shagu / pfUI

A User Interface Replacement for World of Warcraft: Vanilla & TBC
MIT License
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Can't add system messages to the Loot and Spam Window. #1209

Closed Apostheum closed 9 months ago

Apostheum commented 9 months ago

As the title implies. There doesn't seem to be a way to see system messages in this tab. I want all my HC related stuff to be relegated to this tab. Including any hcmessages alert. But there doesn't seem to be a way to make them show up here.

shagu commented 9 months ago

Sorry, but the vanilla client doesn't natively allow to change anything relating to the system messages. And pfUI uses the default chat element, not an own implementation of the whole thing. If it's just regarding the HC-Spam, check out Lexies addon that workarounds the current turtle wow client issue with it, to limit it to a single chatframe:

Apostheum commented 9 months ago

np np, saw your other msg as well. Always sucks with client limitations ,Good work on the addon , appreciated