103]
04-07 12:59:00.138 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): scheduleUnvalidatedPrompt 103
04-07 12:59:00.138 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): updateSignalStrengthThresholds: CONNECT, sending [] to NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 103]
04-07 12:59:00.141 D/CSLegacyTypeTracker( 4196): Sending CONNECTED broadcast for type 17 NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 103] isDefaultNetwork=false
04-07 12:59:00.141 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): sendStickyBroadcast:
04-07 12:59:00.142 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): notifyType PRECHECK for NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 103]
04-07 12:59:00.145 D/Tethering( 4196): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
04-07 12:59:00.149 V/ConnectivityReceiver( 6341): Start check for network state, at ConnectivityReceiver.onReceive(
04-07 12:59:00.155 D/EventBus( 6341): No subscribers registered for event class
04-07 12:59:00.155 D/EventBus( 6341): No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.g
04-07 12:59:00.155 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:1] network changed, [type: Ethernet[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: c4:4e:ac:09:99:38, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
04-07 12:59:00.160 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): setProvNotificationVisibleIntent null visible=false networkType=MOBILE extraInfo=null highPriority=false
04-07 12:59:00.160 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 103] validation  passed
04-07 12:59:00.160 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 103]
04-07 12:59:00.190 I/ActivityManager( 4196): Start proc 8555:com.droidlogic.mediacenter/1000 for broadcast com.droidlogic.mediacenter/.DMRBroadcastReceiver
04-07 12:59:00.201 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] [Slim] SND ping id=0
04-07 12:59:00.376 W/System  ( 8555): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/DLNA/lib/arm
04-07 12:59:00.382 D/DMRBroadcastReceiver( 8555): >>>>>onReceive :
04-07 12:59:00.384 D/DMRBroadcastReceiver( 8555): TypeName VPN connected
04-07 12:59:00.385 W/ContextImpl( 8555): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:396 android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:396 com.droidlogic.mediacenter.DMRBroadcastReceiver$1.handleMessage:115 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102 
04-07 12:59:00.389 D/DLNA    ( 8555): getProperty:media.omx.display_mode defVal:0
04-07 12:59:00.392 I/EthernetWifiSwitch( 4196): action:
04-07 12:59:00.395 D/EthernetWifiSwitch( 4196): TypeName VPN connected
04-07 12:59:00.397 I/SystemControl( 3783): writeSysfs [ /sys/class/leds/led-net/brightness ] [ 1 ] from pid=4196, uid=1000, process name=system_server
04-07 12:59:00.397 E/SystemControl( 3783): writeSysFs, open /sys/class/leds/led-net/brightness fail.
04-07 12:59:00.458 I/ActivityManager( 4196): Start proc 8570:com.droidlogic.otaupgrade/u0a38 for broadcast com.droidlogic.otaupgrade/.LoaderReceiver
04-07 12:59:00.495 I/ActivityManager( 4196): Killing (adj 15): empty #17
04-07 12:59:00.627 W/art     ( 4196): Long monitor contention event with owner method=void, int, int, int) from waiters=1 for 133ms
04-07 12:59:00.649 W/System  ( 8570): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/OTAUpgrade/lib/arm
04-07 12:59:00.656 D/OTA     ( 8570):
04-07 12:59:00.658 I/ActivityManager( 4196): Killing (adj 15): empty #17
04-07 12:59:00.714 I/overture( 8542): time="2017-04-07T04:59:00Z" level=info msg="If you need any help or want to check update, please visit the project repository: <web url omitted>" 
04-07 12:59:00.727 I/overture( 8542): time="2017-04-07T04:59:00Z" level=info msg="Load IP network file successful" 
04-07 12:59:00.769 D/RCService( 4521): getAction()
04-07 12:59:00.839 I/overture( 8542): time="2017-04-07T04:59:00Z" level=info msg="Load domain file successful" 
04-07 12:59:00.839 I/overture( 8542): time="2017-04-07T04:59:00Z" level=info msg="Minimum TTL is 3600" 
04-07 12:59:00.839 I/overture( 8542): time="2017-04-07T04:59:00Z" level=info msg="CacheSize is 4096" 
04-07 12:59:00.839 I/overture( 8542): time="2017-04-07T04:59:00Z" level=info msg="Load hosts file successful" 
04-07 12:59:00.839 I/overture( 8542): time="2017-04-07T04:59:00Z" level=info msg="Start overture on :1133" 
04-07 12:59:01.072 D/tun2socks( 8551): NOTICE(tun2socks): entering event loop
04-07 12:59:01.073 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:135] [Slim] read Blob [] Err:recvfrom failed: ECONNRESET (Connection reset by peer)
04-07 12:59:01.074 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] JOB: shutdown the connection. 9, recvfrom failed: ECONNRESET (Connection reset by peer)
04-07 12:59:01.074 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] disconnect 216646272, 53660592
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): 
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): sendto failed: EPIPE (Broken pipe)
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285):   at
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285):   at
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285):   at
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285):   at
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285):   at$PlainSocketOutputStream.write(
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285):   at
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285):   at
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285):   at com.xiaomi.slim.d.a(Unknown Source)
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285):   at com.xiaomi.slim.d.b(Unknown Source)
