shadowsocksrr / shadowsocksr-android

A ShadowsocksR client for Android
7.72k stars 1.33k forks source link

在Genymotion Google Pixel - 7.1.1环境下使用v3.5.1.1客户端导致的软重启 #63

Open Retia-Adolf opened 6 years ago

Retia-Adolf commented 6 years ago

环境: Windows 10 1709, Genymotion 2.11.0, VirtualBox 5.2.4 Build fingerprint: Android/vbox86p/vbox86p:7.1.1/NMF26Q/genymo09291150:userdebug/test-keys 内核:4.4.34-genymotion 网络:NAT模式,模拟WiFi,能联网 SSR设置:加密none,协议auth_chain_d,混淆tls1.2_ticketauth,TCP Fast Open开启 Logcat: 客户端里自带的Logcat暂时不知道怎么完整复制出来(:з)∠)_,这里是模拟器产生的logcat里的部分

12-26 21:33:00.595 I/ActivityManager(  546): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr/com.github.shadowsocks.Shadowsocks bnds=[18,1502][192,1825] (has extras)} from uid 10049 on display 0
12-26 21:33:00.767 D/gralloc_vbox86(  357): gralloc_alloc: format 1 and usage 0x933 imply creation of host color buffer
12-26 21:33:00.807 I/ActivityManager(  546): Start proc 2509:in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr/u0a16 for activity in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr/com.github.shadowsocks.Shadowsocks
12-26 21:33:00.808 W/art     ( 2509): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
12-26 21:33:01.123 W/GoogleTagManager( 2509): Failed to extract the container from the resource file. Resource is a UTF-8 encoded string but doesn't contain a JSON container
12-26 21:33:01.277 W/System  ( 2509): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/lib/x86
12-26 21:33:01.281 D/ApplicationLoaders( 2509): ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/lib/x86:/system/fake-libs:/system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk!/lib/x86:/system/lib:/vendor/lib for namespace 0xe944d090
12-26 21:33:01.721 E/GoogleTagManager( 2509): Invalid macro: _gtm.loadEventEnabled
12-26 21:33:01.850 W/art     ( 2509): Before Android 4.1, method, android.content.res.ColorStateList,$Mode) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in
12-26 21:33:01.964 D/NetworkSecurityConfig( 2509): No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
12-26 21:33:02.014 I/art     ( 2509): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 10402(707KB) AllocSpace objects, 18(1132KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 3MB/6MB, paused 5.119ms total 153.126ms
12-26 21:33:02.280 I/art     ( 2509): Do partial code cache collection, code=15KB, data=30KB
12-26 21:33:02.281 I/art     ( 2509): After code cache collection, code=15KB, data=30KB
12-26 21:33:02.281 I/art     ( 2509): Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB
12-26 21:33:02.296 I/art     ( 2509): Do partial code cache collection, code=15KB, data=41KB
12-26 21:33:02.296 I/art     ( 2509): After code cache collection, code=15KB, data=41KB
12-26 21:33:02.296 I/art     ( 2509): Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB
12-26 21:33:02.431 I/JobManager( 2509): Found pending job request{id=2, tag=SSRSubUpdateJob}, canceling
12-26 21:33:02.450 E/GoogleTagManager( 2509): Invalid macro: _gtm.loadEventEnabled
12-26 21:33:02.500 I/GcmAvailableHelper( 2509): GCM service enabled
12-26 21:33:02.523 W/InstanceID/Rpc( 2509): Found 10069
12-26 21:33:02.663 D/JobProxy24( 2509): Schedule periodic jobInfo success, request{id=3, tag=SSRSubUpdateJob}, interval 00:00:00 (+1 day), flex 00:00:00 (+1 day)
12-26 21:33:02.778 W/art     ( 1086): Long monitor contention with owner lowpool[4] (1953) at void android.os.MessageQueue.nativeWake(long)( waiters=0 in android.os.Message for 121ms
12-26 21:33:02.853 W/art     ( 2537): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
12-26 21:33:02.855 I/ActivityManager(  546): Start proc for service$DailyHygieneService
12-26 21:33:02.874 D/        ( 2509): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xd26990c0, tid 2509
12-26 21:33:02.879 I/ActivityManager(  546): Start proc 2552:in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr:bg/u0a16 for service in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr/
12-26 21:33:02.891 I/art     ( 2537): Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace
12-26 21:33:02.893 W/System  ( 2537): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/Phonesky/lib/x86
12-26 21:33:02.894 I/art     ( 2509): Do full code cache collection, code=60KB, data=68KB
12-26 21:33:02.896 I/art     ( 2509): Starting a blocking GC JitCodeCache
12-26 21:33:02.896 I/art     ( 2509): After code cache collection, code=45KB, data=38KB
12-26 21:33:02.905 W/art     ( 2552): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
12-26 21:33:02.911 W/        ( 2509): Process pipe failed
12-26 21:33:02.946 D/libEGL  ( 2509): Emulator has host GPU support, qemu.gles is set to 1.
