shaka-project / shaka-packager

A media packaging and development framework for VOD and Live DASH and HLS applications, supporting Common Encryption for Widevine and other DRM Systems.
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Unable to run executable via NPM module on Apple Silicon (even with Rosetta 2 enabled) #1375

Closed vitalygashkov closed 3 months ago

vitalygashkov commented 3 months ago

System info

Operating System: macOS Sonoma 14.3.1 (23D60) Shaka Packager Version: v3.0.3

Issue and steps to reproduce the problem

(1) Find a Mac computer running Apple Silicon chips. (2) On this Mac create a Node.js project with index.js file, install the npm package shaka-packager, then try to call installed module in that index.js file: require('shaka-packager').

What is the expected result? Macs on M chips have Rosetta 2 technology, which makes it possible to seamlessly run applications with x64 architecture. I would like to be able to run the executable on Apple Silicon: either allow the mac x64 build to run, or add a mac arm64 variant to the builds.

What happens instead? An error occurs when I call a module from Node.js script.

  throw new Error(

Error: Architecture not supported: darwin/arm64
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/user/project/node_modules/shaka-packager/index.js:28:9)
joeyparrish commented 3 months ago

Thank you for the PR!