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285):   at com.xiaomi.slim.f.a(Unknown Source)
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285):   at com.xiaomi.smack.h.b(Unknown Source)
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285):   at com.xiaomi.push.service.XMPushService.a(Unknown Source)
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285):   at com.xiaomi.smack.j.a(Unknown Source)
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285):   at com.xiaomi.push.service.XMPushService$ Source)
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285):   at com.xiaomi.push.service.i$ Source)
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: sendto failed: EPIPE (Broken pipe)
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285):   at Method)
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285):   at
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285):   at
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285):   at
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285):   ... 13 more
04-07 12:59:01.076 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] update the connection status. connected -> disconnected : ERROR_READ_ERROR 
04-07 12:59:01.083 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] schedule reconnect in 3795ms
04-07 12:59:01.084 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] max short conn time reached, sink down current host:
04-07 12:59:01.087 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] update the client 5 status. binded->unbind CLOSE ERROR_READ_ERROR null null
04-07 12:59:01.090 I/GcmAvailableHelper( 8023): GCM service enabled
04-07 12:59:01.105 W/InstanceID/Rpc( 8023): Found 10007
04-07 12:59:01.123 D/JobProxy21( 8023): Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=1, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china}, start 00:00:10, end 00:00:00 (+28 days), reschedule count 0
04-07 12:59:01.552 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_standby(0xf4ca3000)
04-07 12:59:01.553 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): do_output_standby(0xf4ca3000)
04-07 12:59:01.553 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): remove out (0xf4ca3000) from index 0
04-07 12:59:01.553 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): close pcm 0xf2282a80
04-07 12:59:03.088 I/GoogleURLConnFactory( 4905): Using platform SSLCertificateSocketFactory
04-07 12:59:04.916 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] JOB: do reconnect..
04-07 12:59:04.918 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] update the connection status. disconnected -> connecting : ERROR_OK 
04-07 12:59:04.920 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] begin to connect to
04-07 12:59:04.922 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] tcp connected
04-07 12:59:04.923 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] [slim] open conn: andver=23 sdk=26 hash=UbUjyIh80nxT-MB7 tz=8:0 Model=X92 os=20161118
04-07 12:59:04.923 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] connected to in 3
04-07 12:59:04.953 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:136] network ioErr: failed to connect to (port 80) after 10000ms: isConnected failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
04-07 12:59:04.955 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:136] failed to get bucket failed to connect to (port 80) after 10000ms: isConnected failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
04-07 12:59:05.089 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:137] setChallenge hash = 3f5d2f34
04-07 12:59:05.090 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:137] update the connection status. connecting -> connected : ERROR_OK 
04-07 12:59:05.096 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] JOB: bind the client. 5
04-07 12:59:05.096 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] update the client 5 status. unbind->binding unknown ERROR_OK null null
04-07 12:59:05.096 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:137] [Slim] CONN: host = dcb8
04-07 12:59:05.096 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] [Slim]: bind id=lNS77-12
04-07 12:59:05.186 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] SMACK: channel bind succeeded, chid=5
04-07 12:59:05.186 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] update the client 5 status. binding->binded OPEN ERROR_OK null null
04-07 12:59:06.068 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-07 12:59:06.079 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): start_output_stream(adev->out_device=0x2, adev->mode=0 sample rate=48000)
04-07 12:59:06.079 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): select_devices(mode=0, out_device=0x2)
04-07 12:59:06.079 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): select_devices : hs=0 , hp=0, sp=2, hdmi=0x0,earpiece=0x0
04-07 12:59:06.079 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): select_devices : in_device(0x4), mic_in(0x4), headset_mic(0)
04-07 12:59:06.080 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): *start_output_stream, open card(0) port(0)
04-07 12:59:06.080 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): device pcm 0xf2282a80
04-07 12:59:06.080 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): channels=2---format=0---period_count4---period_size1024---rate=48000---
04-07 12:59:06.080 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): store out (0xf4ca3000) to index 0
04-07 12:59:06.080 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): to enable same source,need reset alsa,type 0,same source flag 0 
04-07 12:59:08.101 I/Finsky  ( 4504): [68] Replicating app states via DFE.