12-26 21:33:02.946 D/gralloc_vbox86(  357): gralloc_alloc: format 1 and usage 0x900 imply creation of host color buffer
12-26 21:33:02.947 E/libEGL  ( 2509): load_driver(/system/lib/egl/ dlopen failed: library "/system/lib/egl/" not found
12-26 21:33:02.947 D/libEGL  ( 2509): loaded /system/lib/egl/
12-26 21:33:02.956 D/libEGL  ( 2509): loaded /system/lib/egl/
12-26 21:33:02.963 D/gralloc_vbox86(  357): gralloc_alloc: format 1 and usage 0x900 imply creation of host color buffer
12-26 21:33:02.975 D/libEGL  ( 2509): loaded /system/lib/egl/
12-26 21:33:02.990 D/gralloc_vbox86(  357): gralloc_alloc: format 1 and usage 0x900 imply creation of host color buffer
12-26 21:33:03.041 D/        ( 2509): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xd26996c0, tid 2536
12-26 21:33:03.094 W/GoogleTagManager( 2552): Failed to extract the container from the resource file. Resource is a UTF-8 encoded string but doesn't contain a JSON container
12-26 21:33:03.102 I/OpenGLRenderer( 2509): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
12-26 21:33:03.102 D/OpenGLRenderer( 2509): Swap behavior 1
12-26 21:33:03.218 E/EGL_emulation( 2509): tid 2536: eglSurfaceAttrib(1174): error 0x3009 (EGL_BAD_MATCH)
12-26 21:33:03.218 W/OpenGLRenderer( 2509): Failed to set EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR on surface 0xd291e380, error=EGL_BAD_MATCH
12-26 21:33:03.387 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:03.401 W/System  ( 2552): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/lib/x86
12-26 21:33:03.401 D/ApplicationLoaders( 2552): ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/lib/x86:/system/fake-libs:/system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk!/lib/x86:/system/lib:/vendor/lib for namespace 0xf29ac090
12-26 21:33:03.415 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:03.437 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:03.438 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:03.443 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:03.513 I/ActivityManager(  546): Displayed in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr/com.github.shadowsocks.Shadowsocks: +2s733ms (total +53s854ms)
12-26 21:33:03.545 I/art     ( 2509): Do partial code cache collection, code=49KB, data=46KB
12-26 21:33:03.545 I/art     ( 2509): After code cache collection, code=49KB, data=46KB
12-26 21:33:03.545 I/art     ( 2509): Increasing code cache capacity to 512KB
12-26 21:33:03.545 I/art     ( 2509): JIT allocated 56KB for compiled code of void android.widget.TextView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int)
12-26 21:33:03.638 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:03.667 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:03.674 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:03.697 E/GoogleTagManager( 2552): Invalid macro: _gtm.loadEventEnabled
12-26 21:33:03.751 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:03.771 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:03.790 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:03.835 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:03.999 D/NetworkSecurityConfig( 2552): No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
12-26 21:33:04.151 D/PlatformJobService( 2552): Run job, request{id=3, tag=SSRSubUpdateJob}, waited 00:00:01, interval 00:00:00 (+1 day), flex 00:00:00 (+1 day)
12-26 21:33:04.169 W/art     ( 2552): Suspending all threads took: 11.728ms
12-26 21:33:04.176 I/JobExecutor( 2552): Executing request{id=3, tag=SSRSubUpdateJob}, context PlatformJobService
12-26 21:33:04.189 I/art     ( 2552): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 10537(631KB) AllocSpace objects, 18(1132KB) LOS objects, 44% free, 3MB/6MB, paused 16.859ms total 304.708ms
12-26 21:33:04.203 E/GoogleTagManager( 2552): Invalid macro: _gtm.loadEventEnabled
12-26 21:33:04.208 I/JobExecutor( 2552): Finished job{id=3, finished=true, result=RESCHEDULE, canceled=false, periodic=true, class=SSRSubUpdateJob, tag=SSRSubUpdateJob}
12-26 21:33:04.233 D/PlatformJobService( 2552): Finished job, request{id=3, tag=SSRSubUpdateJob} RESCHEDULE
12-26 21:33:04.279 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:04.283 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:04.285 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:04.322 I/art     ( 2509): JIT allocated 60KB for compiled code of void android.widget.TextView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int)
12-26 21:33:04.339 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:04.341 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:04.355 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:04.430 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:04.487 W/Settings( 2537): Setting download_manager_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
12-26 21:33:04.494 W/Settings( 2537): Setting download_manager_recommended_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
12-26 21:33:04.523 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:04.568 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:04.573 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:04.621 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:04.624 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:04.630 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:04.674 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:04.677 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:04.793 I/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No recent hygiene success, needs more hygiene.
