shadps4-emu / shadps4-game-compatibility

Shadps4 game compatibility
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CUSA04513 - Dead Rising #598

Open negroISO opened 1 week ago

negroISO commented 1 week ago

Game Name

Dead Rising HD

Game code


Game version


Used emulator's version (only released versions are acceptable)


Current status



[Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CreateGraphicsPipeline:281: Compiling fs shader 0xf6d85035 [Debug] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CreateGraphicsPipeline:296: Unreachable code! Invalid texture type Color2DMsaa [Lib.UserService] userservice.cpp:sceUserServiceGetInitialUser:492: called [Lib.UserService] userservice.cpp:sceUserServiceGetInitialUser:492: called [Core] stubs.cpp:CommonStub:42: Stub: sceNgs2SystemRender (nid: i0VnXM-C9fc) called, returning zero to 0x90059160e [Core] stubs.cpp:CommonStub:42: Stub: sceNgs2SystemRender (nid: i0VnXM-C9fc) called, returning zero to 0x90059160e [Lib.UserService] userservice.cpp:sceUserServiceGetInitialUser:492: called [Lib.UserService] userservice.cpp:sceUserServiceGetInitialUser:492: called [Lib.UserService] userservice.cpp:sceUserServiceGetInitialUser:492: called [Lib.UserService] userservice.cpp:sceUserServiceGetInitialUser:492: called [Lib.UserService] userservice.cpp:sceUserServiceGetInitialUser:492: called [Core] stubs.cpp:CommonStub:42: Stub: sceNgs2SystemRender (nid: i0VnXM-C9fc) called, returning zero to 0x90059160e [Core] stubs.cpp:CommonStub:42: Stub: sceNgs2SystemRender (nid: i0VnXM-C9fc) called, returning zero to 0x90059160e


Last few lines of the log attached, after launching the title, the emulator immediately crashes. No screenshots to capture as it's a complete crash.


No response

Log File


StevenMiller123 commented 1 week ago

The important error here is this:

[Debug] <Critical> vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CreateGraphicsPipeline:296: Unreachable code!
Invalid texture type Color2DMsaa

This could probably be added to

negroISO commented 22 hours ago

shad_log.txt Looks like 0.3.0 got rid of the Color2DMsaa issue for this title and we can move on to other errors!

Still crashes on startup but progress is progress!

Last few lines before the crash but the full log is attached:

[Tty] libkernel.cpp:ps4write:211: libnetctlCallback: result = 0x0 [Debug] image.cpp:operator():217: Assertion Failed! [Lib.UserService] userservice.cpp:sceUserServiceGetInitialUser:492: called [Lib.NetCtl] netctl.cpp:sceNetCtlGetResult:190: (STUBBED) called eventType = 1 [Tty] libkernel.cpp:ps4write:211: libnetctlCallback: result = 0x0 [Lib.UserService] userservice.cpp:sceUserServiceGetInitialUser:492: called