04-07 12:59:08.119 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:1] Job started 1
04-07 12:59:08.131 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:1] Job finished 1
04-07 12:59:08.136 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:1] Service called on timer
04-07 12:59:08.138 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:1] Job stop 1
04-07 12:59:08.146 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): handlePromptUnvalidated 103
04-07 12:59:08.218 W/System.err( 4673): java.lang.Exception: Error converting session
04-07 12:59:08.218 W/System.err( 4673):     at
04-07 12:59:08.218 W/System.err( 4673):     at
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at$1.connectAndSetOwner(
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at smo.a(
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at smo.a(
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at smo.execute(
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at smo.execute(
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at adpy.a(
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at adpy.a(
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at adpu.a(
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at adpv.a(
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at adpr.a(
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at adpx.a(
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at adpw.a(
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at lov.onPerformSync(
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673):     at android.content.AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter$
04-07 12:59:08.219 W/System.err( 4673): Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: Unexpected type ID: 3
04-07 12:59:08.220 W/System.err( 4673):     ... 31 more
04-07 12:59:08.263 W/Conscrypt( 4673): Could not set socket write timeout:
04-07 12:59:08.263 W/Conscrypt( 4673):    java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
04-07 12:59:08.263 W/Conscrypt( 4673):    xjf.a(
04-07 12:59:08.327 W/Conscrypt( 4673): Could not set socket write timeout:
04-07 12:59:08.327 W/Conscrypt( 4673):    java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
04-07 12:59:08.327 W/Conscrypt( 4673):    xjf.a(
04-07 12:59:08.341 I/CheckinTask( 4673): Sending checkin request (6732 bytes)
04-07 12:59:08.920 I/CheckinResponseProcessor( 4673): From server: 5 gservices updates and 0 deletes
04-07 12:59:09.082 I/GservicesProvider( 4663): main difference update completed
04-07 12:59:09.126 I/CheckinTask( 4673): updateCheckinIdTokenFileFromResponse, Reading existing AID
04-07 12:59:09.128 I/CheckinRequestBuilder( 4673): Checkin reason type: 12 attempt count: 1
04-07 12:59:09.153 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_standby(0xf4ca3000)
04-07 12:59:09.153 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): do_output_standby(0xf4ca3000)
04-07 12:59:09.153 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): remove out (0xf4ca3000) from index 0
04-07 12:59:09.153 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): close pcm 0xf2282a80
04-07 12:59:09.208 E/ActivityThread( 4673): Failed to find provider info for
04-07 12:59:09.346 I/CheckinRequestBuilder( 4673): Unknown state of subscriptions on the device
04-07 12:59:09.565 W/ActivityManager( 4196): Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found
04-07 12:59:09.744 W/PrereqChecker( 4673): No rear-facing camera detected.
04-07 12:59:09.744 I/OcrModelUpStIntentOp( 4673): Updating ocr activity enabled=false (gservicesFlag=true, lowRamDevice=false, prereqCheck=false)
04-07 12:59:09.994 I/OcrModelUpStIntentOp( 4673): Downloading text recognizer
04-07 12:59:10.047 I/GCoreUlr( 4905): Starting service, intent=Intent { (has extras) }, extras=Bundle[{}]
04-07 12:59:10.139 I/ActivityManager( 4196): Start proc for broadcast
04-07 12:59:10.202 W/DynamiteLoaderImpl( 4673): Failed to load module version: module not found
04-07 12:59:10.202 I/DynamiteModule( 4673): Considering local module and remote module
04-07 12:59:10.202 I/DynamiteModule( 4673): Selected local version of
04-07 12:59:10.236 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] JOB: check the ping-pong.1491541140201
04-07 12:59:10.300 I/GCoreUlr( 4905): Starting service, intent=Intent { (has extras) }, extras=Bundle[{}]
04-07 12:59:10.327 I/GCoreUlr( 4905): WorldUpdater received intent Intent { (has extras) } with receiverAction
04-07 12:59:10.328 W/System  ( 8638): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ConfigUpdater/lib/arm
04-07 12:59:10.381 E/ConfigUpdater( 8638): Received malformed URL while handling Gservices.CHANGED_ACTION intent_firewall: null null
04-07 12:59:10.401 E/ConfigUpdater( 8638): Received malformed URL while handling Gservices.CHANGED_ACTION apn_db: null null
04-07 12:59:10.413 E/ConfigUpdater( 8638): Received malformed URL while handling Gservices.CHANGED_ACTION tzdata: null null
04-07 12:59:10.422 I/CmaSystemUpdateService( 4673): StartServiceIntentOperation: Intent { flg=0x10$PersistentInternalReceiver }
04-07 12:59:10.422 I/CmaSystemUpdateService( 4673): receiver: Intent { flg=0x10$PersistentInternalReceiver }
04-07 12:59:10.429 E/ConfigUpdater( 8638): Received malformed URL while handling Gservices.CHANGED_ACTION selinux: null null
04-07 12:59:10.448 E/ConfigUpdater( 8638): Received malformed URL while handling Gservices.CHANGED_ACTION carrier_provisioning_urls: null null
04-07 12:59:10.451 I/ActivityManager( 4196): Killing (adj 15): empty #17
04-07 12:59:10.564 W/art     ( 4196): Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=1 for 107ms
04-07 12:59:10.601 I/CmaSystemUpdateService( 4673): connectivity change: Intent { flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }
04-07 12:59:10.601 I/CmaSystemUpdateService( 4673): receiver: Intent { flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }
04-07 12:59:10.666 I/SystemUpdateTask( 4673): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
04-07 12:59:10.667 I/CmaSystemUpdateService( 4673): active receiver: disabled
04-07 12:59:10.675 I/Icing   ( 4673): MaintenanceDriver: Registering all GCM Tasks.
