shaj13 / go-guardian

Go-Guardian is a golang library that provides a simple, clean, and idiomatic way to create powerful modern API and web authentication.
MIT License
543 stars 55 forks source link

Congratulations and question #76

Closed frederikhors closed 3 years ago

frederikhors commented 3 years ago

If someone asks you how this project differs from, what would you answer?

Thanks for your amazing commitment! ❤️

shachardevops commented 3 years ago

@frederikhors authboss can handle ldap?.
what about jwt tokens? I currently have a problem with that package - when using jwt token I can't authorize different tokens with different IDs. authboss can help me with that?

shaj13 commented 3 years ago

@frederikhors authnboss monolithic and does not support microservice See and its aim to be used by web servers, not a real-time production server that handles thousands of RPS besides its not an idiomatic golang syntax (my thoughts) go-guardian can handle auth quickly and support different auth mechanisms. and the most importantly suitable for microservice/serverless and high concurrent servers. Most auth implementations have a monolithic design, including storage handling, messaging serialization, and network transport. This library instead follows a minimalistic design philosophy by only implementing the core auths. This minimalism buys flexibility, determinism, and performance. go-guardian is in production :).

shaj13 commented 3 years ago

@shachardevops authn boss does not support jwt See you use key id for user id, I already answered your question. let me know how I can help.