shagu / pfUI

A User Interface Replacement for World of Warcraft: Vanilla & TBC
MIT License
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No player or NPC names or jobs #1222

Closed NightMortal closed 5 months ago

NightMortal commented 8 months ago

Hello. I've disabled the nameplates module, although, for some reason, it still doesn't display player or NPC names or their professions and titles. Instead, it only shows completely blank. This UI would be perfect if it would allow me to use vanilla names and titles, as the current nameplate implementation only shows names and levels, without guilds, and more importantly, the vendor and profession names of the NPCs. I'm unsure if this is an option, but I've dug around and can't find it anywhere, in-game or online.

shagu commented 5 months ago

Probably selected an incompatible Font, or used a profile of someone who changed to font to something you haven't installed. Select an existing one in pfUI -> Settings -> General -> 3D World Unit Font (then restart)