04-07 12:59:10.688 I/Vision  ( 4673): Engine already satisfied by existing download for ocr
04-07 12:59:10.741 I/SystemUpdateTask( 4673): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
04-07 12:59:10.741 I/CmaSystemUpdateService( 4673): active receiver: disabled
04-07 12:59:10.803 E/GCoreUlr( 4905): Bad errorId configuring silent feedback
04-07 12:59:10.946 I/GCoreUlr( 4905): Ensuring that reporting is stopped because of reasons: {account#5#=[InactiveReason{mIdentifier=6, mName='ReportingNotEnabled'}]}
04-07 12:59:10.953 I/GCoreUlr( 4905): Unbound from all location providers
04-07 12:59:10.954 I/GCoreUlr( 4905): Place inference reporting - stop
04-07 12:59:10.966 I/GCoreUlr( 4905): WorldUpdater received intent Intent { (has extras) } with receiverAction
04-07 12:59:10.983 E/GCoreUlr( 4905): Bad errorId configuring silent feedback
04-07 12:59:11.010 I/GCoreUlr( 4905): Ensuring that reporting is stopped because of reasons: {account#5#=[InactiveReason{mIdentifier=6, mName='ReportingNotEnabled'}]}
04-07 12:59:11.015 I/GCoreUlr( 4905): Unbound from all location providers
04-07 12:59:11.015 I/GCoreUlr( 4905): Place inference reporting - stop
04-07 12:59:11.020 I/GCoreUlr( 4905): DispatchingService.onDestroy()
04-07 12:59:11.023 I/GCoreUlr( 4905): Stopping handler for UlrDispSvcFast
04-07 12:59:11.031 I/GCoreUlr( 4905): Unbound from all location providers
04-07 12:59:11.031 I/GCoreUlr( 4905): Place inference reporting - stop
04-07 12:59:11.131 D/PlatformJobService( 8023): Run job, request{id=1, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china}, waited 00:00:10, start 00:00:10, end 00:00:00 (+28 days)
04-07 12:59:11.141 I/JobExecutor( 8023): Executing request{id=1, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china}, context PlatformJobService
04-07 12:59:11.145 V/PackageManager( 4196): Sending package changed: package=com.github.shadowsocks components=[]
04-07 12:59:11.157 I/InputReader( 4196): Reconfiguring input devices.  changes=0x00000010
04-07 12:59:11.185 I/PackageManager( 4196): init_copy idx=0: MeasureParams{3112fd2 com.github.shadowsocks}
04-07 12:59:11.191 W/Searchables( 4196): No global search activity found
04-07 12:59:11.197 I/PackageManager( 4196): mcs_bound
04-07 12:59:11.197 I/PackageManager( 4196): startCopy UserHandle{0}: MeasureParams{3112fd2 com.github.shadowsocks}
04-07 12:59:11.210 D/Wear_Controller( 4673): Received broadcast action=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED and uri=com.github.shadowsocks
04-07 12:59:11.277 W/IcingInternalCorpora( 4673): getNumBytesRead when not calculated.
04-07 12:59:11.281 I/Icing   ( 4673): Usage reports 0 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload false
04-07 12:59:11.294 I/Icing   ( 4673): Usage reports 0 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload false
04-07 12:59:12.339 I/Icing   ( 4673): Indexing E4E11A406B72E2478ABB0F31942703B672B114ED from
04-07 12:59:12.403 I/Icing   ( 4673): Indexing done E4E11A406B72E2478ABB0F31942703B672B114ED
04-07 12:59:18.424 I/Ads     ( 8003): Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.
04-07 12:59:18.424 I/Ads     ( 8003): Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds from now.
