shadowsocks / shadowsocks-windows

A C# port of shadowsocks
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Shadowsocks non-UI Error #3437

Open ldzdzgr opened 9 months ago

ldzdzgr commented 9 months ago

The first time you run Shadowsocks.exe, an NLog.config file is created and nothing else happens. When you start it again, a program window opens with an error. I tried to run on different PCs with different OS (Windows 10. Windows 11, Windows server 2008 r2), I moved the folder to the path d:\ss, installed framework/thank-you/net481-offline-installer But nothing helped. What is the problem? image

chenshaoju commented 9 months ago

Can you try putting shadowsocks.exe only in the D:\SS2\ folder?

ldzdzgr commented 9 months ago

same error image

chenshaoju commented 9 months ago

This looks like there is a permissions issue, possibly with the file system (such as NTFS), or possibly with the settings of the anti-virus software.🤔

snakefoot commented 9 months ago

I'm guessing an old verson of NLog.dll has been registered in the Windows GAC (maybe by some other application-installer).

And Shadowsocks loads version of NLog.dll, that is older than when this method was introduced NLog.LogManager.LoadConfiguration(System.String).

Possible solution is to register the latest NLog.dll (Ex. NLog v4.7.15) in the Windows-GAC.