shaileshmamgain5 / TwoStageRate

TwoStageRate is a library to help you promote your android app by prompting users to rate the app after using it for a few days. Also its two stage process ensures higher reviews to go to playstore while getting useful feedback on lower ratings.
GNU General Public License v3.0
55 stars 16 forks source link

Use of "resetOnDismiss" #2

Closed MarKco closed 7 years ago

MarKco commented 7 years ago

I noticed the resetOnDismiss(true) flag works only if the ratingBar is dismissed. If - when prompted to enter a review - I click on "No thanks", I'm not prompted anymore even though I set the resetOnDismiss flag.

Is there a way to be prompted again after a number of events if I clicked on "No, thanks!" when prompted to post a review?

I tried the following:

rate.setOnDialogDismissedListener(new DialogDismissedListener() { @Override public void onDialogDismissed() { rate.settings.launchTimes = 0; } });

but it seems to me it's never triggered.

Thank you Marco

shaileshmamgain5 commented 7 years ago

resetOnDismiss(boolean b) will work only when user clicks on a region outside the dialog. To reset when user declines to rate on playstore or give feedback user below code (added in new version, make sure to update the dependency as well).


These are false by default.

Thank you for reporting the issue . Cheers !!