12-26 21:33:04.799 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:04.897 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:04.933 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:04.944 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.059 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.101 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.170 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.218 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.226 W/ActivityManager(  546): Slow operation: 57ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
12-26 21:33:05.226 W/ActivityManager(  546): Slow operation: 57ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
12-26 21:33:05.227 W/ActivityManager(  546): Slow operation: 57ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message
12-26 21:33:05.227 I/ActivityManager(  546): Start proc for content provider
12-26 21:33:05.227 W/ActivityManager(  546): Slow operation: 58ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
12-26 21:33:05.227 W/ActivityManager(  546): Slow operation: 58ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
12-26 21:33:05.227 W/ActivityManager(  546): Slow operation: 59ms so far, now at startProcess: done starting proc!
12-26 21:33:05.227 W/ActivityManager(  546): Slow operation: 59ms so far, now at getContentProviderImpl: after start process
12-26 21:33:05.227 W/ActivityManager(  546): Slow operation: 59ms so far, now at getContentProviderImpl: updating data structures
12-26 21:33:05.227 W/ActivityManager(  546): Slow operation: 59ms so far, now at getContentProviderImpl: done!
12-26 21:33:05.244 W/art     ( 2607): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
12-26 21:33:05.283 W/System  ( 2607): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/DownloadProvider/lib/x86
12-26 21:33:05.445 W/System  ( 2607): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/MediaProvider/lib/x86
12-26 21:33:05.447 D/ApplicationLoaders( 2607): ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/priv-app/MediaProvider/lib/x86:/system/priv-app/MediaProvider/MediaProvider.apk!/lib/x86:/system/lib:/vendor/lib for namespace 0xe9202090
12-26 21:33:05.450 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.454 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.461 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.491 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.493 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.495 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.498 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.507 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.522 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.524 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.534 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.535 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.538 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.541 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.543 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.544 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.546 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.551 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.576 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.577 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.579 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.581 I/Finsky  ( 2537): [1]$DailyHygieneService.onStartCommand(27): Beginning daily hygiene, foreground = false, reason = 5
12-26 21:33:05.592 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.593 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.631 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1]<init>(10): Unexpected android-id = 0
12-26 21:33:05.722 I/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] Probe unauthenticated for daily hygiene pass
12-26 21:33:05.761 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [212] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.761 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.764 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.764 I/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] Installer kick - no action, not running yet
12-26 21:33:05.802 W/WearSignatureVerifier( 2537): No package
12-26 21:33:05.803 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.804 W/System  ( 2537): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/lib/x86
12-26 21:33:05.808 D/ApplicationLoaders( 2537): ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/lib/x86:/system/fake-libs:/system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk!/lib/x86:/system/lib:/vendor/lib for namespace 0xe944c090
12-26 21:33:05.813 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.814 W/WearSignatureVerifier( 2537): No package
12-26 21:33:05.815 W/WearSignatureVerifier( 2537): No package
12-26 21:33:05.816 W/WearSignatureVerifier( 2537): No package
12-26 21:33:05.823 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.836 I/WearableService( 1086): Wearable Services not starting - Wear is not available on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.856 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.857 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.864 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.865 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.871 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.907 I/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] Restore complete with 0 success and 0 failed.
