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Add Code Style checker, Code coverage and Code Syntax checker tools. #10

Open mithildave opened 3 years ago

mithildave commented 3 years ago

Verify if the repo already has these tools. If not found, implement Code Style checker, Code coverage and Code Syntax checker tools.

mithildave commented 3 years ago

Hi Parth, seems like we already have configurations for code coverage in the project. Can you help extending it?

Parth59 commented 3 years ago

Hi Team,

Have added the following Extension for python code formatting. Here's an image of the Trunk working to perform Autofix. I have raised the following PR.


Parth59 commented 2 years ago

Hi Team,

I have added the code for linting as well. Here is it config file :-

Here is the addon that automatically enables it in local environment:- image

Here's the screenshot of it in action.
