Closed enzi closed 1 month ago
I keep getting vulkan errors too, they're purple and have been occuring since recent patches. I am unable to even get into the main title screen.
These are the format that support the usage flag: vk::FormatFeatureFlagBits::eStorageTexelBuffer
What's bad here is that uint 32/32/32 is requested and there's no 96bit format, only 128, so it takes more of an hack to translate this buffer.
Where this confuses me: Is Windows using DX instead of Vulkan and this problem doesn't apply or is this just not supported in Linux drivers?
I'm closing this one, not followed up and the report need more information (like specs, etc ...)
Log is getting spammed with these errors and getting 1 frame very 3 seconds or so. Full log here:
[Render.Vulkan] <Error> vk_platform.cpp:DebugUtilsCallback:59: VUID-VkBufferViewCreateInfo-format-08779: Validation Error: [ VUID-VkBufferViewCreateInfo-format-08779 ] Object 0: handle = 0xf225e20000002e13, name = Buffer 0x46253000:0x2000, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_BUFFER; | MessageID = 0xb7c39078 | vkCreateBufferView(): pCreateInfo->buffer was created with usage (VK_BUFFER_USAGE_2_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT_KHR|VK_BUFFER_USAGE_2_TRANSFER_DST_BIT_KHR|VK_BUFFER_USAGE_2_UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER_BIT_KHR|VK_BUFFER_USAGE_2_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER_BIT_KHR|VK_BUFFER_USAGE_2_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BIT_KHR|VK_BUFFER_USAGE_2_STORAGE_BUFFER_BIT_KHR|VK_BUFFER_USAGE_2_INDEX_BUFFER_BIT_KHR|VK_BUFFER_USAGE_2_VERTEX_BUFFER_BIT_KHR|VK_BUFFER_USAGE_2_INDIRECT_BUFFER_BIT_KHR) containing VK_BUFFER_USAGE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER_BIT, format (VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT) must be supported for storage texel buffers. (supported bufferFeatures: VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER_BIT|VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_VERTEX_BUFFER_BIT). The Vulkan spec states: If the buffer view usage contains VK_BUFFER_USAGE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER_BIT, then format features of format must contain VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER_BIT (
[Render.Vulkan] <Error> vk_platform.cpp:DebugUtilsCallback:59: SYNC-HAZARD-READ-AFTER-WRITE: Validation Error: [ SYNC-HAZARD-READ-AFTER-WRITE ] Object 0: handle = 0x530f2b00000021f9, name = Buffer 0x4ebd8000:0xa4199000, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_BUFFER; | MessageID = 0xe4d96472 | vkCmdDrawIndexed(): Hazard READ_AFTER_WRITE for vertex VkBuffer 0x530f2b00000021f9[Buffer 0x4ebd8000:0xa4199000] in VkCommandBuffer 0x6046e59562b0[]. Access info (usage: SYNC_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_INPUT_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_READ, prior_usage: SYNC_COMPUTE_SHADER_SHADER_STORAGE_WRITE, write_barriers: 0, command: vkCmdDispatch, seq_no: 1124, reset_no: 271).
[Render.Vulkan] <Error> vk_platform.cpp:DebugUtilsCallback:59: SYNC-HAZARD-READ-AFTER-WRITE: Validation Error: [ SYNC-HAZARD-READ-AFTER-WRITE ] Object 0: handle = 0x530f2b00000021f9, name = Buffer 0x4ebd8000:0xa4199000, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_BUFFER; | MessageID = 0xe4d96472 | vkCmdDrawIndexed(): Hazard READ_AFTER_WRITE for VkBuffer 0x530f2b00000021f9[Buffer 0x4ebd8000:0xa4199000] in VkCommandBuffer 0x6046e59562b0[], VkPipeline 0x8c91f700000024d7[], and VkDescriptorSet 0x0[], type: VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER, binding #1 index 0. Access info (usage: SYNC_FRAGMENT_SHADER_UNIFORM_READ, prior_usage: SYNC_COMPUTE_SHADER_SHADER_STORAGE_WRITE, write_barriers: 0, command: vkCmdDispatch, seq_no: 1124, reset_no: 271).