shaharkadmiel / pySW4

Setup, run, post process, and visualize numerical simulations. Primarily SW4
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Seismogram plot additions/fixes #11

Closed megies closed 6 years ago

megies commented 7 years ago

This PR fixes a problem with seismogram plotting on newer matplotlib and introduces some additional features:

shaharkadmiel commented 7 years ago

@megies , I am currently making commits into the 0.3.0 branch which I will eventually make into a release. Is there going to be an easy way to incorporate your current commits to master to the 0.3.0 branch?

This might be a bad form of doing things but I started elaborate api-documentation on the 0.3.0 branch and never got to actually releasing it. In the meantime, I made a lot of bug fixing and code additions on the 0.3.0 branch.

megies commented 7 years ago

Don't worry, we can sort it out later, it's OK for me if this doesn't get merged into master but only after your 0.3 branch is merged.

Right now I'm pretty busy, but I can stick to my local git snapshot for local work, so it's not a problem if this stays pending.

I mostly opened these PRs now, because if I don't do it right away, I won't have a good overview when coming back to all these local changes in my git repo months later.. so it's mostly to document all these changes well right now.. ;-)

shaharkadmiel commented 7 years ago


shaharkadmiel commented 6 years ago

Hi @megies , I finally got around to finalizing package-wide documentation and also added some examples, which are for now in IPython Notebook format. I've merged it into master.

Feel free to sort out the conflicting files and merge into master. I wand to make a release and add to pip and conda. I would like to do that soon.

megies commented 6 years ago

Sorry, quite busy these days.. so did this merge without problems? Or did you manually merge it?

shaharkadmiel commented 6 years ago

I resolved some conflicts and merged.

Can you quickly remind me how to add a release to PyPi and Conda?

megies commented 6 years ago

Oooof.. for pypi I think it is:

python sdist --formats=zip upload

..assuming you have ~/.pypirc set up properly..

[distutils] # this tells distutils what package indexes you can push to
index-servers =

[pypi] # authentication details for live PyPI
username: ...
password: ...

[pypitest] # authentication details for test PyPI
username: ...
password: ...

You can try to push to test pypi first:

python sdist -r pypitest --formats=zip upload

For conda.. did you already create a feedstock (via a PR in I don't see one.. here's an example for creating a feed stock:

shaharkadmiel commented 6 years ago

I'll look into conda first. Thanks!

megies commented 6 years ago

I'll look into conda first. Thanks!

Yep, you can start the staged-recipes PR with a link to a e.g. github master zipball of a planned release