shagu / pfUI

A User Interface Replacement for World of Warcraft: Vanilla & TBC
MIT License
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unusable: performance regression in unusable item detection #1273

Closed maxcodk closed 2 months ago

maxcodk commented 2 months ago

hello! I have updated pfui and now i see fps drops during boss fights Also first load of character has become longer Also any macros or addon that searches for items in my bag and equips them(itemrack. roid macro equip macro. my own small addon) freezes the game for 1-3 secs and drops fps to 20 after it it works so bad only on 1 character with 144 bag slots what i did for tests: disabled only pfui and loaded game with all other addons, worked fine deleted WTF folder, result remained the same

maxcodk commented 2 months ago

update - it doesn`t depened on number of your slots in bags

shagu commented 2 months ago

Outch.. Could you please disable the reagent counter in the actionbar settings and the 'unusable'-module in the components section, each after the other, to see which of the both is causing it?

maxcodk commented 2 months ago


maxcodk commented 2 months ago

yes disabling unusable solved the problem

shagu commented 2 months ago

Thanks, I will look into when I get home

grynold commented 2 months ago

Disabling that module made my game run as before again. Started having problem yesterday, when changing outfit with outfitter my game would freeze for around 5 seconds. Now its back to normal with a sub second freeze.

shagu commented 2 months ago

Fixed via: