shagu / pfUI

A User Interface Replacement for World of Warcraft: Vanilla & TBC
MIT License
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Ability #1214

Closed wexio closed 8 months ago

wexio commented 8 months ago

When i go in stealth with my rogue after leaving stealth, PFui stilltrying use abilities which areused in stealth like Ambush. I disabled addon and its ok after i Use PFui abilities wont workafter vanish .

shagu commented 8 months ago

Sounds like a configuration or another addon issue. You might want to try to disable all other addons to test again. Also you could save your WTF folder and try again with a fresh one. Because Keybinds and ability triggers are done by the game, not by pfUI. I also never had that issue, neither on my druids nor on my rogues.