shagu / pfUI

A User Interface Replacement for World of Warcraft: Vanilla & TBC
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Reagent count not showing on Ritual of Refreshment spell on action bars #1276

Closed EyeOfTheBeast closed 1 month ago

EyeOfTheBeast commented 2 months ago

Shows as 0 despite having 20 arcane powder in my inventory: image

This is on Turtle WoW.

shagu commented 1 month ago

Is that the only spell with wrong reagent counts? Does it fix itself after a while?

EyeOfTheBeast commented 1 month ago

Ritual of Refreshment is the only spell with the wrong reagents count (my Arcane Brilliance spell displays the reagents count normally). The Ritual of Refreshment reagents display bug does not fix itself ever.


The bug may be related to the fact that the Ritual of Refreshment spell requires 2 Arcane Powder instead of just 1?

shagu commented 1 month ago

I sadly don't have a mage to test it - which makes it quite difficult to help here. It would be helpful to see how such a tooltip of the custom spell looks like. Maybe there's a parsing error?

You could help by changing this line:


_G.reagent_slots = { }

Then reload, hover your mouse over both spells and typing for each: /run print(reagent_slots[GetMouseFocus():GetID()])

It should then print the required material. You should see something like this: image

shagu commented 1 month ago

Should be fixed via this commit:

EyeOfTheBeast commented 1 month ago

Should be fixed via this commit: 2be1cac

I updated my pfUI to the latest commit build and it is indeed fixed now. Thanks, this issue can be closed now.