12-26 21:33:05.927 D/WearableService( 1086): onGetService - Wear is not available on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.929 W/WearSignatureVerifier( 2537): No package
12-26 21:33:05.930 E/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] onConnectionFailed: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null, message=null}
12-26 21:33:05.930 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] Dropping command=send_installed_apps due to Gms not connected
12-26 21:33:05.937 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [212] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.940 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [212] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:05.941 D/NetworkSecurityConfig( 2537): No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
12-26 21:33:08.555 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:09.529 I/ActivityManager(  546): START u0 {} from uid 10016 on display 0
12-26 21:33:09.600 I/ActivityManager(  546): Start proc for activity
12-26 21:33:09.610 W/art     ( 2634): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
12-26 21:33:09.695 W/System  ( 2634): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/VpnDialogs/lib/x86
12-26 21:33:09.823 W/AppOps  (  546): Bad call: specified package in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr under uid 10024 but it is really 10016
12-26 21:33:09.823 W/AppOps  (  546): java.lang.RuntimeException: here
12-26 21:33:09.823 W/AppOps  (  546):   at
12-26 21:33:09.823 W/AppOps  (  546):   at
12-26 21:33:09.823 W/AppOps  (  546):   at
12-26 21:33:09.823 W/AppOps  (  546):   at
12-26 21:33:09.823 W/AppOps  (  546):   at
12-26 21:33:09.823 W/AppOps  (  546):   at
12-26 21:33:09.823 W/AppOps  (  546):   at
12-26 21:33:09.823 W/AppOps  (  546):   at$Stub.onTransact(
12-26 21:33:09.823 W/AppOps  (  546):   at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
12-26 21:33:09.839 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:09.846 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:09.875 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:09.924 I/Finsky  ( 2537): [1]$DailyHygieneService.onStartCommand(27): Beginning daily hygiene, foreground = false, reason = 5
12-26 21:33:09.934 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:09.942 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:09.944 I/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] Probe unauthenticated for daily hygiene pass
12-26 21:33:10.067 W/ActivityManager(  546): Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at getContentProviderImpl: before updateLruProcess
12-26 21:33:10.067 W/ActivityManager(  546): Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at getContentProviderImpl: after updateLruProcess
12-26 21:33:10.067 W/ActivityManager(  546): Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at getContentProviderImpl: before updateOomAdj
12-26 21:33:10.073 W/ActivityManager(  546): Slow operation: 57ms so far, now at getContentProviderImpl: after updateOomAdj
12-26 21:33:10.073 W/ActivityManager(  546): Slow operation: 57ms so far, now at getContentProviderImpl: done!
12-26 21:33:10.262 D/        ( 2634): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xee4c2000, tid 2634
12-26 21:33:10.264 I/art     ( 2634): Do partial code cache collection, code=444B, data=17KB
12-26 21:33:10.266 I/art     ( 2634): After code cache collection, code=444B, data=17KB
12-26 21:33:10.266 I/art     ( 2634): Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB
12-26 21:33:10.283 W/        ( 2634): Process pipe failed
12-26 21:33:10.503 D/libEGL  ( 2634): Emulator has host GPU support, qemu.gles is set to 1.
12-26 21:33:10.504 D/gralloc_vbox86(  357): gralloc_alloc: format 1 and usage 0x900 imply creation of host color buffer
12-26 21:33:10.510 E/libEGL  ( 2634): load_driver(/system/lib/egl/ dlopen failed: library "/system/lib/egl/" not found
12-26 21:33:10.519 D/libEGL  ( 2634): loaded /system/lib/egl/
12-26 21:33:10.563 D/gralloc_vbox86(  357): gralloc_alloc: format 1 and usage 0x900 imply creation of host color buffer
12-26 21:33:10.565 D/libEGL  ( 2634): loaded /system/lib/egl/
12-26 21:33:10.584 D/gralloc_vbox86(  357): gralloc_alloc: format 1 and usage 0x900 imply creation of host color buffer
12-26 21:33:10.643 D/libEGL  ( 2634): loaded /system/lib/egl/
12-26 21:33:10.727 D/        ( 2634): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xe0d345c0, tid 2649
12-26 21:33:10.781 I/art     ( 2634): Do partial code cache collection, code=444B, data=27KB
12-26 21:33:10.781 I/art     ( 2634): After code cache collection, code=444B, data=27KB
12-26 21:33:10.781 I/art     ( 2634): Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB
12-26 21:33:10.781 I/art     ( 2634): JIT allocated 61KB for compiled code of void android.widget.TextView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int)
12-26 21:33:10.781 I/art     ( 2634): Compiler allocated 4MB to compile void android.widget.TextView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int)
12-26 21:33:10.822 I/OpenGLRenderer( 2634): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
12-26 21:33:10.822 D/OpenGLRenderer( 2634): Swap behavior 1
12-26 21:33:10.940 I/WearableService( 1086): Wearable Services stopping
12-26 21:33:11.044 E/EGL_emulation( 2634): tid 2649: eglSurfaceAttrib(1174): error 0x3009 (EGL_BAD_MATCH)
12-26 21:33:11.044 W/OpenGLRenderer( 2634): Failed to set EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR on surface 0xee4fec80, error=EGL_BAD_MATCH
12-26 21:33:11.837 D/JobManager( 2509): Reschedule 0 jobs of 1 jobs
12-26 21:33:12.575 W/ResourceType(  546): No known package when getting value for resource number 0x7f020080
12-26 21:33:12.575 W/ResourceType(  546): No known package when getting value for resource number 0x7f090093
12-26 21:33:12.575 W/ResourceType(  546): No known package when getting value for resource number 0x7f090093
12-26 21:33:12.575 W/ResourceType(  546): No known package when getting value for resource number 0x7f020080
12-26 21:33:12.575 W/ResourceType(  546): No known package when getting value for resource number 0x7f090092
12-26 21:33:12.575 W/ResourceType(  546): No known package when getting value for resource number 0x7f090092