04-07 12:59:21.292 I/PackageManager( 4196): mcs_unbind
04-07 12:59:21.292 I/PackageManager( 4196): calling disconnectService()
04-07 12:59:39.854 I/ActivityManager( 4196): Killing (adj 15): empty #17
04-07 12:59:40.017 D/GraphicsStats( 4196): Buffer count: 12
04-07 12:59:40.017 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ id=6, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@e11a0c9)
04-07 12:59:40.018 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): releasing NetworkRequest NetworkRequest [ id=6, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
04-07 12:59:40.020 E/ConnectivityService( 4196): RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ id=6, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
04-07 12:59:40.066 W/art     ( 4196): Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=1 for 214ms
04-07 12:59:43.183 W/art     ( 4905): Long monitor contention event with owner$State$State.valueOf(java.lang.String) from waiters=0 for 115.723s
04-07 12:59:48.388 I/Finsky  ( 4504): [1] Completed 1 account content syncs with 0 successful.
04-07 12:59:48.389 I/Finsky  ( 4504): [1] Installation state replication failed.
04-07 12:59:48.390 I/Finsky  ( 4504): [1] Scheduling replication attempt 4.
04-07 12:59:49.055 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-07 12:59:49.068 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): start_output_stream(adev->out_device=0x2, adev->mode=0 sample rate=48000)
04-07 12:59:49.068 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): select_devices(mode=0, out_device=0x2)
04-07 12:59:49.068 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): select_devices : hs=0 , hp=0, sp=2, hdmi=0x0,earpiece=0x0
04-07 12:59:49.068 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): select_devices : in_device(0x4), mic_in(0x4), headset_mic(0)
04-07 12:59:49.068 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): *start_output_stream, open card(0) port(0)
04-07 12:59:49.069 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): device pcm 0xf2282a80
04-07 12:59:49.069 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): channels=2---format=0---period_count4---period_size1024---rate=48000---
04-07 12:59:49.069 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): store out (0xf4ca3000) to index 0
04-07 12:59:49.069 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): to enable same source,need reset alsa,type 0,same source flag 0 
04-07 12:59:49.086 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:137] [Slim] read Blob [] Err:null
04-07 12:59:49.086 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] JOB: shutdown the connection. 9,
04-07 12:59:49.086 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] disconnect 216646272, 53660592
04-07 12:59:49.087 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] update the connection status. connected -> disconnected : ERROR_READ_ERROR 
04-07 12:59:49.087 D/tun2socks( 8551): NOTICE(tun2socks): termination requested
04-07 12:59:49.087 D/tun2socks( 8551): NOTICE(tun2socks): tearing down
04-07 12:59:49.087 D/tun2socks( 8551): NOTICE(tun2socks): Free TCP connections
04-07 12:59:49.087 D/tun2socks( 8551): NOTICE(tun2socks): exiting
04-07 12:59:49.101 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] schedule reconnect in 5692ms
04-07 12:59:49.102 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] update the client 5 status. binded->unbind CLOSE ERROR_READ_ERROR null null
04-07 12:59:49.104 D/AudioFlinger( 3791): mixer(0xf4c00000) throttle end: throttle time(26)
04-07 12:59:49.105 E/NetlinkEvent( 3788): Unknown ifindex 8 in RTM_DELADDR
04-07 12:59:49.105 D/MyPppoeService( 4515): interfaceLinkStateChanged+tun0upfalse
04-07 12:59:49.106 E/pppoe   ( 4515): Unknown ifindex 8 in RTM_DELADDR
04-07 12:59:49.109 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 103] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTED to DISCONNECTED
04-07 12:59:49.110 D/VPN     ( 4196): NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost
04-07 12:59:49.110 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 103] got DISCONNECTED, was satisfying 3
04-07 12:59:49.113 V/EthernetNetworkFactory( 4196): stopTrackingInterface, ignore iface:tun0
04-07 12:59:49.120 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): notifyType LOST for NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 103]
04-07 12:59:49.123 D/CSLegacyTypeTracker( 4196): Sending DISCONNECTED broadcast for type 17 NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 103] isDefaultNetwork=false
04-07 12:59:49.123 D/ConnectivityService( 4196): sendStickyBroadcast:
04-07 12:59:49.125 D/Tethering( 4196): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
04-07 12:59:49.130 V/ConnectivityReceiver( 6341): Start check for network state, at ConnectivityReceiver.onReceive(
04-07 12:59:49.133 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:1] network changed, [type: Ethernet[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: c4:4e:ac:09:99:38, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
04-07 12:59:49.136 D/EventBus( 6341): No subscribers registered for event class
04-07 12:59:49.136 D/EventBus( 6341): No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.g
04-07 12:59:49.153 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] JOB: do reconnect..
