shagu / pfUI

A User Interface Replacement for World of Warcraft: Vanilla & TBC
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Deleting Characters from Money List #1301

Closed Shinsiru closed 1 month ago

Shinsiru commented 1 month ago

Hey there,

I've searched myself through the variables, but I am unable to find the stored data location for money panel overview which char has how much money.

I want to delete deleted characters, so they don't show up anymore.

With kind regards Shin

shagu commented 1 month ago


Such data can be reset by clearing the "Cache": image

If you want to manually delete it, the data you're looking for is within the pfUI_cache variable that is saved per Account. It's saved under WTF/Account/<ACCOUNTNAME>/SavedVariables/pfUI.lua.

You could also clear that particular table ingame by typing: /run pfUI_cache["gold"] = {} followed by a reload. Or delete individual ones (e.g for character "Shagu" on realm "Nordanaar") via: /run pfUI_cache["gold"]["Nordanaar"]["Shagu"] = nil followed by a reload (Keep an eye on the case-sensitivity here).

Hope that helps :) Shagu