12-26 21:33:12.583 W/ResourceType(  546): No known package when getting value for resource number 0x7f02007f
12-26 21:33:12.584 W/ResourceType(  546): No known package when getting value for resource number 0x7f09003c
12-26 21:33:12.584 W/ResourceType(  546): No known package when getting value for resource number 0x7f09003c
12-26 21:33:12.586 D/CarrierSvcBindHelper(  760): No carrier app for: 0
12-26 21:33:12.601 I/Choreographer( 2634): Skipped 92 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
12-26 21:33:12.638 I/InputReader(  546): Reconfiguring input devices.  changes=0x00000010
12-26 21:33:12.665 W/Searchables(  546): No global search activity found
12-26 21:33:12.760 I/ActivityManager(  546): Displayed +3s191ms
12-26 21:33:13.764 D/JobManager( 2552): Reschedule 0 jobs of 1 jobs
12-26 21:33:14.714 I/Vpn     (  546): Switched from [Legacy VPN] to in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr
12-26 21:33:14.714 D/Vpn     (  546): setting state=IDLE, reason=prepare
12-26 21:33:14.933 W/art     (  546): Long monitor contention with owner Binder:546_4 (795) at void waiters=1 in void$UiHandler.handleMessage(android.os.Message) for 120ms
12-26 21:33:15.041 I/GAv4    ( 2552): Google Analytics 10.0.84 is starting up. To enable debug logging on a device run:
12-26 21:33:15.041 I/GAv4    ( 2552):   adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
12-26 21:33:15.041 I/GAv4    ( 2552):   adb logcat -s GAv4
12-26 21:33:15.186 D/OpenGLRenderer( 2634): endAllActiveAnimators on 0xd562cb80 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xd56fdb10
12-26 21:33:15.232 I/art     ( 1086): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 39634(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 32% free, 6MB/9MB, paused 2.143ms total 145.153ms
12-26 21:33:15.246 W/art     (  546): Long monitor contention with owner android.display (567) at void$1.doFrame(long)( waiters=1 in void for 208ms
12-26 21:33:15.246 W/InputMethodManagerService(  546): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@3d95ce2 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@c8285e5
12-26 21:33:15.267 W/GAv4    ( 2552): AnalyticsReceiver is not registered or is disabled. Register the receiver for reliable dispatching on non-Google Play devices. See for instructions.
12-26 21:33:15.296 W/GAv4    ( 2552): CampaignTrackingReceiver is not registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not possible. See for instructions.
12-26 21:33:15.318 W/GAv4    ( 2552): AnalyticsService not registered in the app manifest. Hits might not be delivered reliably. See for instructions.
12-26 21:33:15.402 D/Vpn     (  546): setting state=CONNECTING, reason=establish
12-26 21:33:15.402 D/VpnJni  (  546): Address added on tun0:
12-26 21:33:15.409 E/Netd    (  229): Failed to destroy IPv4 sockets on No such file or directory
12-26 21:33:15.409 E/Netd    (  229): Error destroying sockets: Unknown error -2
12-26 21:33:15.431 D/ConnectivityService(  546): registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: VPN[], state: CONNECTING/CONNECTING, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: false, roaming: false, metered: false]}  network{101}  nethandle{433808132830}  lp{{InterfaceName: tun0 LinkAddresses: [,]  Routes: [ -> tun0, -> tun0,::/0 unreachable,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains:  MTU: 0}}  nc{[ Transports: VPN Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED]}  Score{0}  everValidated{false}  lastValidated{false}  created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
12-26 21:33:15.445 D/ConnectivityService(  546): NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 101] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTING
12-26 21:33:15.460 E/Netd    (  229): Failed to dump IPv4 sockets for UID: No such file or directory
12-26 21:33:15.461 E/Netd    (  229): Failed to close sockets while adding UidRanges{ 0-99999 } to network 101: No such file or directory
12-26 21:33:15.468 D/Vpn     (  546): setting state=CONNECTED, reason=agentConnect
12-26 21:33:15.469 D/ConnectivityService(  546): NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 101] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTED
12-26 21:33:15.469 D/ConnectivityService(  546): Adding iface tun0 to network 101
12-26 21:33:15.469 I/Vpn     (  546): Established by in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr on tun0
12-26 21:33:15.535 I/GuardedProcess( 2552): start process: ArrayBuffer(/data/user/0/in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr/tun2socks, --netif-ipaddr,, --netif-netmask,, --socks-server-addr,, --tunfd, 44, --tunmtu, 1500, --sock-path, /data/user/0/in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr/sock_path, --loglevel, 3, --dnsgw,
12-26 21:33:15.632 D/ConnectivityService(  546): Setting DNS servers for network 101 to [/]
12-26 21:33:15.650 D/tun2socks( 2667): NOTICE(tun2socks): initializing BadVPN tun2socks 1.999.130
12-26 21:33:15.661 W/ActivityManager(  546): Unable to start service Intent { (has extras) } U=0: not found
12-26 21:33:15.694 D/ConnectivityService(  546): Sending CONNECTED broadcast for type 17 NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 101] isDefaultNetwork=false
12-26 21:33:15.699 V/ConnectivityReceiver( 1976): Start check for network state, at ConnectivityReceiver.onReceive(
12-26 21:33:15.702 D/NetworkNotificationManager(  546): clearNotification id=101
12-26 21:33:15.702 D/ConnectivityService(  546): NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 101] validation passed
12-26 21:33:15.706 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:15.743 E/BandwidthController(  229): Updating quota globalAlert failed (No such file or directory)
12-26 21:33:15.749 V/xiaomi  ( 2025): [Thread:1] network changed, [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "WiredSSID", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false]
12-26 21:33:15.761 W/NetworkStats(  546): problem registering for global alert: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '53 bandwidth setglobalalert 2097152' failed with '400 53 Bandwidth command failed'
12-26 21:33:15.784 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:15.787 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:15.791 W/Finsky  ( 2537): [1] No account configured on this device.