04-07 12:59:49.155 D/DMRBroadcastReceiver( 8555): >>>>>onReceive :
04-07 12:59:49.158 D/DMRBroadcastReceiver( 8555): TypeName VPN disconnected
04-07 12:59:49.159 W/ContextImpl( 8555): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:396 android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:396 com.droidlogic.mediacenter.DMRBroadcastReceiver$1.handleMessage:115 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102 
04-07 12:59:49.166 I/EthernetWifiSwitch( 4196): action:
04-07 12:59:49.167 D/EthernetWifiSwitch( 4196): TypeName VPN disconnected
04-07 12:59:49.169 I/SystemControl( 3783): writeSysfs [ /sys/class/leds/led-net/brightness ] [ 0 ] from pid=4196, uid=1000, process name=system_server
04-07 12:59:49.170 E/SystemControl( 3783): writeSysFs, open /sys/class/leds/led-net/brightness fail.
04-07 12:59:49.180 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] update the connection status. disconnected -> connecting : ERROR_OK 
04-07 12:59:49.203 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] begin to connect to
04-07 12:59:49.243 D/OTA     ( 8570):
04-07 12:59:49.249 D/RCService( 4521): getAction()
04-07 12:59:49.288 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] tcp connected
04-07 12:59:49.290 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] [slim] open conn: andver=23 sdk=26 hash=UbUjyIh80nxT-MB7 tz=8:0 Model=X92 os=20161118
04-07 12:59:49.290 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] connected to in 87
04-07 12:59:49.372 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:139] setChallenge hash = 483041c1
04-07 12:59:49.372 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:139] update the connection status. connecting -> connected : ERROR_OK 
04-07 12:59:49.377 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] JOB: bind the client. 5
04-07 12:59:49.377 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] update the client 5 status. unbind->binding unknown ERROR_OK null null
04-07 12:59:49.377 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:139] [Slim] CONN: host = 93d2
04-07 12:59:49.377 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] [Slim]: bind id=lNS77-14
04-07 12:59:49.465 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] SMACK: channel bind succeeded, chid=5
04-07 12:59:49.466 V/xiaomi  ( 5285): [Thread:120] update the client 5 status. binding->binded OPEN ERROR_OK null null
04-07 12:59:51.103 W/TelecomManager( 4196): Telecom Service not found.
04-07 12:59:51.103 W/HdmiControlService( 4196): Local playback device not available
04-07 12:59:51.103 W/WindowManager( 4196): One touch play failed: 2
04-07 12:59:51.108 I/ActivityManager( 4196): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
04-07 12:59:51.203 W/System.err( 8023): Unable to resolve host "": No address associated with hostname
04-07 12:59:51.204 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.204 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.204 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.204 W/System.err( 8023):     at$1.resolveInetAddresses(
04-07 12:59:51.204 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.204 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.204 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.204 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.205 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.205 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.205 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.205 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.205 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.205 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.205 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.205 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.205 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.205 W/System.err( 8023):     at$.fromURL(Source.scala:141)
04-07 12:59:51.206 W/System.err( 8023):     at$.fromURL(Source.scala:131)
04-07 12:59:51.206 W/System.err( 8023):     at com.github.shadowsocks.acl.AclSyncJob.onRunJob(AclSyncJob.scala:52)
04-07 12:59:51.206 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.206 W/System.err( 8023):     at$JobCallable.runJob(
04-07 12:59:51.206 W/System.err( 8023):     at$
04-07 12:59:51.206 W/System.err( 8023):     at$
04-07 12:59:51.206 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.206 W/System.err( 8023):     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
04-07 12:59:51.206 W/System.err( 8023):     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
04-07 12:59:51.206 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.206 W/System.err( 8023): Caused by: android.system.GaiException: android_getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NODATA (No address associated with hostname)
04-07 12:59:51.207 W/System.err( 8023):     at Method)
04-07 12:59:51.207 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.207 W/System.err( 8023):     at
04-07 12:59:51.207 W/System.err( 8023):     ... 27 more
04-07 12:59:51.208 I/JobExecutor( 8023): Finished job{id=1, finished=true, result=RESCHEDULE, canceled=false, periodic=false, class=AclSyncJob, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china}
04-07 12:59:51.241 D/JobProxy21( 8023): Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=2, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china}, start 00:00:30, end 00:00:30, reschedule count 1
04-07 12:59:51.242 D/PlatformJobService( 8023): Finished job, request{id=1, tag=AclSyncJob:bypass-china} RESCHEDULE
04-07 12:59:51.247 V/CoolMarketApplication( 6341): Check count..., at CoolMarketApplication.a(
04-07 12:59:51.249 D/Theme   ( 4553): Request focus: sRootView
04-07 12:59:51.255 I/art     ( 4196): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 84145(4MB) AllocSpace objects, 4(76KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 12MB/19MB, paused 1.707ms total 116.816ms
