shaka-project / shaka-packager

A media packaging and development framework for VOD and Live DASH and HLS applications, supporting Common Encryption for Widevine and other DRM Systems.
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[minor] Fix the version number in the docker build #1366

Closed unext-wendong closed 3 months ago

unext-wendong commented 3 months ago

System info

Operating System: macOS Ventura 13.2.1 (Apple Silicon) Shaka Packager Version: v3.0.1

It might be an issue specific to the docker build. Tag: v3.0.0 and v3.0.1

Issue and steps to reproduce the problem

Packager Command:

docker run --rm google/shaka-packager:v3.0.1 packager --version

What is the expected result?

Like back in tag v2.5.1:

packager version v2.5.1-9f11077-release

What happens instead? Getting this output:

packager version unknown-version-debug


Note that this version string is also included in all the manifest files generated.

joeyparrish commented 3 months ago

Thank you for the report. Do you have this issue with a build from source?

I wonder if this is an issue with a shallow clone of the repo in a workflow. There are cases in general (not specific to this project) where the full history or the tags need to be pulled in separately for a build process to understand its version correctly.

unext-wendong commented 3 months ago

With locally built docker image, the version string looks correct:

packager version v3.0.1-6bff14f359-debug

There are three parts in the string: <tag>-<commit-hash>-<build-type>. I think you are correct, that the tag and commit hash are missing because of the way the repo is being checked out in the docker build Github Workflow.

For the tag part, it might be worth trying the fetch-tags: true input of actions/checkout@v4 to see if it makes any difference. From the doc, it should fetch the tag associated with the first commit at least.

For the commit hash, in case of Github Workflow, it's available in the GITHUB_SHA variable. Someone will need to figure out how to pass that from the workflow to the build script.

The build type though is currently hardcoded as debug in the Dockerfile, and can be updated easily.

joeyparrish commented 3 months ago

I'm testing a fix in my fork. So far, it's working for the release binaries on GitHub but not Docker.

I ran the same git commands from the workflow logs locally in a fresh folder, to check out the release from my fork. When I do that, the version generator script works. Those same steps in GitHub didn't work.

I'm struggling to come up with a theory that explains the difference in results.

joeyparrish commented 3 months ago

Ah, my git commands were the same, but my Docker commands were different. According to the logs, the action docker/build-push-action appears to be checking out source from git itself instead of trusting what was already checked out. We can fix this in the action config. It appears that we needed both this and the fetch-tags config on actions/checkout.

joeyparrish commented 3 months ago

My testing release on my fork is still in progress, but I see the fix working in the logs already. I added some debug info to the version script to be able to verify this quickly during a build:

#12 22.01 Found version tag: v3.0.4
#12 22.01 Version hash: f52052a
#12 22.01 Final output: v3.0.4-f52052a

Note that I made two fake releases from my fork to get this far, v3.0.3 and v3.0.4. But the next official release from here, which will contain this fix, is v3.0.3.