12-26 21:33:15.814 E/MDM     ( 1278): [1] SitrepChimeraService.a: No Google accounts; deferring server state update.
12-26 21:33:16.611 I/Shadowsocks( 2552): JNI_OnLoad
12-26 21:33:16.613 D/tun2socks( 2667): NOTICE(tun2socks): entering event loop
12-26 21:33:16.613 E/emuglGLESv2_enc(  357): glGetError: GL communication error, please report this issue to
--------- beginning of crash
12-26 21:33:16.613 F/libc    (  357): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 357 (surfaceflinger)
12-26 21:33:16.614 V/xiaomi  ( 2025): 
12-26 21:33:16.614 V/xiaomi  ( 2025): Connection reset
12-26 21:33:16.614 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at
12-26 21:33:16.614 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at
12-26 21:33:16.614 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.readBytes(
12-26 21:33:16.614 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.implRead(
12-26 21:33:16.614 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at
12-26 21:33:16.614 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at
12-26 21:33:16.614 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at
12-26 21:33:16.614 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at
12-26 21:33:16.614 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at Source)
12-26 21:33:16.614 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at
12-26 21:33:16.614 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at
12-26 21:33:16.614 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at
12-26 21:33:16.614 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at
12-26 21:33:16.614 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at com.xiaomi.smack.g.f(Unknown Source)
12-26 21:33:16.614 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at com.xiaomi.smack.g.a(Unknown Source)
12-26 21:33:16.614 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at Source)
12-26 21:33:16.614 W/        (  106): debuggerd: handling request: pid=357 uid=1000 gid=1003 tid=357
12-26 21:33:16.615 E/emuglGLESv2_enc( 2509): glFinishRoundTrip: GL communication error, please report this issue to
12-26 21:33:16.615 F/libc    ( 2509): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 2536 (RenderThread)
12-26 21:33:16.615 E/emuglGLESv2_enc(  641): glGenTextures: GL communication error, please report this issue to
12-26 21:33:16.615 F/libc    (  641): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 884 (RenderThread)
12-26 21:33:16.615 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BConnection): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.615 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BSocksClient): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.615 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BConnection): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.615 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BSocksClient): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.615 V/xiaomi  ( 2025): [Thread:172] JOB: shutdown the connection. 9, Connection reset
12-26 21:33:16.616 V/xiaomi  ( 2025): [Thread:172] disconnect 140822983, 31079267
12-26 21:33:16.616 V/xiaomi  ( 2025): [Thread:172] update the connection status. connected -> disconnected : ERROR_READ_ERROR 
12-26 21:33:16.617 V/xiaomi  ( 2025): [Thread:172] schedule reconnect in 500ms
12-26 21:33:16.618 V/xiaomi  ( 2025): 
12-26 21:33:16.618 V/xiaomi  ( 2025): Broken pipe
12-26 21:33:16.618 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at Method)
12-26 21:33:16.618 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at
12-26 21:33:16.618 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at
12-26 21:33:16.618 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.writeBytes(
12-26 21:33:16.618 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.implFlushBuffer(
12-26 21:33:16.618 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.implFlush(
12-26 21:33:16.618 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.flush(
12-26 21:33:16.618 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at
12-26 21:33:16.618 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at
12-26 21:33:16.618 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at com.xiaomi.smack.util.b.flush(Unknown Source)
12-26 21:33:16.618 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at com.xiaomi.smack.i.b(Unknown Source)
12-26 21:33:16.618 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at com.xiaomi.smack.l.b(Unknown Source)
12-26 21:33:16.618 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at com.xiaomi.smack.l.a(Unknown Source)
12-26 21:33:16.618 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at com.xiaomi.push.service.XMPushService.a(Unknown Source)
12-26 21:33:16.618 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at com.xiaomi.smack.n.a(Unknown Source)
12-26 21:33:16.618 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at com.xiaomi.push.service.XMPushService$ Source)
12-26 21:33:16.618 V/xiaomi  ( 2025):   at com.xiaomi.push.service.d$ Source)
12-26 21:33:16.619 V/xiaomi  ( 2025): [Thread:172] update the client 5 status. binded->unbind CLOSE ERROR_READ_ERROR null null
12-26 21:33:16.628 I/GuardedProcess( 2552): start process: ArrayBuffer(/data/user/0/in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr/ss-local, -V, -x, -b,, -t, 600, --host, 和谐, -P, /data/user/0/in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr, -c, /data/user/0/in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr/ss-local-vpn.conf, --fast-open)