04-07 12:59:51.343 D/mali_winsys( 4553): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-07 12:59:51.386 D/ClassicMain( 4553): Request focus: layoutManager.findViewByPosition(HEADER_OFFSET_POSITION)
04-07 12:59:51.391 D/ClassicMain( 4553): Request focus: layoutManager.findViewByPosition(HEADER_OFFSET_POSITION)
04-07 12:59:51.408 D/ClassicMain( 4553): Request focus: layoutManager.findViewByPosition(HEADER_OFFSET_POSITION)
04-07 12:59:52.143 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_standby(0xf4ca3000)
04-07 12:59:52.143 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): do_output_standby(0xf4ca3000)
04-07 12:59:52.143 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): remove out (0xf4ca3000) from index 0
04-07 12:59:52.143 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): close pcm 0xf2282a80
04-07 12:59:52.625 I/ActivityManager( 4196): START u0 {flg=0x10000000} from uid 10060 on display 0
04-07 12:59:52.626 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-07 12:59:52.638 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): start_output_stream(adev->out_device=0x2, adev->mode=0 sample rate=48000)
04-07 12:59:52.638 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): select_devices(mode=0, out_device=0x2)
04-07 12:59:52.638 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): select_devices : hs=0 , hp=0, sp=2, hdmi=0x0,earpiece=0x0
04-07 12:59:52.638 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): select_devices : in_device(0x4), mic_in(0x4), headset_mic(0)
04-07 12:59:52.639 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): *start_output_stream, open card(0) port(0)
04-07 12:59:52.639 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): device pcm 0xf2282a80
04-07 12:59:52.639 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): channels=2---format=0---period_count4---period_size1024---rate=48000---
04-07 12:59:52.639 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): store out (0xf4ca3000) to index 0
04-07 12:59:52.640 I/audio_hw_primary( 3791): to enable same source,need reset alsa,type 0,same source flag 0 
04-07 12:59:52.675 D/AudioFlinger( 3791): mixer(0xf4c00000) throttle end: throttle time(25)
04-07 12:59:52.814 D/mali_winsys( 4553): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-07 12:59:52.818 D/AllApps ( 4553): Request focus: mEditView
04-07 12:59:52.862 I/ActivityManager( 4196): Displayed +216ms
04-07 12:59:52.914 D/AllAppsAdapter( 4553): Request focus: getRecyclerView().getChildAt(1)
04-07 12:59:53.393 E/Auth    ( 4905): [GoogleAccountDataServiceImpl] getToken() -> NETWORK_ERROR. Account: <ELLIDED:503645167>, App:, Service: AndroidCheckInServer
04-07 12:59:53.394 W/Auth    ( 4905): [GetToken] GetToken failed with status code: NetworkError
04-07 12:59:53.405 W/CheckinRequestBuilder( 4673): error reading account token
04-07 12:59:53.405 W/CheckinRequestBuilder( 4673): NetworkError
04-07 12:59:53.405 W/CheckinRequestBuilder( 4673):  at ebe.a(
04-07 12:59:53.405 W/CheckinRequestBuilder( 4673):  at ebd.a(
04-07 12:59:53.405 W/CheckinRequestBuilder( 4673):  at ebd.e(
04-07 12:59:53.405 W/CheckinRequestBuilder( 4673):  at ebb.f(
04-07 12:59:53.405 W/CheckinRequestBuilder( 4673):  at ebb.a(
04-07 12:59:53.405 W/CheckinRequestBuilder( 4673):  at jhp.a(
04-07 12:59:53.405 W/CheckinRequestBuilder( 4673):  at jhu.a(
04-07 12:59:53.405 W/CheckinRequestBuilder( 4673):  at jhu.a(
04-07 12:59:53.405 W/CheckinRequestBuilder( 4673):  at jhl.a(
04-07 12:59:53.405 W/CheckinRequestBuilder( 4673):  at jhl.doInBackground(
04-07 12:59:53.405 W/CheckinRequestBuilder( 4673):  at android.os.AsyncTask$
04-07 12:59:53.405 W/CheckinRequestBuilder( 4673):  at
04-07 12:59:53.405 W/CheckinRequestBuilder( 4673):  at
04-07 12:59:53.407 E/Auth    ( 4905): [GoogleAccountDataServiceImpl] getToken() -> NETWORK_ERROR. Account: <ELLIDED:503645167>, App:, Service: oauth2:<web url omitted>
04-07 12:59:53.408 W/Auth    ( 4905): [GetToken] GetToken failed with status code: NetworkError
04-07 12:59:53.412 I/GCoreUlr( 4905): VolleyError: NetworkError, response is null
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905): 
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   at alqi.a(
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   at alqo.a(
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   at alrx.b(
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   at alrx.a(
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   at alrw.a(
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   at lov.onPerformSync(
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   at android.content.AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter$
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905): Caused by: NetworkError
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   at ljd.b(
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   at ljp.b(
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   at ljp.a(
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   at ljp.a(
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   at alqi.a(
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   ... 6 more
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905): Caused by: NetworkError
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   at ebe.a(
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   at ebd.a(
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   at ebd.e(
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   at ebd.d(
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   at ebb.b(
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   at lkl.b(
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   at ljd.b(
04-07 12:59:53.420 E/GCoreUlr( 4905):   ... 10 more
04-07 12:59:53.443 I/CheckinUtil( 4673): Classify the device as Tablet.