12-26 21:33:16.642 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BConnection): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.642 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BSocksClient): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.642 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BConnection): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.642 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BSocksClient): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.649 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BConnection): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.649 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BSocksClient): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.649 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BConnection): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.649 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BSocksClient): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.650 I/GuardedProcess( 2552): start process: WrappedArray(/data/user/0/in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr/pdnsd, -c, /data/user/0/in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr/pdnsd-vpn.conf)
12-26 21:33:16.654 D/shadowsocks( 2675): protocol auth_chain_d
12-26 21:33:16.654 D/shadowsocks( 2675): protocol_param 
12-26 21:33:16.654 D/shadowsocks( 2675): method none
12-26 21:33:16.654 D/shadowsocks( 2675): obfs tls1.2_ticket_auth
12-26 21:33:16.654 D/shadowsocks( 2675): obfs_param 
12-26 21:33:16.654 D/shadowsocks( 2675): using tcp fast open
12-26 21:33:16.656 D/shadowsocks( 2675): initializing ciphers... none
12-26 21:33:16.661 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BConnection): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.661 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BSocksClient): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.662 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BConnection): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.662 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BSocksClient): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.663 I/GuardedProcess( 2552): start process: ArrayBuffer(/data/user/0/in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr/ss-local, -V, -u, -t, 60, --host, 和谐, -b,, -P, /data/user/0/in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr, -c, /data/user/0/in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr/ss-tunnel-vpn.conf, -L,
12-26 21:33:16.667 I/GuardedProcess( 2552): * 12/26 21:33:16| pdnsd: info: pdnsd-1.2.9a-par starting.
12-26 21:33:16.667 I/GuardedProcess( 2552): * 12/26 21:33:16| pdnsd: warning: Could not open disk cache file /data/user/0/in.zhaoj.shadowsocksrr/pdnsd.cache: No such file or directory
12-26 21:33:16.669 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BConnection): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.669 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BSocksClient): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.674 F/DEBUG   ( 2673): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
12-26 21:33:16.675 F/DEBUG   ( 2673): Build fingerprint: 'Android/vbox86p/vbox86p:7.1.1/NMF26Q/genymo09291150:userdebug/test-keys'
12-26 21:33:16.675 F/DEBUG   ( 2673): Revision: '0'
12-26 21:33:16.675 F/DEBUG   ( 2673): ABI: 'x86'
12-26 21:33:16.675 D/shadowsocks( 2686): protocol auth_chain_d
12-26 21:33:16.675 D/shadowsocks( 2686): protocol_param 
12-26 21:33:16.675 D/shadowsocks( 2686): method none
12-26 21:33:16.675 D/shadowsocks( 2686): obfs tls1.2_ticket_auth
12-26 21:33:16.675 D/shadowsocks( 2686): obfs_param 
12-26 21:33:16.675 D/shadowsocks( 2686): initializing ciphers... none
12-26 21:33:16.675 F/DEBUG   ( 2673): pid: 357, tid: 357, name: surfaceflinger  >>> /system/bin/surfaceflinger <<<
12-26 21:33:16.675 F/DEBUG   ( 2673): signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------
12-26 21:33:16.675 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     eax 00000000  ebx 00000165  ecx 00000165  edx 00000006
12-26 21:33:16.675 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     esi f1d0858c  edi f1d08534
12-26 21:33:16.675 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     xcs 00000023  xds 0000002b  xes 0000002b  xfs 00000003  xss 0000002b
12-26 21:33:16.675 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     eip f1c34bb9  ebp ffc7f308  esp ffc7f2ac  flags 00000296
12-26 21:33:16.693 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BConnection): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.693 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BSocksClient): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673): 
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673): backtrace:
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #00 pc 00000bb9  [vdso:f1c34000] (__kernel_vsyscall+9)
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #01 pc 0007a30c  /system/lib/ (tgkill+28)
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #02 pc 00075b55  /system/lib/ (pthread_kill+85)
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #03 pc 0002786a  /system/lib/ (raise+42)
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #04 pc 0001ee46  /system/lib/ (abort+86)
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #05 pc 00016f46  /system/lib/
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #06 pc 0000c105  /system/lib/ (_ZN10GL2Encoder12s_glGetErrorEPv+69)
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #07 pc 00006540  /system/lib/egl/ (glGetError+64)
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #08 pc 00056e4c  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android10GLConsumer22bindTextureImageLockedEv+44)
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #09 pc 0002cca0  /system/lib/
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #10 pc 00025175  /system/lib/