04-07 12:59:53.445 D/SyncManager( 4196): failed sync operation <email omitted> u0 (,, PERIODIC, currentRunTime 641087, reason: Periodic, SyncResult: stats [ numIoExceptions: 1]
04-07 12:59:53.537 I/CheckinTask( 4673): Checkin success: <web url omitted> (1 requests sent)
04-07 12:59:53.558 I/CheckinChimeraService( 4673): Checking schedule, now: 1491541193558 next: 1492144999537
04-07 12:59:53.566 I/CheckinChimeraService( 4673): active receiver: disabled
04-07 12:59:53.580 I/CheckinChimeraService( 4673): Checking schedule, now: 1491541193580 next: 1492144999537
04-07 12:59:53.580 I/CheckinChimeraService( 4673): active receiver: disabled
04-07 12:59:55.636 I/ActivityManager( 4196): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.tortel.syslog/.FragmentMainActivity} from uid 10060 on display 0
04-07 12:59:55.644 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-07 12:59:55.686 D/AudioFlinger( 3791): mixer(0xf4c00000) throttle end: throttle time(26)
04-07 12:59:55.700 D/mali_winsys( 8388): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-07 12:59:55.716 D/mali_winsys( 8388): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-07 12:59:55.883 W/ViewRootImpl( 4553): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1528.6428, y[0]=809.5673, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=660507, downTime=660103, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 }
04-07 12:59:55.884 W/ViewRootImpl( 4553): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1528.6428, y[0]=809.5673, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=660507, downTime=660103, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 }
04-07 12:59:55.884 W/ViewRootImpl( 4553): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1528.6428, y[0]=809.5673, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=660507, downTime=660103, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 }
04-07 12:59:55.884 W/ViewRootImpl( 4553): Cancelling event due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1528.6428, y[0]=809.5673, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=660507, downTime=660103, deviceId=6, source=0x2002 }
04-07 12:59:57.625 W/GAv4-SVC( 4673): Network compressed POST connection error: failed to connect to (port 443) after 60000ms: isConnected failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
04-07 12:59:58.428 D/audio_hw_primary( 3791): out_set_parameters(kvpairs(routing=2), out_device=0x2)
04-07 12:59:58.509 V/SysLog  ( 8388): Path: /storage/emulated/0/SysLog/2017-04-07_12.59/
04-07 12:59:58.539 V/SysLog  ( 8388): Done grabbing logs
04-07 12:59:58.565 D/mali_winsys( 8388): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
Mygod commented 7 years ago

By excluding 4.1.0, you're not meant to test that version. :sweat:

wuhgit commented 7 years ago


嗯……我明白你说的,不测试4.1.0,那个版本有bug,但是之前有做 4.1.3 的logcat ,我还以为需要再确认一下 4.1.0 的以供判断 目前来说,已作多次多版本测试,仍旧是如题之前描述的那样,只有4.0.2以前的版本工作……


wuhgit commented 7 years ago

test 4.1.4 , still can't work

madeye commented 7 years ago

Could you try enabling DNS forwarding?

wuhgit commented 7 years ago


我几乎忘记了这项功能,因为很久以前在手机上使用时,开启之后总是无法打开网页,于是后面使用的时候完全无视了这个选项,因为一直能正常连接,也没过多在意。 刚刚我突然意识到无法使用这个功能的原因是我并没有在 VPS 的防火墙上开启 UDP 端口。 于是问题解决了!



wuhgit commented 7 years ago


反馈一下最新情况 新版本 4.1.7 已解决问题!现在不用开启DNS远程解析就可以顺利连上服务器了~ 感谢更新!

madeye commented 7 years ago

@wuhgit Great!