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #11 pc 00025067  /system/lib/
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #12 pc 000422e6  /system/lib/
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #13 pc 00043537  /system/lib/
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #14 pc 0004180a  /system/lib/
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #15 pc 000403cd  /system/lib/
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #16 pc 0004016a  /system/lib/
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #17 pc 0002b3a5  /system/lib/
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #18 pc 0001923b  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper9pollInnerEi+1003)
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #19 pc 00018d84  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper8pollOnceEiPiS1_PPv+68)
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #20 pc 0002b7ab  /system/lib/
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #21 pc 0003fa57  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14SurfaceFlinger3runEv+39)
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #22 pc 0000103b  /system/bin/surfaceflinger
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #23 pc 0001533c  /system/lib/ (__libc_init+108)
12-26 21:33:16.698 F/DEBUG   ( 2673):     #24 pc 00000ccc  /system/bin/surfaceflinger
12-26 21:33:16.712 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BConnection): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.712 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BSocksClient): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.713 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BConnection): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.713 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BSocksClient): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.733 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BConnection): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.733 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BSocksClient): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.739 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BConnection): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.739 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BSocksClient): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.760 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BConnection): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.760 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BSocksClient): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.762 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BConnection): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.762 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BSocksClient): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.773 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BConnection): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.773 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BSocksClient): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.792 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BConnection): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.792 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BSocksClient): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.805 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BConnection): connection failed
12-26 21:33:16.805 D/tun2socks( 2667): ERROR(BSocksClient): connection failed
Akkariiin commented 6 years ago

多试几次,看看是不是每次都是像下面这样在JNI_OnLoad 和/或 entering event loop 之后马上就出现libc crash

 I/Shadowsocks( 2552): JNI_OnLoad
 D/tun2socks( 2667): NOTICE(tun2socks): entering event loop
 E/emuglGLESv2_enc(  357): glGetError: GL communication error, please report this issue to
--------- beginning of crash
Retia-Adolf commented 6 years ago

@Akkariiin 试了三次,都是这样

12-30 11:22:23.995 I/Shadowsocks( 8536): JNI_OnLoad
12-30 11:22:23.997 D/tun2socks( 9844): NOTICE(tun2socks): entering event loop
12-30 11:22:23.998 E/        ( 6781): rcFlushWindowColorBuffer: GL communication error, please report this issue to
12-30 11:22:23.998 F/libc    ( 6781): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 6781 (surfaceflinger)
12-30 11:22:23.998 E/emuglGLESv2_enc( 6859): glGenTextures: GL communication error, please report this issue to
12-30 11:22:23.998 F/libc    ( 6859): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 7019 (RenderThread)
12-30 11:30:05.578 I/Shadowsocks(11910): JNI_OnLoad
12-30 11:30:05.580 D/tun2socks(12909): NOTICE(tun2socks): entering event loop
12-30 11:30:05.580 E/emuglGLESv2_enc(10145): glGetError: GL communication error, please report this issue to
12-30 11:30:05.581 F/libc    (10145): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 10145 (surfaceflinger)
12-30 11:30:05.582 E/emuglGLESv2_enc(10274): glGenTextures: GL communication error, please report this issue to
12-30 11:30:05.582 F/libc    (10274): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 10424 (RenderThread)
12-30 11:31:29.603 I/Shadowsocks(15076): JNI_OnLoad
12-30 11:31:29.603 D/tun2socks(15782): NOTICE(tun2socks): entering event loop
12-30 11:31:29.603 E/emuglGLESv2_enc(13343): glGenTextures: GL communication error, please report this issue to
12-30 11:31:29.604 F/libc    (13343): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 13561 (RenderThread)
Akkariiin commented 6 years ago


12-30 11:31:29.603 I/Shadowsocks(15076): JNI_OnLoad
12-30 11:31:29.603 D/tun2socks(15782): NOTICE(tun2socks): entering event loop
12-30 11:31:29.604 F/libc    (13343): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 13561 (RenderThread)
